
Did You Have A Good Sleep?

“Is Ethan here?” Chloe asked Luna, who was currently watering the flowers in front of Dud Manor.

“Ethan? I knocked on his door this morning to invite him to breakfast, but he wasn’t inside his room,” Luna replied. “According to Sir Henry, he left the Dud Manor last night and hasn't come back.”

“Then, do you have any idea where he went?” Chloe inquired.

Luna shook her head. “No. But, I’m pretty sure he’s somewhere in the Academy. Why don’t you visit the Gardens first? Maybe he is with the Fairies.”

“With the Fairies?” Chloe pondered for a bit before nodding her head. “Thank you. I’ll go and see if he is with Ruby and the others.”

Having a destination in mind, Chloe left in order to find her cousin, who had a troubled look on his face when he left the Grand Coliseum a day ago.

‘He must be feeling anxious right now, and trying to think of ways to beat Lily,’ Chloe thought. ‘Tomorrow will be his battle against her, and it’s not going to be easy.’