
A Second Option

Two days had passed since the great battle between Ethan and the Fomorians…

The morale of the Fomorians, which had been very high with the thoughts of their conquest, was no longer as high now that they had suffered a defeat.

Their battle against Ethan and the Ocean Races made them feel anxious and fearful about what was going to happen in the future.

As much as their Chieftains reassured them that they only lost the battle because they were at sea, that didn’t change the fact that half of their forces had been annihilated and would never be seen again.

Godfrey’s comments about Ethan hailing from the Shire Continent didn’t make things any easier, especially for the Fomorian Chieftains.

They had seen that Ethan had Areadbhair, which went by many names.

However, the Fomorians commonly knew it by one name.

The Slaughterer.