
Ethan’s Past [Part 2]

Emma explained a lot of things to Ethan, giving him a general understanding of the land's layout.

Eastshire was where the Human Kingdom was located.

In Northshire was the Stronghold of the Dwarves.

In Westshire was the Eden of the Elves.

And in Southshire was the Dominion of the Beastkin.

At the very center, where these four territories converged, was Heimdall’s Gate.

This was a Teleportation Gate that allowed them to travel to the central continent of Midgard, which was a very vast world that was nestled within the branches of Yggdrasil.

The Meredith Clan’s territory was beyond the Gate, which meant that Ethan must go to Midgard in order to better know his origin, and uncover the secrets of his true identity.