
I Like The Sound Of That

Princess Ramona continued her tale, telling Ethan a rich tale of destruction, destruction, and more destruction.

In the end, he couldn’t help but chuckle because the Princess was becoming more animated in her story telling, and of course, the topic was none other than the Mermaid Princess, Illumina.

“When a Minotaur blocked our path, she didn’t even bother to ask questions and filled its bodies with holes made from concentrated water beams,” Princess Ramona said. “When we were blocked by a pack of goblins, she sliced them in half without batting an eye.

“At first, I wasn’t able to take it because seeing blood, and dead bodies everywhere was too much for me. But, after a few weeks, I got used to it, and no longer felt queasy whenever she killed a monster.

“Finally, after nearly half a year of traveling together, we reached World’s End. The Phoenix, Eterna, tried to stop us, but Illumina made it flee for its life after they fought for a few minutes.