
For Every Action There Is An Equal Reaction [Part 1]

“Today, we will be talking about one of the simplest spells that might save your life, during a magical duel, given that the right conditions are met,” Professor Nicola, who taught Spell Casting classes, said. “This spell is called Silentium.”

The Professor was a pretty woman in her late thirties.

She had short, silver hair that only reached down to her shoulders, and golden eyes that glowed in the dark like a cat, making her one of the Professors in the academy that stood out due to her unique looks.

Today, the Grand Archmage of the Kingdom was observing her class, so Professor Nicola decided to teach the students one of the advanced spells that not even Third and Fourth Years could cast properly.

“Most Wizards and Witches use chants to cast their spells,” Professor Nicola explained. “But, there are those who can cast spells chantless. These people are either extremely talented, and hardworking, or born with the ability to understand the True Nature of Magic.