
Princess Ramona’s Prince Charming [Part 3]

Princess Ramona paused for a bit before continuing her story.

“More people who came from faraway lands migrated to the Lands of Alastor. The land bridges that connected the different continents served as the bridge for them to reach this place.

“The Tidebringer always had his subordinates watching over these pathways, and whenever they needed help, he would appear and lead them safely to these lands.

“For him, this place was his safe haven, and the people who lived here felt the same way. It was then that everyone started to treat him as the Guardian Deity of these lands. People even erected statues of him and prayed to him on a daily basis.

“But one day, the Tidebringer fell in love…”

“Hold on just a minute!” Joanne interjected. “Is this falling in love part important to the story? Can we just skip it?”

Joanne sighed before looking at Joanne with a face filled with injustice.

“I thought you were going to let me finish without interrupting?”