
Invaders From The Other Side [Part 2]

The Red Chameleon extended its long tongue, aiming at Ethan’s direction.

The young man didn’t back down and threw Areadbhair toward the monster’s preemptive strike with everything he had.

When the giant tongue and the flaming spear collided with each other, the Spear tore through the former, setting it ablaze.

A screech emerged from the Red Chameleon’s lips as the pain from Areadbhair’s flames made it lose its hold on the sky.

It then fell on the bottomless abyss, never to be seen again.

At that moment, several parts of the sky collapsed, and more Red Chameleons started to crawl out from it.

“Make them lose their footing!” Ethan shouted. “If we make them fall into the pit, that will be enough!”

Everyone nodded their heads, and began to use their long distance attacks at the Giant Chameleons, whose numbers had surpassed ten.

Ethan once again hurled Areadbhair at a chameleon who was aggressively crawling in their direction.