

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Tranh châm biếm
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72 Chs

Chapter 60: The End Is Near

Tanjiro can be seen helping many of the passenger if the train to get out safely while Rengoku can be seen talking to his crow and reporting what had happened.

"Lukeas Dono! How did the fight go? Did you kill the demon?" Tanjiro excitedly asked

"Oh. That dude?.. Uh he escaped... I let him escape" Lukeas casuall answered.. But hearing this tanjiro was shocked.

"But why??"

"Hmm... That's the problem. I have no idea why" Lukeas laughed before moving on.

'He still needs to learn the transparent world... I cant teach him that if I myself haven't reached it.' Lukeas sigh.. 'And once he reached it... Hehehhe.. I'll make him teach it to me muhuhahahaha'






And after that event Lukeas stopped interfering with tanjiro but he did taught him some stuff he learned and im exchange Lukeas asked if Tanjiro can teach him the Hinokamikagura to him which Tanjiro accepted without much thought.

And so.. Lukeas own breathing style is finally complete. And he now calls the entire cycle of the storm breathing as [The Passing Storm] and it starts with the "The Calm Before the Storm" then "Raging Storm" and finally "Tranquil Sunny Sky"

[The Passing Storm] is a unique and formidable swordsmanship style created by Lukeas, characterized by its representation of a storm's progression. It embodies the transformation from a tranquil and calm state into an overwhelming and destructive force, ultimately culminating in a fiery and deadly yet clear and encompassing conclusion.

The first form of The Passing Storm is known as "The Calm Before the Storm." In this phase, the swordsmanship appears gentle and serene, mimicking the peaceful moments preceding a storm. Lukeas exhibits precise and controlled movements, focusing on maintaining balance and composure. The techniques in this stage emphasize defensive maneuvers of the earth breathing and water, evasive footwork of the water and wind breathing, and subtle strikes of the wind and snake that gradually build up the momentum for the ensuing tempest.

As the fight intensifies, Lukeas transitions into "Raging Storm." This phase represents the height of the storm's fury. The swordsmanship becomes more aggressive and dynamic, mirroring the wild and chaotic nature of a storm in full force. And at this moment Lukeas would be using every breathing style he learned and copied in complete harmony making it very unpredictable as he have dozens of option in each moves he takes. Lukeas employs swift and powerful strikes, incorporating rapid slashes and spins to overwhelm opponents. The techniques in this stage focus on offense, exploiting the momentum built during the previous phase to deliver devastating blows and break through defenses.

Finally, The Passing Storm concludes with "Tranquil Sunny Sky." This phase symbolizes the aftermath of the storm when the skies clear and everything settles. It combines fiery and deadly techniques with clarity and precision. Lukeas exhibits a controlled yet fierce presence, using his swordsmanship and the sun breathing to maintain dominance while remaining composed. The techniques in this stage emphasize decisive and explosive strikes, exploiting vulnerabilities with calculated precision.

With [The Passing Storm] , Lukeas has developed enables him to adapt to various combat situations and overpower opponents through a gradual and overwhelming assault. And whats more, he integrated this style in his collection of martial arts.. And made it possible to Lukeas to use [The passing Storm] in any kinds of weapon.

And as for Tanjiro he manage to perform much better in the red light district arc because of his experience in fighting in a larger group. Tengen also didn't loose his hand and was able to continue being a hashira... Although both of them suffered severe injury.

And finally the fated day has arrived.





Lukeas could be seen sitting on a Japanese cushion wearing a white kimono with a symbol black lightning strikes, clouds, and wind. And a Katana can be seen laid down just besides him.

No one but him knows that every equipment he owns is actually something made completely out of his own flesh. And with the help of Biokinesis he shaped it into what he needed.

And because of this.. His clothes and weapon have the same durability as him, same regenerative power, and also the ability to absorb any organism and other organic matter to convert them into biomass.

And as for his biomass its around 10,077 and thats mostly because of the damage Akaza done to him while the others are because of the use of biomass to create his equipment. And like I said.. Once he cut something he created off his body it means it's not considered to be 'in' him anymore and thus causing a decrease in his biomass unless he absorb it back or keep it connected to him.

Lukeas then sigh as he grab his sword and just as he did..


A massive explosion was suddenly heard and every crow went to their own slayers and alerted then.

Muzan is here.

"The end is near" Lukeas muttered 'will i finally be able to go home?' while thinking he proceed to run towards ubuyashiki's estate. And once he arrived he can be seen fighting Muzan.. Although in a bad shape.

'how did he survive the explosion?' Lukeas asked in his mind. But then he was forced to forget about when he saw Gyomei's massive frame running passed him to assist his master.

And Lukeas went forward as well blitzing passed Gyomei's to latter's surprised. And then muttering in his mind.

'Storm breathing: Calm Before The Storm: First form: Subtle change of the wind!'

And with it follows Lukeas performing a horizontal slash that looked slow and nonthreatening. Making Muzan fail to noticed it at the very last moment... But whats bizarre was although Lukeas is still in the process of performing the slash.. A huge gash already appear on Muzans back. Destroying the two hearts.

'I dont know if i sliced the right place but i hope i did!' Lukeas thought as from hia memories he remember Muzan having two hearts in his chest.


Lukeas curse as he jumped back to avoid a tendril Muzan sent on his way.

"YOU!! " Muzan exclaimed in rage as he looks at Lukeas face. "I gave you power and you bite me back??!!" he said in rage.

"I should have killed you before!"

"Yeah.. Thats where you made a mistake... Sparing me like a dumb bitch! HAHAHAHAHHA" Lukeas laugh gaining Muzan Agro. Allowing others to jump back to recover.

But Gyomei didn't need that. And instead he went in for the kill and obliterate Muzan entire shoulder. "He dodge it" Gyomei scowl.

And Muzan on the other hand didn't even give a fuck to his injury and instead slashed his Tendrils towards the stone hashira making the latter go defensive.

And Lukeas took this chance and vanished from his position only to apear beside Muzan with his sword aiming towards his Neck.

And seeing this Muzan dismissively put up his arm to blocked it. But he was surprised as he watch the sword cut through him like butter continuing towards his neck unperturbed.

And Muzan suddenly felt that getting hit by his sword is not a good thing.. So he junp back in an incredible speed.

'Damnation!' Lukeas curse

He have activated the absorption of his making his strikes even deadlier. But it seems like Muzan already have an idea of it and actually avoided his attack..

And speaking of Muzan he made his hand extend and grab Lukeas Lukeas by the throat. Before promptly crushing it.. But what he didn't expect it vanishing in his hand and Lukeas appearing in another place

'[Obscuring Stampede: sword of the typhoon: sword form: You never now what hits you]'

"SIIKEE!!! HAHA GOTEM!!" Lukeas taunted as he laugh

Lukeas once again used the same technique that defeated Akaza and appeared beside Muzans elongated arm. And with a swift slashed.. He cut it down cleanly making Muzan take tims to regenerate another arm.

And Ubuyashiki took this moment to attack Muzan where he lost his arm since its the most vulnerable spot he dash forward like a mist and prepared to slice Muzan's neck.

While Gyomei went head on to provide even more opening for Ubuyashiki.

And seeing this Muzan made up his mind as he sense more presence approaching.

Suddenly every tendrils and tentacle Muzan has went crazy and started slashing all over the place.. Making everyone jump back to avoid getting hit.


But instead of landing on the ground a tatami gate suddenly appeared below everyone and opened up after a faint sound of Biwa was heard. Making them fall down without a choice.

"Well shit... I forgot to warn them about this..." Lukeas chuckled nervously as he himself couldn't stop his decent into an unknown dimensions called the infinity castle.







Author here: sorry it got late.... it took me a while to make a continuation haha