
Ace And Archer

Ascot Town was just like any other town in Eastshire.

The people there lived perfectly normal lives.

During the two days that Ethan and his group were there, they conversed with a few locals to get a better understanding of the world.

According to them, there were still other lands beyond the sea.

However, ever since the Manticore that lived at the North of the Abel Plains made the cliffs its home, no merchant ships dared to land on their shores.

This discovery came as a complete surprise since everyone originally thought that the Legacy Domain was closed off from the world.

The locals called their island nation Verde Island.

Ethan made a mental note of the island’s name so that he could do a bit of research about it once they returned to Brynhildr Academy.

Truth be told, after spending more than a year in the Lands of Alastor, he had a vague idea of what these Legacy Gates were.