
The Brighter The Light, The Deeper The Shadow

Vahan Empire…

"Welcome, Nero," Aron said as he greeted the teenage boy, who had traveled all the way from the territory of the Xynnar War Pact to the capital city of the Vahan Empire.

"Your Excellency," Nero bowed respectfully to Emperor Andreas' right-hand man, who had invited him to become a member of their faction.

Aron rested his hands on Nero's shoulders as he looked at the tool he would use to increase the chances of their success in clearing the Gate of Famine.

"I'm sure you are tired from your journey," Aron said before making a gesture for Nero to follow him. "We have prepared the best accommodations for you. Don't worry. Leaving the Wildgarde Stronghold was the best decision you had made. Staying there would have only hindered your growth."

Nero didn't reply and simply followed behind the High-Ranker, who thought that he had acquired a convenient tool that he could boss around.