
Opening Of The Martial Hall

“Since all of you will be taking your first Practical Trials in a few weeks, I have decided to impart to you a simple and effective spell that will help you in more ways than one,” Professor Lionel said as he gazed at the First Years inside the Training Ground.

“Those who are aiming to become Magic Knights may already know this spell,” Professor Lionel added. “But for those who don’t know, today is your lucky day.”

The Knightly Professor then took out his magic sword and held it in front of him.


Professor Lionel’s body briefly glowed before he gave everyone a calm gaze.

“Amplifico is the name of the spell that boosts your strength, stamina, flexibility, as well as overall body performance,” Professor Lionel explained. “However, it doesn’t increase your Mana Capacity, or the strength of your spell. It is more of a physical boost than a magical one.