
Guild Discussion About Relocation

Valerie's laughter melodiously echoed in the air like the chime of bells as she ran through the hallways of Lux's Guild Headquarters while being chased by her Baby Dragon Slime, Kei.

Ali and Ari watched the scene from the side, feeling extremely happy for their Princess. For some reason, both of them also had the urge to raise a Baby Slime of their own, just to have something in common with the innocent girl that they were in charge of.

"Do you want to raise Baby Slimes as well?" Lux asked the two maids, who were looking at Valerie with fond eyes.

"What do you think, Ari?" Ali asked her sister. "Should we raise Baby Slimes as well?"

"Why not?" Ari replied. "Let's get one later when Her Highn— I mean, Valerie has had her fill of playing tag with Kei."

Faustina, who was also watching the Dragon Princess, gave Ari a stern gaze, making the handmaid's body stiffen.

Lux, who seemed to be unaware of what was going on between the girls, only nodded his head in understanding.