

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Tranh châm biếm
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72 Chs

Chapter 43: Endless battle

The moment Lukeas muttered those words, he sprang forward at unimaginable speed, blowing a cloud of dust behind him as he jumped into action. While in the air, he twisted his body and wound up his left hand to unleash a powerful attack with his staff..

As he looked ahead, he saw that the first monster he would come in contact with was a Gohlbins, a green humanoid creature with humanoid ears, a distinctive feature that all Gohlbins share. The creature was also wearing thick metallic armor, crudely made yet thick enough to protect its vital parts.

Lukeas didn't care, however. In his mind, he slowly whispered, '[Gear second: Magnum].'

But instead of punching, he swung his staff, which had the same power as a high caliber bullet traveling at almost supersonic speed.

With a simple full swing, his staff sliced the creature in half, despite having no edge, purely due to the sheer force it possessed sending guts and blood flying.

Then he didn't even stop to recover before he could even fully land on the ground he stab his staff down and use it as a pole to support his body while doing a Cresent kick to the next nearby monster. And again before he unleash his attack he whispered in his mind '[Gear second: Magnum].'

And the monster who received this attack was hobgoblin this time.. It wasn't wearing armor as the previous creature.. Making its death even easier as Lukeas' leg literally made its head explode on impact.

Then he got down from his staff and swung it.. But this time he didn't use magnum.. Instead just used the based enhancement [Gear Second] passively gives.

It's like this... If Lukeas have a game like system his base attack power should probably be around 25 while a normal person would probably have around 6-10. And with the [Gear Second] 's boost his attack would go up to 50... And if he used [Magnum] his single attack would probably have a 100 attack points.

And with that in mind Lukeas attack was very lethal.. Although it doesn't cause the enemy to blow up like [Magnum] does, it still shatters skull and snap bones easily together with his staff.

And so, Lukeas kept fighting and kept swinging his staff. Breaking skulls after skull and all the while dodging incoming attacks and blocking those he cannot avoid.

One time a land drake attempted to attack him but he just used his staff as a platform and lunch his body up wukong style and drop down with a spinning staff slamm in the head. Easily killing off the monster.

He also found out that only a little portion of the entire monster stampede are actually giving him fuck. While most of the other monster just went around him and continue on their wau to the kingdom..

But he didn't do anything to change this though.. It's not like hes doing this for the kingdom... He doesn't even know much of this place.. He's just doing this for the golds and the training. And also because the voice urge him to do so.

'If i kill enough. I think i can get a few more stuff...maybe upgrade my training ground back to my room.' he thought as he swings his staff to a monster once again.

This went on for a while and for some reason the monsters that stayed behind to challenge him slowly increases over time.. And he could already feel himself getting tired, thirsty, hungry, and sleepy.

His arm is getting heavier and more his swings are getting more and mid painful.. While his skin started getting even redder and rashes started appearing on the surface of his skin from the prolonged used of [Second Gear].

Be reminded that his blood circulation is so strong and fast that it causes friction and heats up his body making his skin hotter and so does his flesh. And he haven't really been exposed to direct fire attack before so his body have not yet "Adapted" to this.

Thats why even though he starting to suffer Lukeas didn't stop his [Second Gear] but keep it just to train himself and make it so that his body would get used and adapt more to be able use it longer in the future.

'Fuck.. When will the stampede end?' he thought as he tiredly looked around at the corpses and all the visceral that is on the floor.

And looked back to the place where the stampede is coming from and saw even more monsters.. And he realized he have to deal with an Endless Battle

He took a deep breath before taking a step forward dragging his staff behind him before continuing to fight. With each passing moment, the battle grew more intense. The monsters attacked with relentless ferocity, their claws and fangs tearing through the air as they tried to take Lukeas down. But he was too fast, too skilled. His staff moved with a grace and precision that was unmatched, striking true and sending the monsters reeling backwards and killing some of them.

The ground beneath his feet shook with the force of the blows he dealt, creating deep craters in the earth. But still, the monsters kept coming. They were unrelenting, their numbers seemingly endless. But Lukeas was determined to stand his ground, no matter what.

Lukeas continued to fight on, his staff swinging through the air as he fended off the endless waves of monsters. As the battle raged on, the monsters grew more and more aggressive. Some even more stronger monsters started showing up, with each passing moments his enemies seems to be getting stronger their bodies growing larger and more powerful with each.

With each monsters he kills stronger one would replace it. Creating an endless cycle of bloody battle. He have also started sustaining damage... Bruises, cracked bones.. And internal overheating.

But he have not yet bleed.. Perhaps that's a good news since a single open wound may be quite lethal for him at his current state with his [Second Gear] on..And so.. He continues fighting..





In sector 10

An entire platoon of armies are dealing with monster around 30-50 and easily dealt with them.. Around them there are even more corpse. But it was obvious that it's the accumulation of their kills.

"They're lesser than i expected... Were getting 50 to 30 monster per waves.. The maximum monster we got was a 123 in one go.. But that was from earlier... And it seems to get lesser as times goes on..." one of the soldiers who was pulling his spear of of the monster said.

" How was the scout? Any reports yet? " he asked to one of the soldiers who are holding a paper with a beautiful bird on his shoulder..

".... T-this..... This is unbelievable.... " he muttered.. Ignoring the person who asked him about the report. As he reada the paper on his hand with a wild expression.

"The... The kid in the front line is holding back an entire horde of monster around 500 to a thousand.... All on his own....."


Every soldier that heard him went silent.. Because the man who said that was not a man that jokes around in this kind of shit.. And so they are surprised beyond relief....





And the source of this emotion remains oblivious to the person watching him.. Not even once stopping his assault to the monster horde..