
Public Enemy No. 2

A few days later, Ethan attended his classes, and his presence made everyone look at him in a new light.

After the battle against the Fomorians and the Invaders from a different dimension, Ethan’s name and deeds had spread all over the academy.

Even his old rival, Langston Kerr, who had been one of the Pillars of the First Years in Ethan’s generation, had grown numb to the news of his accomplishments.

Back then, he looked down on Ethan because the latter was a nobody. But now, he could no longer look at the young man in contempt. Not only did he have countless achievements, but he also had a relationship with Lilian.

The Kerr Family was a Ducal Family.

As a high-ranking noble, he was privy to many secrets about the Kingdom, including Lilian’s background, which was only known to those with extremely close ties to the Royal Family.

There was even a time when his parents had arranged for him to become Lilian’s fiance.