
Strongest Magician's Unlimited Mana

In a world where traditional mages are deemed obsolete due to the creation of the powerful Tulk cards—a revolutionary invention capable of storing magic spells—Mizar Morgan yearns to become a formidable battle mage known as a 'Duelist'. Undeterred by the exorbitant price of these coveted cards, Mizar remains determined to master the art of casting magic spells through traditional means. His unwavering passion drives him forward, despite the odds stacked against him. One fateful day, Mizar and his trusted friend stumble upon a mysterious book bestowed upon them by an enigmatic merchant. Its title: "Unlimited Mana Manual." Within its pages lies the promise of unlocking boundless reserves of mana—a priceless resource for any aspiring mage. Guided by their unwavering determination and armed with their unique blend of traditional magic and revolutionary cards, Mizar and his friend must navigate treacherous battles, and unravel the truth behind the Unlimited Mana Manual. ((My discord username is tachyonguy, ask me anything. but please don't spam message or advertising in my dm. also I already have an editor))

CardCreator · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

Mizar Squad Vs Abel (1)

Abel had been waiting patiently for them. As he observed, he marveled at how they grew stronger in the blink of an eye..

Mizar possessed an unrivaled talent for mastering new skills, leaving others in awe of his extraordinary ability. His intuition and innate connection to magic were truly remarkable, filling Abel with immense pride for his younger brother.

Letto, on the other hand, possessed a treasure trove of resources that would make even the most accomplished magicians green with envy. His extensive collection of magical cards held countless possibilities and secrets waiting to be unleashed.

Then there was Vanta, an enigmatic individual with an uncanny knack for swiftly assessing the situation and devising ingenious countermeasures against formidable foe. His ability to think on his feet and adapt in the face of adversity left Abel astounded.

As for Ridley, Abel couldn't help but overlook him, as he seemed to blend into the background without any noteworthy qualities that caught his attention. Ridley appeared to be the epitome of ordinary, lacking any standout attributes that impressed Abel in any significant way.

Abel's anticipation soared to new heights as he eagerly anticipated the moment he would engage in a thrilling duel against each of them simultaneously. The mere thought of such an exhilarating challenge sent waves of excitement coursing through his veins.

With each of his opponents standing proudly in the grand duel venue, the atmosphere crackled with tension. Abel's heart pounded with a mix of nerves and determination, fueled by the knowledge that this battle would test his mettle like never before.

As the duel unfolded, Axel, a seasoned observer, watched intently from the spectating bench, his eyes filled with a blend of curiosity and admiration. He recognized the magnitude of the challenge Abel had willingly embraced and eagerly awaited the unfolding spectacle. The clash of magic and wits was about to unfold, promising a display of skill and strategy that would leave everyone breathless.

"Let the games begin," Abel declared, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as he generously offered Mizar squad the first move, ready to face their combined onslaught head-on.

In a display of synchronicity, each of them unleashed a trio of card centered around speed. "Ongoing Haste, Quicken, and Swift!" their voices resounded, intertwining their Tulk card to enhance their agility to unparalleled levels.

Letto, his hands a blur of lightning-fast motion, deftly drew six cards into his grasp, his collection unfurling like a mesmerizing fan of arcane possibilities. With an air of calculated determination, he unleashed a symphony of defensive spells that would fortify him against any incoming assault.

First, Letto use a card and conjured the Wall of Effulgent Beryl on himself, a shimmering barrier of crystalline energy that stood tall and impenetrable, ready to repel any oncoming threats. Its radiant glow exuded an air of invincibility, serving as a formidable defense.

Next, his senses honed to a razor's edge, Letto employed the Detect card, a heightened perception that would grant him unparalleled awareness of his surroundings. Every minute detail would now be within his grasp, ensuring no adversary could catch him off guard.

Not stopping there, Letto invoked a card called Net Wall on Ridley, Any spells cast in his direction would find their strength diminished, unable to breach his defenses.

In preparation for physical attacks, Letto summoned an earth wall that erupted from the ground in front of Vanta to protect him, an unyielding bulwark of stone and soil standing resolute against any assailant. Its sheer mass and durability is present in front of Vanta as a means of defense.

To further fortify Mizar, Letto erected a mana barrier using a card with the same name, an ethereal shield pulsating with pure magical energy. It crackled and hummed, an impenetrable shield that could absorbed and dissipated the force of incoming attacks. He did it so that his friend would be able to survive an opponent attack.

Lastly, Letto harnessed the power of Samson Strength, a spell that infused his body with unparalleled might. His muscles bulged with newfound power, and his every movement exuded a potent aura of raw strength, ready to repel even the most formidable adversaries.

Letto assumed the crucial role of support, positioning himself strategically to aid his allies from the rear.

Meanwhile, Vanta, the master of manipulation, played his Arrangement card, He sets 50 Systole Chain card and hold off the activation to use them later, creating some sort of a ready-use multiple spell of binding chain. When the time is right, all 50 of them can come out all at the same time.

Ridley, positioned strategically at the rear, remained vigilant, a steadfast sentinel standing guard, prepared to repel any unexpected threats. He unfold several layers of Membrane that cover his entire body, making him as some sort of human shield.

At the front of the squad, running with a burst of lightning speed, Mizar bolted forward, his every stride a blur, closing the distance between him and Abel with astonishing swiftness.

With Mizar now within striking range, a surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins. In a split second, he unleashed a seemingly simple fireball spell, his palm erupting in a blaze of intense flames. But there was more to this spell than met the eye.

As the fireball hurtled towards Abel, its trajectory distorted by the extraordinary Blaze Accelerator technique, a breathtaking transformation occurred. The flames intensified, roaring with an infernal fury as the heat grew exponentially. What was once a mere fireball now morphed into a scorching orb of pure elemental power.

The air crackled with searing heat, creating a shimmering mirage around the projectile. Sparks danced and twisted within its core, indicating the immense energy contained within. It was a sight to behold—a testament to Mizar's mastery and the ferocity of his attack.

Time seemed to slow as the blazing fireball hurtled towards Abel, leaving a trail of scorching heat in its wake.

You did well, for a freshman," Abel quipped with a smirk, his unwavering resolve undeterred even in the face of the scorching orb hurtling towards him. With a fluid motion of his hand, he unleashed the true depths of his power.

Summoning a pure force of mana, Abel weaved intricate patterns in the air, his movements a testament to his mastery over the arcane arts. The mana surged around him, a shimmering shield of raw energy that crackled with immense power.

As the fiery projectile drew nearer, its intensity threatening to consume everything in its path, Abel channeled the force of his mana directly at the heart of the inferno. In a breathtaking display of control, the flames were extinguished in an instant, suffocated by the overwhelming power of his mana manipulation.

Now, it's my turn," Abel declared, his presence emanating an intimidating aura that sent a shiver down the spines of his opponents. Channeling his formidable power, he unleashed a spell that may have been basic in name, but in execution, it was nothing short of awe-inspiring.

With a swift gesture, Abel conjured the infamous magic missile, a manifestation of raw energy forged from the depths of mana itself. The air crackled with anticipation as the missile materialized before him, pulsating with untamed power.

In a breathtaking display of precision and control, the magic missile branched out, splitting into multiple projectiles that sought out each of his adversaries. The force behind each missile was so overwhelming that it ripped through the air, creating a symphony of sonic booms that reverberated with a wet, thunderous sound.

The battlefield became a mesmerizing dance of destruction as the missiles closed in on their targets, their relentless pursuit leaving no room for escape.

The air crackled with anticipation as the magic missiles hurtled towards their targets. With uncanny precision, the projectiles closed in on their unsuspecting adversaries, their speed and force leaving no room for escape.

"Incoming!! " Shout Vanta as they brace for an impact.

In a breathtaking moment of impact, the missiles struck their marks simultaneously, unleashing an explosive burst of energy. The sheer power behind the collision caused a shockwave that reverberated through the battlefield.

As if frozen in time, the four boys halted in their tracks. The force of the impact sent shockwaves rippling through their bodies, immobilizing them against their will. Their expressions froze in a mix of surprise and disbelief, realizing the immense power unleashed upon them.

A thunderous explosion reverberated through the battlefield as the missiles tore through the defenses that Letto had meticulously prepared. The protective barriers shattered under the relentless assault, threatening to render their efforts in vain.

In that heart-stopping moment, just as despair loomed on the horizon, a shimmering layer of membrane emerged, casting a translucent shield of salvation. The missiles, destined to deliver devastation, collided with the ethereal barrier.

The membrane pulsed with a radiant energy, absorbing the sheer force of the projectiles, siphoning their destructive power and transmuting it into raw mana. A dazzling display of arcane mastery unfolded as the missiles dissipated into wisps of swirling energy.

The air crackled with the remnants of the obliterated missiles, and a collective gasp of relief escaped from their lips. They had narrowly escaped the brink of defeat, spared by the resilient layer of membrane that had shielded them from imminent destruction.

The battlefield fell into a momentary silence, punctuated only by the lingering echoes of the impact. they held their breath, their eyes fixed on the scene of utter devastation. The impact had been so catastrophic that the very ground beneath them quivered with the aftermath.

Abel, the architect of this awe-inspiring display, stood at the epicenter, his gaze fierce and unyielding. He had unleashed a torrent of power that had brought even the most formidable opponents to their knees. It was a testament to his unwavering resolve and indomitable spirit.

The four boys, caught in the grip of the devastating magic, struggled to regain their composure. The battle had taken an unexpected turn, and the tide had shifted in Abel's favor in just one move.