
Strongest Magician's Unlimited Mana

In a world where traditional mages are deemed obsolete due to the creation of the powerful Tulk cards—a revolutionary invention capable of storing magic spells—Mizar Morgan yearns to become a formidable battle mage known as a 'Duelist'. Undeterred by the exorbitant price of these coveted cards, Mizar remains determined to master the art of casting magic spells through traditional means. His unwavering passion drives him forward, despite the odds stacked against him. One fateful day, Mizar and his trusted friend stumble upon a mysterious book bestowed upon them by an enigmatic merchant. Its title: "Unlimited Mana Manual." Within its pages lies the promise of unlocking boundless reserves of mana—a priceless resource for any aspiring mage. Guided by their unwavering determination and armed with their unique blend of traditional magic and revolutionary cards, Mizar and his friend must navigate treacherous battles, and unravel the truth behind the Unlimited Mana Manual. ((My discord username is tachyonguy, ask me anything. but please don't spam message or advertising in my dm. also I already have an editor))

CardCreator · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

Where it begin

Vanta fell to the ground, his body stiffening as the impact of Letto's phasing bullet took its toll.

"Ouch! It stings..." Vanta winced, feeling the intense pain radiating through his body.

Ridley and Mizar rushed to his side, concern etched on their faces. "Vanta, are you okay?" Ridley asked, his voice filled with worry.

Struggling to find his breath, Vanta managed to reply, "I'm alright, just a flesh wound... but ah! It hurts like hell."

As Vanta tried to move his shoulder, a sharp jolt of pain shot through him. Ridley extended a helping hand, assisting him in getting up, while Mizar reached for the "Heal" Card that Letto had given him earlier.

"Stay still while I attend to your wound," Mizar urged, his voice gentle but determined. He carefully applied the card, activating its healing properties.

A warm green light emitted from the card, casting a soothing glow onto Vanta's injured shoulder. The light enveloped the wound, stitching it together and repairing any internal damage. As the light faded, there was no trace of the injury remaining.

Vanta's eyes widened in astonishment as he examined his shoulder. The wound that had caused him such agony moments ago had vanished completely, replaced by unblemished skin.

Vanta took a moment to steady himself, the pain now a distant memory. With a deep breath he tried to collect himself.

"how am I doing?"

"Well done" Letto complimented.

He could barely reply as the duration of the anti-drawback channel release has ended and Letto sit down with trembling feet.

The alley bore the marks of devastation left behind by the intense fight, yet fortunately, the damage was not as severe as it could have been.

The aftermath of the battle left its unmistakable imprint on the alley. Cracked walls, shattered debris, and scorch marks served as reminders of the fierce clash that had taken place. The surroundings were in disarray, with scattered objects and signs of upheaval, showcasing the force unleashed during the confrontation.

However, amidst the visible destruction, a sense of relief prevailed. The damage, though significant, had been contained, sparing the alley from complete devastation.

"Mizar exclaimed, 'You guys really went all out! My heart kept racing the whole time!'"

Mizar was awestruck by the intense duel between Vanta and Letto. His eyes shimmered with excitement as he watched every move during the confrontation. However, Ridley wore a different expression on his face.

Ridley's expression was a mix of concern and unease as he observed the intense duel between Vanta and Letto. While Mizar's heart raced with exhilaration, Ridley's brows furrowed, revealing his worry for the safety of the participants.

As each powerful strike resonated throughout the alley, Mizar couldn't help but cheer with enthusiasm, marveling at the skill and determination displayed by both Vanta and Letto. Their excitement filling the air.

However, Ridley's concern deepened with each clash of spells and each lightning-fast maneuver. He knew the risks involved in such a fierce confrontation, and his protective instincts kicked in. His eyes darted between the combatants, gauging their exhaustion and searching for any signs of potential danger.

While Mizar reveled in the exhilarating spectacle, completely immersed in the duel, Ridley's mind raced with thoughts of caution. He couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something unexpected might occur, threatening the safety of those involved.

When the duel reached its climax, Mizar's heart pounded even harder, engrossed in the riveting display of skill and bravery. But Ridley's worry peaked, and he found himself holding his breath, his eyes glued to the ongoing battle, ready to act at a moment's notice.

Ridley let out a sigh of relief, his expression softening as he saw both Vanta and Letto exchange respectful nods and return to their usual self. While relieved that the duel had concluded without any major incidents, Ridley couldn't shake off the remnants of worry that lingered within him.

Mizar turned to Ridley, his eyes shining with exhilaration. "Wasn't that amazing?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe. But Ridley, though appreciative of the skill and bravery displayed, couldn't fully share Mizar's unbridled enthusiasm. Instead, he offered a faint smile and replied, "It was indeed quite a spectacle, but let's hope they both recover well from such an intense battle."

He scolded his two friends for going too far with their duel. Despite his initial concerns, Ridley couldn't contain his frustration any longer. As the cheers subsided and the adrenaline began to fade, he approached Vanta and Letto with a stern expression on his face.

"You guys really went all out, but you crossed the line," Ridley admonished, his voice filled with a mix of concern and disapproval. "I understand the need for a thrilling duel, but risking each other's safety to this extent is unnecessary."

Vanta and Letto exchanged glances, their faces reflecting a mix of exhaustion and realization. They hadn't anticipated Ridley's stern response, and it served as a wake-up call. They had gotten caught up in the excitement of the moment, pushing the boundaries of their abilities without fully considering the consequences.

Ridley continued, his tone firm yet sincere, "I know you both possess incredible skill and passion, but it's crucial to remember that there are limits. We must prioritize safety and well-being, not just for yourselves but also for those watching."

Feeling remorseful, Vanta lowered his gaze and nodded in agreement. Letto, too, acknowledged the truth in Ridley's words and offered an apologetic nod. The realization of their mistake weighed heavily on them both.

Ridley's stern expression softened as he saw their genuine remorse. He wasn't angry, but rather concerned about the potential harm they could have inflicted upon themselves or others. Taking a deep breath, he added, "I'm not trying to discourage your passion or skill. Just remember to exercise caution and respect the boundaries in future duels. Your abilities are incredible, and I believe you can showcase them without endangering yourselves."

Mizar, who had been observing the exchange, chimed in with a nod of agreement. "Ridley is right," he added earnestly. "We all love watching you both perform, but we also want you to stay safe and continue to amaze us with your talent."

Vanta and Letto exchanged grateful glances, appreciating the concern and support from their friends. They understood the importance of finding a balance between excitement and responsibility, and they vowed to learn from this experience.

Letto commented on the new powerful magic Vanta possessed, saying, "To be honest, I was surprised as well. I've always known you to be the sharpest tool in the shed, but you've exceeded my expectations."

Vanta's newfound magical prowess had caught Letto off guard. Letto had witnessed Vanta's growth and talent over the years, but the recent display of power had taken it to a whole new level. Letto couldn't help but be impressed by the magnitude of Vanta's abilities.

"To think that you've reached such heights," Letto continued a hint of awe in their voice. "Your mastery of magic has truly surpassed what I had imagined."

Vanta, humbled by Letto's words, grinned with a mixture of pride and gratitude. Letto had been a constant companion on their magical journey, and to receive such praise from a skilled mage like Letto meant a great deal.

"Thank you," Vanta replied, their voice filled with appreciation.

"I'm ready to hear, how and when did you get this power"

It's time for them to hear the answer from Vanta. They were ready to believe whatever crazy things he had to say.

"Ah…right. Before that, let me tidy up myself. I'm a mess right now"

He then started to tell them the full story of his power origin.

"I received the book a week before the mana aptitude test. I went sightseeing for a Tulk card at the card store. I heard a new batch of cards is coming out and I went there to see them."

Vanta told them what had happened when he got the unlimited mana manual.

It was a sunny Sunday afternoon when he goes to see a new release of Tulk card on the Card Store. That's where he met with the guy who gave him the manual.