
Strongest Magician's Unlimited Mana

In a world where traditional mages are deemed obsolete due to the creation of the powerful Tulk cards—a revolutionary invention capable of storing magic spells—Mizar Morgan yearns to become a formidable battle mage known as a 'Duelist'. Undeterred by the exorbitant price of these coveted cards, Mizar remains determined to master the art of casting magic spells through traditional means. His unwavering passion drives him forward, despite the odds stacked against him. One fateful day, Mizar and his trusted friend stumble upon a mysterious book bestowed upon them by an enigmatic merchant. Its title: "Unlimited Mana Manual." Within its pages lies the promise of unlocking boundless reserves of mana—a priceless resource for any aspiring mage. Guided by their unwavering determination and armed with their unique blend of traditional magic and revolutionary cards, Mizar and his friend must navigate treacherous battles, and unravel the truth behind the Unlimited Mana Manual. ((My discord username is tachyonguy, ask me anything. but please don't spam message or advertising in my dm. also I already have an editor))

CardCreator · Kỳ huyễn
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In the sacred tome known as the Unlimited Mana Manual, it elucidated the art of overlaying multiple layers upon the membrane's surface, thereby creating a formidable Overlay. This remarkable technique not only bolstered the wearer's defense but also amplified the membrane's mana absorption capabilities.

However, there existed a caveat: the number of layers that could be formed was intrinsically tied to the wearer's mana capacity. Consequently, individuals lacking in mastery, like the hapless Vanta, found themselves incapable of manifesting an Overlay.

Even the adept Mizar could only manage to generate a scant few additional layers upon his membrane. Yet, the effectiveness of Overlay's protective shield became readily apparent as it successfully withstood the relentless assault of the witch. To achieve this feat, Mizar had to exert the majority of his mana reserve, leaving him drained and vulnerable.

"Gah!..." Mizar's strength waned, and he crumpled to his knees. The burdens of fatigue began to weigh upon him.

"This has truly taken its toll on me. The mere addition of a couple more layers has depleted my entire reserve of mana," he lamented. While the membrane provided him with a renewable source of mana for combat, utilizing his mana core still exacted a toll, leaving him weary.

Both Mizar and the witch now found themselves bereft of energy, their reserves fully depleted.

The battle came to an abrupt halt, ending as swiftly as it had commenced. The clash of spells and steel subsided, leaving the once formidable witch utterly drained of strength. Her body sagged, and her breathing labored.

Nine, who had watched the intense confrontation unfold with a mix of fear and fascination, now observed a striking transformation in the witch's countenance. The flames of agitation that had burned fiercely in her eyes moments ago had now been extinguished, replaced by an undeniable weariness and vulnerability. The young girl's heart stirred with compassion.

"Damn it! Why did that brat possess it? That...thing," the witch muttered, her gaze fixated on Mizar's Membrane. It dawned upon her that the object and its origins were familiar, stemming from the very book that held her secrets.

Struggling to summon her words due to her weakened state, the witch's voice faltered. She coughed violently, blood staining her lips just as she was about to continue.

"Mom!" Nine's voice pierced the air, filled with genuine concern as she emerged from her hiding place, rushing to the witch's side without a second thought.

"Are you okay?" Nine inquired, her fear momentarily overridden by her deep-rooted care for the injured witch.

The witch's face contorted, torn between pain and frustration. "Argh! If you truly cared for me, you wouldn't have left my side!" she retorted, her voice laced with bitterness and vulnerability. The strain of the battle had taken its toll, both physically and emotionally.

"I'm sorry... but I had to come here. I had to get your cure from Mr. Victor," Nine explained, her voice tinged with urgency and determination.

Mizar's mind raced, trying to recall the previous conversation he had with Nine. Yes, she had mentioned meeting a colleague at this location. Was Mr. Victor the person she had referred to all along?

The witch's anger flared at Nine's explanation for her disobedience. "What?! Don't you remember that he was the reason I got this damn disease in the first place!" she shouted, her frustration and resentment palpable.

Mizar's gaze shifted between Nine and the witch, his heart heavy with concern. The witch's condition was deteriorating rapidly. It was evident that she was in pain and struggling to breathe, her weakened state suggesting that her illness might be the cause of her vulnerability. Even Mizar, despite his initial animosity, recognized that she was too weak to engage in a proper fight. She had pushed herself too far and had injured herself in the process.

The realization struck Mizar deeply. He knew that the witch had underestimated her own limitations, willingly entering into a battle she was incapable of handling. It dampened the thrill he had once felt, realizing that the opponent he had faced was handicapped and unable to fight properly from the start.

Making up his mind, Mizar lowered his defenses, bringing an end to the fight with the witch. Concerned for both Nine and the witch, he approached them, his footsteps filled with a sense of empathy and compassion.

"Okay, I've seen enough. Let's stop," Mizar declared, his voice now laced with a newfound maturity and empathy. He took a step closer, addressing the witch directly. "And miss, don't be too mad at her. She was just trying to help."

The witch's retort came through clenched teeth, her voice strained with pain. "What do you know, kid? You have no idea what was really happening."

Mizar remained undeterred by her harsh words. He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Yes, I may not know everything, but that's why I want to ask you about it. You mentioned the mana manual, right? I'm willing to share everything I know, and I hope you can do the same."

As the witch winced, her expression softened slightly, a flicker of curiosity replacing some of the anger. She realized that Mizar's intention was not to further aggravate the situation but rather to seek understanding and knowledge.

"I... I suppose there's no harm in exchanging information," the witch conceded, her voice strained. "But make it quick. My condition is worsening."

Mizar nodded, his eyes conveying a genuine sense of empathy. He began to share what he had learned from the mana manual, discussing where he and his friends got it from. As he spoke, he could see the witch's curiosity grow, her pain momentarily forgotten as her focus shifted to the discussion.

In turn, the witch shared her knowledge about the origin of the disease that afflicted her and its connection to Mr. Victor. She revealed the dark secrets within the mana manual that had caused her suffering, her voice laden with a mix of resentment and vulnerability.

"That book was mine, the concept and the idea, at least," the witch explained, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and ownership.

As the witch shared her insights, Mizar listened intently, absorbing every word. He sensed the weight of her words, realizing the significance of her connection to the book.

Wanting to help her, he swiftly retrieved his "Heal" cards and other restorative spells. Applying them carefully, a soothing green glow emanated from the cards, enveloping the witch. Relief washed over her features as the cards' magic began to work its mending effect. Gradually, the light faded, leaving the witch rejuvenated and able to speak.

Gathering her newfound strength, the witch began to recount her experiences. "Victor... I have no goddamn idea what was going on in his twisted mind. Out of nowhere, he created hundreds of inventions and creations. That includes the cards and the manual."

Mizar's mind spun, trying to process her revelation. Before he could make the connection, the witch provided the answer, laying bare the truth. "Yes, he was the creator of the Tulk card and the Unlimited Mana Manual. The greatest genius of all time, Victor Winhard."

Shock and confusion coursed through Mizar's veins. "


He stammered, struggling to comprehend the enormity of the situation. But then, as if struck by lightning, realization dawned upon him.

"Wait... Vanta. He went to Winhard Enterprise as an intern!" Mizar exclaimed, connecting the dots and unraveling the intentions of his friend.

It became clear to Mizar that Vanta had already pieced together this puzzle and sought direct answers from the creator himself—Victor Winhard, the CEO of Winhard Enterprise. The pieces fell into place, and Mizar understood his friend's purpose.

"So, this is what was really happening. This Victor guy must be incredibly brilliant to create such powerful items. And he's distributing them for free?" Mizar's astonishment resonated in his words.

The gravity of the situation sank in. The events unfolding now reached far beyond Mizar and his acquaintances; they entangled the entire world.

Lost in his thoughts, Mizar failed to notice the witch's recovery, brought about by the healing spell cards he had used. Her strength regained, she observed him and pounced on him.

"No!" Nine was scared and concerned. She thought that the witch still harbored some resentment towards Mizar and was about to hurt him.

But then, something unexpected happened. She looked at Mizar with amazement and curiosity.

Mizar couldn't help but be flustered and surprised by the witch's gesture. "H-huh? What are you doing?"

"Say... You're a really interesting fellow yourself. Forget about what the book can do to you. How the hell are you so calm against my lightning? You know you'll die if it hits you, right?" asked the witch. Her face was right on top of him, trying to wring out an answer from him.

Innocently and simply, Mizar answered in a way that caught the witch off guard. "Because I know I won't get hit," he said with certainty and confidence.

The witch's eyes widened, surprised by the kid's nerves and guts. He was fearless and unfazed. He was unhinged.

"Right..." she muttered. She got off him and fell deep into thought, pondering something.

Mizar wondered what the witch was thinking. But soon, the witch proceeded to talk to him.

"I have a request for you," said the witch. She was about to ask for a request from Mizar. And that request was...