
The story behind Granpa Dennis Alakazam

Jun thought for a while. Both types had pros and cons, but personally, Jun liked discipline more than enlightenment because he could train together with Beldum. Not only would Beldum become stronger, but their friendship would also increase. While the path of enlightenment sounded powerful, who wants to meditate all day and night? Moreover, Jun wasn't sure if Beldum would gain experience through meditation.

"Hmm... Mr. Psychic, may I know if anyone has succeeded using enlightenment? Because it sounds powerful, but a little-"

"Boring and nonsense, right?" His question was cut off by Mr. Psychic.

Jun nodded a little.

"From the first time enlightment psychic training was found until now, hmm..how long is it again? Ah yes, 80 years, only 11 people basically succeed with this type of training" Mr.Psychic answered

Jun was shocked, 80 years and only 11 people succeed? damn, that was harsh. Jun gulped and asked, "Then what about discipline type? how many succeed?"

His qustioned make Mr.Psychic dumfounded. He couldn help to arched his back and moved his face forward to inquire, " You come here knowing nothing?"

Jun was baffled with his sudden question and can only nodded.

"You.. do you know anything about you grandfather Alakazam?" Mr.Psychic probed

This time Jun was completely caught of guard, "Wait, what? What is the relationship of all this with grandpa Alakazam?"

Looking at his perplexed expression, Mr. Psychic slapped his forehead in a defeated manner and thought, 'I knew this would happen since that b*stard called me earlier.'

He then turned to tell the story about his grandfather Alakazam. It turns out that before his father focused on electric-type Pokemon, he was a psychic-type Pokemon trainer. However, he was reluctant to become a psychic type trainer because he preferred the cool and flashy type of Pokemon. But, because his grandfather was forcing him, he could only comply. Later, his grandfather gave him Abra as his father's first Pokemon.

Initially, everything was going smoothly, but as time went by, his father's way of training Abra started to deviate. Abra is a psychic-type Pokemon that is weak physically, but his father's way of training Abra was through weightlifting, push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. This make Abra teleport every time he saw his father who was basically its owner. (Poor Abra was probably like, "What the heck is going on here? I thought we were supposed to use our minds, not our muscles!")

Abra then went to his grandfather and telepathically reported all of his father's abuses, completely enraging him. After a long debate, finally, his grandfather gave up and took Abra back to become his main Pokemon.

Jun facepalmed upon hearing that. Imagining Abra doing push-ups. He shook his head, amused by his father and grandfather's antics.

"Now do you understand why I asked you that? Your grandfather and father have a foundation in psychic-type Pokemon. Why didn't they tell you about that? But that's not important. Have you already chosen which one you prefer?" Mr. Psychic asked.

"Hmm, Mr. Psychic, you still haven't answered my earlier question. Do you know anyone who has succeeded in practicing it? Will there be any difference for Beldum after practicing it?"

"Anyone succeed practicing it, you said... Yes, I know a person who succeeded in practicing enlightenment. She is in the city. People called her the Saffron Witch. I think she is right, just like you now," Mr. Psychic said.

'Wait a minute. Saffron City... The witch... If I'm not mistaken," Jun was mystified and asked, "Um, Mr. Psychic, the witch that you mentioned, is her name Sabr-"

"Stop right there!" Mr. Psychic suddenly shouted, shocking Jun and his Aunt Mia.

Mr. Psychic cleared his throat and spoke gravely, "Do not speak her name here. She will know if we mention it. It is said that whoever says her name will have her visit them in the night"

Jun and Aunt Mia exchanged a nervous glance. "Is she really that powerful?" Aunt Mia asked.

Mr. Psychic only nodded affirmatively, while Jun looked at them weirdly, 'I thought the Pokemon world doesn't have Bloody Mary.'

"Then I choose the discipline type" Jun stated

"Are you sure with you choices?" Mr.Psychic was surprised. Normally if it other person, they will choose enlightment since other than it sounded powerful, if they succeed it they basically will gain eternal strength.

"Yes" Jun nodded affirmatively.

'What a joke' he brooded. Even Sabrina herself can't handle her psychic power. He knew from the Pokemon story, Sabrina definetly twisted to her core because her brain can't handle her psychic power.

Looking at Jun serious expression, Mr.Psychic only nodded.

"Then I need your Beldum to follow me today because I need to thoroughly check and formulate your training plan. Tomorrow, you will come back here and I will give you the training plan. After that, for the next three days, I need to see you and train your Beldum to see if the training plan is compatible or not. Are you okay with that?" Mr. Psychic inquired.

Jun looked at his aunt, seeing her nod, he also nodded. Then, he whispered something to Beldum and after gaining its consent and coaxing it, he said that it should become stronger quickly, he then leaves with his aunt.

"Phew.. That's very tiring" Jun exhaling a deep breath

"You did a good job, you basically handled everything yourself earlier." Aunt Mia smiled and patted his shoulder.

Jun then released Eevee from luxury ball and as always, Eevee immediately nested on Jun head making he chuckled.

"Ah yes, aunt, why not you release Bagon too. A new atmosphere will be good for its growth," Jun suggested.

His aunt thought for a while and then agreed. She released her Bagon, but didn't let it run around, afraid that it might accidentally bump into other people.

Soon, Jun and his aunt arrived at a relatively small, simple, and modern house built with wood and small gardens in front. The typical house in Saffron City is compact due to limited space and high population density. However, although the house may be small, it is designed to provide maximum comfort and convenience to its inhabitants.

This house is where Aunt Mia and Yuna usually live in Saffron City. Since the neighborhood is good and safe, and the location is relatively close to school, it is the right choice of place to live. Soon, Jun entered and found the interior to be minimalistic, with a focus on maximizing space efficiency. The living room may be small, but it is comfortable and cozy, with minimal furnishings and a low table.

His aunt then led him to his bedroom. The bedroom was also designed with simplicity and practicality in mind. The bed was a low platform style with a small wooden nightstand next to it, and a sleek lamp with a white shade provided soft lighting in the room.