
Strongest Existence's Son

This is a story about a special child. So special actually that he is the son of the strongest thing to ever exist. Upon reaching the age his father wanted, he is now put on stage, a world like stage to prove his worth as the sone of the great one himself. Now placed in the world made by his oh great father, a world so complicated only his father could be praised. But of course the start would be simple, as in this vast world, his existence is but a miniscule dust. Watch as the adventure of a man that is to be the strongest lives, as the son of this great ol fat- of the GREAT ONE HIMSELF!!!! *On Hold

KinglessHeaven · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

13. The Start Of A Cliche

"Fuck You!"

I stood in a black room once again, just like the the last time. And what was the reason this time? It was for a letter sent by my father that read.

"I'll be leaving for a few years to meet your mother for a sec, I leave an A.I. to handle your quests. Oh and by the way, you will get a fiance, but don't worry about her being weak at all. Your mom was once weak too, I just made her strong. For someone of my genes, 'impossible' is just a result of 'too bothered to do' or in a simpler terms, just don't fucking exist."

It infuriates me on a deep level. It first said that of course, he was leaving for a fucking couple years! Does he think i'm still living a life of a God!

And then he mentioned an A.I.? Oh well, thag is actually a little benifitial to me but who the fuck cares!

When he literally put a very long line about the fiance, and only talked about her being weak?!

Fuck you! I don't care if my fiance is strong or not! I just don't want one in the first place!

"Shit shit shit! I mean we are good that she is an elf?! But really, that is just an excuse here. With her size, she ain't even a thousand."

I rolled around the floor multiple times yelling repeatedly.


But of course those were just exaggerated reactions. I just need to take a breath and realize... love is normal...


When I stopped and almost actually stopped I continued more and more till I was actually finally waking up and being thrown away from this dimention.

That for the first and only time I would feel like I just don't wanna leave here.

"Please let me stay!"

But in reality, I was just acting immature. So what if I am older. Like they said, age is just a number. And as long as this woman is not an annoying weak little shit. I probably won't get any backlash from it. Right?

[New Quest Available]

[Quest "Make Love Bitch" Quest 1]

[I mean sex, you know, sex, unless you a wimp ass bitch. Or... Wait is it legal...?]

[Reward: I'll get back to it, postpone the sex, uhhhh...]

"Well he certainly made the A.I. resemble him eerily a lot. Maybe even more thsn himself."

A quest screen popped up in front of my face, but I just ignored it, I am already in trouble for being betrothed to a child, what other crimes would I get having sex with one, and at the age of 4?

"Come on the suspension of disbelief in this is already far too much for that."

I woke up and in front of me was my mother and sister sleeping on the edge of the bed. But then something was kind of off. Though of course, why would the two sleep here again instead of gaurding me by being awake all time.

'Which may sound weird, but it is normal for them.'

And second why are they sleeping on a chair with their head on the bed and not sleeping comfortably in my bed. It is a king size bed as every single other bed for royalty is.

And for the last one, there is something I have a common habit on. And that is sleeping on the right side of the bed all the time. I don't know where I got it, but I have it.

But right now I am on the edge of the left side of the bed. And so I then looked at my right to then be horrified of what I just saw!

"It's just a fiance right! Why is it already like this!"

My fiance was sleeping beside me. And of course I yelled. 'Shit she is pretty.' My yelling wss so loud it awoke my parents 'Fuck, is this what they call secual desires.' that even the gaurds walked in to be alert on what was happening. 'This one will be my wife?' My mom stood up a with my sister and was alerted. 'She might even be as pretty as my real mother.' My mother was saying something and so was my sister and Claris who was wide awake outside the door despite the time. 'It's ok right? She is an elf.'

But I did want to know, why am I not hearing them speak...

"What happened."

An angelic voice that despite not hearing others voices I could here so clearly coming from such an adorable waking face with her rubbing her eyes with her cute little hands I wanna hold so-



Let us see the prespective of the situation on the other peoples point of view.

At the room of the 36th Prince. That looked like an actual room of the crown prince or even the King. After being treassured by the King himself, the room of the Prince has turned grand from golden chairs and tables for his breakfast, lunch and dinner. To drawers made from the oldest trees. To a bed so soft anyone would fall as sleep in a single touch. And expensive paintings scattered across the walls. And a lavish balcony with pure clear white curtain.

With the light shining from the moon through the balcony, highlighting a beatiful fairy with pointy ears.

In the bed of the 36th Prince laid the Prince and his fiance, with just a slight distance of 2 inches. And at the side of the prince were his mother and daughter both sleeping with only their head on the bed and were sitting on chairs.

There were also two gaurds outside the room witht he doors being on the right of the bed, meaning the fiance's side, and the maid Claris gaurding any intruder.

And so we start our time after describing the setting.

The princes eyes opened and he started from looking at the ceilibg and then seeing his mother and sister. He stared at the them for a couple of seconds, deep in thought about something.

He then slowly but sure looked to his right and saw his fiance sleeping with him. The prince then yelled loudly waking up Gaia and Mary.

The gaurds then also immediately went in with Claris to check the situation. The three were on high alert with their weapons out of the teo gaurds being a sword and Claris being a greatsword.

But the prince, who, despite causing the original chaos, was being yelled at by his mother and sister worrying for him. But all he was foing was ignoring every single one of this things and was just staring at his still asleep fiance.

Which with time inly then woke up in such an adorable princess manner. As the fiance wss rubbing her eyes, the prince then yelled something he would never say nor something the others never expected.



I was in deep breath after coming out of my bed and locking myself out on the balcony and sitting in a chair. My parents and the gaurds were yelling at me to come inside, but I really didn't look nor tried to listen.

When more importantly, that "woman" was there.

'Just what in the fuck! My father drugged me didn't he.'

I was conflicted, there was absolutely no way I was thinking of thise stuff when for 2 and a half chapters, I was clesrly showing signs of hating it. It was unacceptable.

'I mean first of sll, no one could be as oretty ss my mother, unless he-'

I completely forgot we were Gods! Making anything is possible, even making a God.

'Thus entire woman was a ploy by my father. Who could exude such a mature beauty at such a young age. Well I mean she is taller than me, and an elf, which means she might be older.'

But what the fuck is thst beauty! I swear to my life she didn't look like thst when I first saw her. Or was I just thst tired?

'No that eas physical tired. i clesrly saw her looking normal.'

Was it make-up? But a heavy make-up like that should even exist in this wo-

"Ryu come in now!"

It was my sister climbing herself to my balcony. 'Just how much time has passed?'

"Ryu calm down... I know that you don't want a fiance. But please calm down."

My sister completely pulled herself up to the balcony and sat beside me with a chair that she brought herself.

'Who would carry a chair to the balcony of the third floor.'

My sister said a comforting line, that I would not lie and say was something that truly made my heart somewhat calm down. I didn't know my sister understood me that much.

"I am sorry for not being a nice sister."

I was surprised, I was think that did my sister really change. Was she actually finally going to open up after such a long time.

"I know I have been cold for a very long time... I know you are smart and have probably figured that out already."

My sisters tone got more serious and the loud noises from behind me stopped. She got closer and put her arms on my shoulder treating me like a friend.

'Well yeah.' I did know from the very start, but I just never knew why she changed.

"This might come out a little too off topic now, but... the only reason I become cold is because... I don't like how your stronger than me..."

So she really did see me as an enemy. A rival. Well that was tryly unfortunate. But hey, she is cha-

"I just couldn't bare the fact, that I can't protect you when you are stronger than me... Rather than protecting you, you would be protecting me..."

I... Oh I was wrong... Shit... Is this what a heartfelt speech or conversation is. I... have never felt it before... I lived so long, but now that I think about it, it only was written to be that long, but really, the Gods concept of time is different in the first place...

"So, Ryu, please don't be scared of facing your fiance. I don't really know why you don't like her at all, but I know you wouldn't like being tied down.."

I was truly changing. I realized that the amount of time I have spent here may be counted smaller than my life as a God. But for some reason it just felt more.

And my sister is right, why am I so scared. Because of some stupid thing as morals? But so what, I am living in a fantasy world, who ever dares to tell me something 'Fuck You' it's my life not yours.

Though that just makes me sound like a total pedo... but you know what, it doesn't sound cool, but it's because it's geniune, and planned lines are fake.

"Ryu, did you know, your fiance is actually a slave... Why do you think she is an elf? It's not even possible for sn elf to be a noble in our country. The King arranged her for you. And I know, you believe, that accepting this oitiful slave that has lived who knows what life, is the least you could do."

Fuck... I don't know what love is. It will not be easy. I am a child, this life was never meant to be easy. Even such a small thing has already troubled me.

Is this what being human or... mortal feels like... with so many random and troublesome events. From my masters unexpected death to a fiance, is this how living "life" is like?

Cause I would say

"It's amazing..."