

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Tranh châm biếm
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72 Chs

Chapter 69: Nōice

In the resplendent ballroom, bathed in a warm, inviting glow, Lukeas moved gracefully through the ebullient crowd whilst deep in thought. The soft, dulcet tones of classical music filled the air, setting the perfect backdrop for the evening's festivities. As he navigated the lively throng, his presence didn't go unnoticed; intrigued gazes followed his every step.

Yet, Lukeas wore an air of solemnity that cast a veil over his countenance. Those who had contemplated approaching him hesitated as they glimpsed his contemplative mien. It was as though a shroud of gravity enveloped him, warding off casual conversation.

Finally, he arrived at one of the room's concealed corners, nestled between the elaborate tapestries and the ornate walls. He turned on his heel to face the bustling, swirling sea of guests. In this secluded alcove, he found solace amidst the whirlwind of activity, his thoughts as intricate and complex as the tapestries that adorned the walls.

'Should I leave? Should I even be here? Maybe kill the king? Can I even beat the king? How strong is he anyway?' as Lukeas mind was filled with questions he have already imagined many scenario wich all results in him either getting chased out of the kingdom and the entire world. Or him dying.

Either way.. He's fucked.




Meanwhile, as young Lukeas pondered his life choices, the entire ballroom fell into a hushed silence when the King finally graced his table with his presence.

"Welcome, everyone! After witnessing those two thrilling battles, I'm sure you're all craving a little refreshment, aren't you?" The King chuckled, and in their eagerness to please, the audience joined in, some genuinely laughing.

"But now, This celebration is actually for two things.. Firstly, we're here to honor the remarkable achievements of our champion, Arthur Lock. Not only did he single-handedly vanquish hundreds of monsters from the western forest, but during the monstrous horde wave, he defended Sector 12, ensuring minimal casualties. Although he's not with us at this moment, let's give him a resounding round of applause!!"

Thunderous applause swept through the hall. The guests wore expressions of sheer astonishment, prompting genuine applause and admiration from most in attendance after hearing those feats. But some wasn't impressed... Especially those who knows that said champion personally.

" And second. It is to celebrate the long awaited banishment of a long time problem if our kingdom! The 3rd sleeping dungeon have been cleared! Easing us our worry for an abrupt dungeon breaks while we sleeps! All this years of sending dozen of our elite Dungeon Scouts all through the ages with none making it back.. We finally managed to clear the sleeping dungeon. And its all because of one kid! The same age of our aspiring champion... And you all night have been familiar with him by now... Thats right! He was the young lad earlier.. Lukeas Mercer!.. And once again.. Since he would still be in recov-"

suddenly the king was forced to stopped his speech.. Making the audience wonder what he's on about and so.. Some of them followed where he was looking.

Making Lukeas fighting mode turn up as hundreds of eyes were looking giving his sense of surrounding back as he snapped out of his dazed.. 'wh-what??' he was confused.. Then he saw the king standing on the northern hall where a long table filled with foods stood. He seems to have been delivering his speech..

'Wait-what!?? This guy should have been in the right wing! Which building am I even on??' Lukeas looked around for any sign of his location... And you've gues it... He's in the right wing indeed.

'welp...fuck me!' Lukeas inwardly cuss.. Slightly impersonating some angry british chef back on earth.

Meanwhile the king was having a different taught.. 'This is impossible... How did he recovered so fast? Even with a powerful healer getting healed in such a fast rate in a quick session would leave your body drained with all it's nutrients! So even if he did receive a powerful heal he should still be recovering!!!'

The King cursed as he saw Lukeas just chilling in one of the corners... He looked so insignificant he almost missed him.. But after a few seconds he finally composed himself and smiled.

"Oh will you look at that! Our second hero is here!! Everyone give him a round of applause!! " And with that everyone gave him a modest clap.. Not even close to what they gave Arthur... But he could tell a few people clapping harder than everyone else.

And while getting showered in their applaud Lukeas politely and properly returned it with a small bow wich of course some people appreciated.

"And there will be an awarding right before the Party ends!"

"So!! With that in mind! Let us all Celebrate for THIS GLORIOUS DAY!!"





"THAT SHIT IS CHEATING!!" A crimson smoky figure roared. His vessel was like a whirly crimson ghost. It looks like a blood that fell in a deep water. With each of its move a trail of smoky red strings follow it's silhouette.

"Why are you suddenly reacting now??" a voice of annoyance suddenly echoed out to the void.

It came from a being engulf in dark aura. It it's a color of black with a faint hint of violet. Making him barely noticeable I'm the vast void. Though one thing stands out from him... It was his glowing red eyes.

"HUHH???" the crimson being replied with a sound of confusion and irritation?? I don't know.. its like hes saying 'what are you saying??! In a single sound.

"What do you mean 'HUH' you literally did not mind it until my guy attack your guy!" the creature of shadow replied.





"You lot might probably be the most...'human' of all gods I've met... You two bicker like a child." Suddenly a nice feminine voice interrupted the two with a sigh.

Looming over the void.. A figure of a mature woman could be seen. She was emitting a green soothing aura and her mere presence would give you the same feeling as enjoying a warm sun surrounded by flowers, trees, and animals.

"And out of all gods I've met you're the one who cares the most! Just ignore us like how we usually ignores mortals!" the shadowy figure retorted.

"Yup! What he said!" crimson voiced out. With his smoky vessel twisting around as if he was trying to cross his arm..... Without an arm...

"And besides.. Where did your antlers go?" crimson asked as he have long noticed the disappearance of her majestic antlers.

"Did someone?.." crimson didn't even finished his sentence when a terrifying pressure suddenly bore down on the void it self as Crimson, Shadow, and all the other gods present show a dangerous glint on their eyes as they anticipate her next reply.

Seeing this Flora showed a soft smile. "Don't worry.. I'm fine.. I just wanted to appear more human to my chosen champion."

Hearing her reply some god scoff. "Worry? Ugh.. As if"

Which in turn made the green goddes smile once again.

"Wait....what did she say????" suddenly Crimson's high pitch question broke the warm silence.


"Why didn't you tell us!!???" Soon all the other gods gathered around her and started interviewing her.




Back in the cheerful ballroom. Lukeas remained standing in the corner. Still lost in his own thoughts.. But this time it was about a different matter other than the king..

'Looking back.. This was indeed very similar to my very own eyes.. Or am I just tripping?' he asked himself. Then a recent memory resurfaced in his mind.

'.... 3 something years ago.. I'm pretty sure he said something along the lines of ''Anyway.. Lets see how useful he'll be" when he knocked me down with that lightning..'

Lukeas wondered while his eyes were close.

Meanwhile the king watched everything that is happening with deep concentration. Making the atmospheres around him quite solemn.

' I have some suspicion... But I'm not too sure' Lukeas sigh as he opened his eyes. After concluding what he thought about Arthur's strange situation.

"Well.. Let's not think much about it" He mumbles quietly and straighten up.. Because for some reason he felt that at this moment a magnificent phenomenon have occurred in a different dimensional plane..

'I've felt this before, back on earth... This nostalgic feeling!! .... The meme energy is through the roof!' he emersed him self in this sensation before audibly muttering.


Finally snapping out of his thoughts, Lukeas became aware of the people surrounding him. However, he remained in his corner, paying them no mind.

Naturally, some individuals ventured over to approach him and strike up conversations. Lukeas didn't ignore them but actively engaged in socializing, responding only to those who had the courage to initiate dialogue with him.

And soon there are 3 people speaking to him at once. But this did not stopped him from paying attention to the surroundings of course.

And because of it he noticed a small commotion slowly making it's way to him. With with a brief secretive glance he found out why.

'Why is she here?' Lukeas thought as his eyes landed on the veiled princess.

But he didn't linger and he turned his attention back to the three people infront of him acting as if he did not noticed her.

As for the trio, they were all noble girls that was a bit interested to him and they were even openly showing it to him.

In which he pretends not to noticed. And continue speaking to them in a polite yet distant way.

"So where were you born. Mister Hero of the kingdom?" One of the lady ask.. She was wearing a frilly dress with a green color.

"Oh, it w-" Lukeas was about to answer when he felt a presence near him. And of course he knew who it was.

Then with that he fein surprise and turn around in a hurry. "huh?- OH! Princess! I didn't notice you there!"

"Oh. I'm sorry for surprising you.. Seems like you're a bit busy" the princess smiled as she turned her head towards the trio. The veil doesn't seems to affect her senses.

Seeing this, the trio were shocked and was left frozen. Until one of them mustered up a small excuse.

"Please dont mind us princess we were about to finish our conversation anyway.." She nervously laughed and then pulled the rest away.

Once left alone. There were an awkward silence between them with only the murmurs from all the people in the ball around them can be heard, at least until the princess decided to break it and spoke up.

"So. Uhh.. I heard you got stuck in that dungeon for a while... What happened?.... Uhh.. If you dont mind me asking." the princess said with an awkward tone.

She didn't really have a thing to talk to him about.. Her father just told her to speak with the man for some reason..

'I dont know what father is thinking' she sigh as she expected to receive some feed back from her asking for something a bit personal. Specially because she was informed that Lukeas deserted his position in the hordes attack and left Arthur to depend it.

"Oh, yeah, right.. To be honest I wasn't really planning on entering that place. I didn't even know about it" Lukeas replied.

'Ah, as expected. So he didn't really planned anything.. And was just lucky enough to find the exit back.. Although he was indeed quite strong... He's still a coward but it's great that he cleared the dungeon...' the princess sigh in dissapointment.

'But then again.. He fought for Andrew in the duel earlier.. So I guess he's brave? But that might also mean he did it because Andrew is someone worth befriending because of his political power? Arrghh! So much in this guy's story is contradictory! First he runs away from his mission, then he fought for someone else sake! Second, he should have been selfish, a show-off, and mocks people in battle. But he showed compassion, and even answered my question! And besides. Why would he answer my question wouldn't this expose himself?' the princess sighed. 'Just what's wrong with this guy'

After she was done with her inner rant, she spoke up. And although it might seem that she have been thinking for quite a while. In Lukeas point of view she spoke up the moment he finished his reply.

"But wasn't the dungeon and all the details in the quest was told to everyone back on the meeting?" she spoke, in a matter of fact tone.

"....." Lukeas squints his eyes towards her.

"What meeting?"


Welcome back to another episode of Narrator Explained!

You might be wondering... If Lukeas cleared the dungeon... Why is she showing dissapointment?

So you see, in this world.. "Dungeon Clear" does not mean you've killed all the monster inside and killed the boss. But it actually means getting in and out of the dungeon.


Well think of a dungeon as.... Virgin sex(Trust me I've tried to find a better comparison... But considering the chapter's position I say it's quite appropriate.)

Anyway.. Virgin sex.. At first its hard to get inside. The second it's a bit easier.. And the third.. Even more so..

It's because the first time a dungeon is created the link between pocket dimension and the outside world is quite wobbly? Unstable? I'm not sure what word I could use.. But think of it as clogged.

And once something pass through it, it might be unstable.. Causing the traveller to either get spawned in a random spot in the dungeon.. Or get sent in hell or some shit.

Fortunately the former was what happened to our Lukeas.

So once the travel is complete the clogged path will be more stable, safe and more straight? Meaning the next traveler dont have to worry about getting sent in space or in the shadow realm.

The only remarkable things Lukeas did was being able to return back and find the exit.. Something the previous explorers failed to do.

And thus this gave the kingdom better chances at the future explorations and raid.

So yeah... He was a hero because he saved the kingdom from potentially losing a lot of good soldiers and giving them a way to destroy all the monsters inside.. Preventing a dungeon flood from happening..

But what's the point? Lukeas and the slayers already killed all the demons in there right?

They dont have to worry about that right?


Ah right... He didn't told them that part because he might get in trouble...

So.. What do you guys think will happen? Heheheh

isn't it exciting?

I smell troubles brewing!!


Author rant ahead.

Hey author here... I know i said the updates will be on weekends.. But this new update in the 'writing' have made me almost lose my mind.

Do you know how much i have a rewrite the same thing over and over again?? Why do they even have to remove the auto save function??

And also! I'm used to being able to click back everytime i forgot something about the previous chap! And after reading it I get back to writing.

But you know what happened this time? The moment i got back.. The previous entire paragraph is fucking gone!!! I mean.. What the fuck?!!!?

And this didn't only happen once... You see I'm dumb! So i always forgets it.. Because once again.. I'm used to the auto save feature!!

... So yeah... I lost some motivation and almost dropped this lol.... But anyways.. I'm back... The amount of novel that made my braincell melt have increased... Its hard to find a novel that wouldn't make you question reality... I mean. I'm not saying mine is good.. I'm saying those awful stuff made me think.. 'Fuck it.. imma write my own... this shit is ass'

So yeah.. I'm back..... And hopefully this will continue..

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Also if you like it.... Stons?

Night_Star_Gazecreators' thoughts