
Strongest Magician's Unlimited Mana

In a world where traditional mages are deemed obsolete due to the creation of the powerful Tulk cards—a revolutionary invention capable of storing magic spells—Mizar Morgan yearns to become a formidable battle mage known as a 'Duelist'. Undeterred by the exorbitant price of these coveted cards, Mizar remains determined to master the art of casting magic spells through traditional means. His unwavering passion drives him forward, despite the odds stacked against him. One fateful day, Mizar and his trusted friend stumble upon a mysterious book bestowed upon them by an enigmatic merchant. Its title: "Unlimited Mana Manual." Within its pages lies the promise of unlocking boundless reserves of mana—a priceless resource for any aspiring mage. Guided by their unwavering determination and armed with their unique blend of traditional magic and revolutionary cards, Mizar and his friend must navigate treacherous battles, and unravel the truth behind the Unlimited Mana Manual. ((My discord username is tachyonguy, ask me anything. but please don't spam message or advertising in my dm. also I already have an editor))

CardCreator · Kỳ huyễn
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After striking a deal with the trader, Vanta tried to master the newfound power contained within the book. He diligently delved into it, immersing himself in the intricacies of the membrane and its application. With unwavering determination, he honed his understanding of the membrane's capabilities, grasping its potential to manipulate mana in extraordinary ways.

Simultaneously, Vanta dedicated himself to learning the intricacies of the Wicked Tracer spell. He studied its mechanics, its intricacies, and the optimal situations in which to employ it. Through relentless practice and experimentation, he sought to harness the spell's destructive force and the strategic advantage it bestowed upon him in battle.

When he was told that he had no talent for using magic, he realized he had to tell his friends about his secret. Otherwise, it would be strange for him to suddenly exhibit magical abilities after his test results indicated otherwise.

That is why he told them about the mana manual and how it was a miraculous way to increase his magic capabilities.

"The trader name is Daniel Noah, he was a card merchant. That's all I know about him."

The boys heard the story that Vanta told. According to him, the guy who's giving him the mana manual wants Vanta to be a sponsored duelist.

Hearing this story, they can't help but to wonder why that man gave Vanta such a precious and priceless item just like that. The trade off doesn't seem to be fair.

"I have never heard of that name," said Letto, expressing his unfamiliarity with the name in the entertainment industry or any known duelist.

Ridley, who hailed from a merchant family, echoed Letto's sentiment. "I'm with Letto on this. I don't believe I recognize that name either. It's possible that he's using an alias."

"Yeah, he does seem suspicious, but he did give me this life-changing thing. Let's put that aside for now. Now that I've shared everything with you guys, it's time for you to learn as well," Vanta declared.

He presented the manual to the boys, holding it out for them to see.

As they laid eyes on the book, they noticed an intense mana trace emanating from it, carrying a distinct aura that seemed to belong to the original owner. It exuded a menacing and powerful energy, suggesting the presence of a formidable magician.

"Go ahead, touch it," Vanta encouraged his friends, inviting them to explore the book's mystical properties.

Respectively, they each reached out and touched the book, instantly feeling a surge of energy coursing through their bodies.

As their fingertips made contact with the book's pages, a small fraction of the mana contained within it transferred to them. They could sense the mana's transformative effects taking hold, causing something within them to stir and change.

Mana, the energy that flows within all living beings, has the ability to be transferred or stored within objects. This is how magic spells can be contained within Tulk cards.

The same principle applied to the mana manual. Within its pages, it held valuable knowledge on gathering mana—a method that allowed the creation of magic spells without relying solely on the mana core of the user.

The mana core serves as the primary source of mana for every living being, continuously generating a specific amount of mana that is subsequently emitted by the individual. This emission is known as the mana signature.

"The book explains that Membrane replaces the role of the mana core, gathering mana on behalf of the user for casting magic," Vanta clarified, sharing the information he had learned.

Once again, he utilized the membrane.

"At first, I believed this thing was a spell or an object made entirely of mana, but my assumptions were mistaken," he explained, as he began to shed the membrane from his body, much like a snake shedding its skin. It effortlessly sloughed off.

"It's more akin to a tangible object, resembling an artifact, but it utilizes parts of your own body as materials for its growth. It's almost like an additional organ that has been implanted within you," he elaborated, describing the unique nature of the membrane.

"How did we get this membrane in the first place?" Mizar asked with a serious tone, expressing his disbelief at the concept of such a transformation occurring on a human body. His biology class had never covered anything so advanced, leaving him with only a partial understanding of what Vanta had explained.

"I presume the book holds the key to growing this skin, am I right?" Letto guessed, suggesting that the book might provide the means to develop such a formidable armament on one's body. If Vanta's words were accurate, this membrane didn't require the use of mana to function—an incredible advantage for mages. It meant they could conserve mana and cards for defensive purposes if they possessed this ability.

"Yes, you're partly correct. Instead of being a means to obtain the membrane, the book itself is the source," Vanta clarified as he tore a small piece of paper from the book. "Take this and eat it."

Mizar obediently followed his instructions, placing the paper in his mouth and chewing on it. "It tastes like old paper," he described while munching on the paper.

"Do we have to eat it?" Ridley hesitantly questioned, concerned about the impact of consuming paper on their stomachs. He wanted to know if there was an alternative method to acquire the power from the book.

"Actually, you don't have to, it dissolve it with your mana and absorb it into your body," explained Vanta. "But it will take a longer time to work if you choose not to eat it. You see, this membrane has a unique property that allows it to bond with the user's body naturally."

As Vanta spoke, the membrane began emerging from their skin. It didn't directly touch them, but as it completely detached from their skin, it started enveloping their entire body, as if driven by its own will. Instinctively, the membrane shielded the owner's body, forming a protective veil.

Ridley was captivated by this extraordinary phenomenon and couldn't resist reaching out to touch and feel the surface of the membrane. "It's softer than silk... and warm too," he marveled, his fingers gliding over the membrane's surface.

As the membrane enveloped their body, a peculiar sensation washed over them. Their senses heightened, allowing them to perceive the subtle presence of mana in the air. It was as if a veil had been lifted from their perception, revealing a hidden layer of energy that pulsed and danced around them.

Sensing mana was an ethereal experience. It manifested as a delicate, tingling vibration that gently caressed their skin, infusing the air with a subtle shimmer. It carried a distinct scent, reminiscent of an otherworldly blend of nature's essence and raw potential.

With their newfound sensitivity, they could distinguish the ebb and flow of mana currents, like unseen rivers traversing the fabric of reality. Each surge of mana felt distinct, carrying its own unique signature and intensity. They could almost taste it, a faint, electrifying sweetness on the tip of their tongue.

As they immersed themselves in this heightened awareness, the world seemed to transform. Colors became more vibrant, sounds more crisp, and even the slightest breeze carried a whisper of secrets. They had tapped into a realm beyond the mundane, where the very essence of magic intertwined with the fabric of their existence.

The membrane, with its innate affinity for mana, possessed a remarkable ability to gather the ethereal particles from the surrounding atmosphere. Like a living sieve, it acted as a conduit, attracting and capturing the elusive mana particles that floated in the air.

With a gentle latching motion, the membrane would ensnare these mana particles, skillfully navigating through the currents that carried them. It possessed a delicate touch, ensuring that no particle escaped its grasp. As the membrane caught the mana particles, it absorbed and stored them within its very structure.

But the membrane's role didn't end there. It served as a conduit, channeling the collected mana towards the user. Inside the membrane, intricate pathways formed, allowing the mana to flow through its interconnected network. The mana particles, guided by the membrane's inherent energy manipulation, traveled along these pathways until they reached the user's body.

Once the mana reached the user, it merged seamlessly with their own internal mana reserves, harmonizing and replenishing their energy. The membrane acted as a conduit, a bridge between the ambient mana of the environment and the user's own mana system, facilitating the transfer of this vital energy.

In this symbiotic relationship, the membrane fulfilled its purpose, not only shielding and protecting the user but also gathering, collecting, and delivering the lifeblood of magic itself—the mana that fueled their abilities and potential.

Vanta contemplated the most effective method to teach his friends how to utilize the membrane efficiently. Suddenly, a brilliant idea sparked in his mind, and he couldn't wait to share it with Mizar and Ridley.

"Mizar, Ridley," he suggested, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "How about we put it to the test? I believe you can acclimate to the membrane more quickly if we incorporate it into our training sessions." Vanta encouraged his friends to engage in a light sparring practice while incorporating the use of the membrane.

Both Mizar and Ridley exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued by Vanta's proposal. After a brief moment of consideration, they nodded in agreement, ready to embrace the opportunity to explore the membrane's capabilities further. Taking their positions facing each other, they prepared themselves for the training session ahead.