

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Tranh châm biếm
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72 Chs

Chapter 40: The Path(2)

Lukeas sat in his seat donning a weird expression as he giggled to him self giving this who were around him chills.

'Shit. Have this gone give nuts?' the one sitting besides him curse in his mind.

When suddenly.


"Aww! What was that for?!!" Lukeas yelp in pain holding the back of his head... It actually didn't harm him much.. But the emotional damage is what counts.

"Wipe that creepy ass expression of yours! You're giving me the chills!!" Izerie refute back. Making the other people around her nod in agreement.

Suddenly someone interject..

"Is everything fine back there, Izy~?" professor Altair asked. Smiling warmly at them. Making everyone sit up straight and nod enthusiastically.

"Tsk" Izerie on the other hand just got back to her position.. And refusing to look at him.

And Lukeas noticed this.. And once the professor started explaining once again he leaned to her side.

"Hey.. Whats up with everyone.. They seems to be afraid of that guy" he whispered..

"Well.. The truth is.. That guy is a scumbag.... It's better not get on his bad side.. Specially he's a teacher now..." she glared at the man on the stage.

"He was once a member of the kingdoms management office.. And he's a corrupt bastard... Taking advantage of his wealth and authority to commit all kinds of crime... Rape, murder, slavery, you name it.. I dont even understand why he was allowed in here.." she explained..

Then she turned at Lukeas.."He may also be my fiancé.. Unless I become one of the top 10 in this school.."

"WHA-! HMM! " Lukeas exclaimed but before his voice could fully come out Izerie covered his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up! You annoying monkey!" she curse him under her breath as she whispered right to his face.

"That's why I got to be the best here! With that achievement I'll have enough fame, wealth, power and influence to cancel our engagement.. No way I'll let that bastard touch me.. Id rather die than let him see my body!"

"..." Lukeas still couldn't speak with her hand on his mouth so instead he slowly nodded at her and place a palm over her wrist and slowly pushed it down..

"I understand.. I think you can do it" he said before seating back up properly. Deeply in thought.

On the other hand Izerie remained looking at his face for a few moments before looking away..






After spending more time explain more about the Martial Path he finally concluded it and went to the next topic.

"Now.. The Magus Path.. This is extremely popular in this academy.. As most people here are adept at sorcerer. But does many of you know how your path works?" Altair asked the crowd before him.

And he saw that many shook their heads no.

"I see.. Well lets start at the beginning.. For us Magus we train not our body but our mana correct?

We refine or control with our mana.. Take all kinds of potion to make it more pure. And refining it more. And we are also required to master an even more spell..

So for my opinion the Magus Path is actually much harder and of course more superior than the Martial Path. We make use of our mana to attack them from afar. Use magic to keep our distance and pretty much play with people who need to get closer just to attack us.

We control the nature and any place are our domain.. Since some Martial arts aren't suited to some terrain. Like for example a swordsman wont be able to fight in tight spaces like caves.. A brawler wont be able to fight properly in water..

But a Magus? We can be anywhere! And all our surroundings would still support us. " Altair explained with such casualness that it seems like hes saying something harmless.




" Wow... Is this racism? But its paths instead of race.. Uh.. Pathsm? .. I mean that's a lot of hate and arrogance " Lukeas mumbled and leaning to Izerie a little after hearing what Altair said.

"oh yeah.. I forgot to tell you.. Hes a magus extremists... He pretty much thinks us in the Martial Path are bugs."

"Wait.. Us? You're a Martial Artist?! I thought you're a mage?!? " he yelled but in a whisper.

"Not a Martial artist.. I'm a brawler" she whispered back.

Then suddenly they both felt a pressure being put on them.

"You two.. I've already warned you.. split apart.. You... Go to the back.." he said then pointed at Lukeas.. "From now on. I dont want to see you near her in my class do you understand?"

"I think NO-

" Just listen to what he says.. Trust me you wont like what will happen to you if you pissed him off.. " Izerie interrupted Lukeas with a faint voice.

" Sure... Whatever.." Lukeas sigh and got up and started walking to the back feeling everyone's eyes is on him.

Altair watch him walk back with a dark look on his face and inhaled deeply.. And like a father that went to buy a milk, it vanished and went on with his lesson.

"Anyway... Where were we?... Right.. The way a magus ascend their mortal coil is by simply turning their neutral mana into a elemental energy. And pretty much turning into a an

(Elemental Lord)

And as a elemental lord.. You can pretty much control the element you chose in any way you want. If you're affinity in flame is high and you chose it.. You could pretty much breath fire like a dragon without any use of [Magic Circle] or any incantations or gesture.. "

*snap* he snapped his finger and said.

"Just like that"

"And you might ask.. 'Is that all?' No! There's more.. Like the Martial Path we can use multiple Elemental Energy if one is talented and powerful enough..

Like the founder of Rune Craft.. Merlin Sol Abaddon. She was a Penta Elemental Lord. She have a complete control over Light, Shadow, Gravity, and Metal.

There was even a rumor of her being a Magma Elemental as well..

Ah right, you may be wondering. 'How do we make our mana into a pure single elemental energy?'

Well it's by splitting your mana particles.. You might not know it.. But a mana is actually a combination of all kinds of elements fusing into one and because of that.. They become a neutral energy since they contain all kinds of elements and forming a wonderful balance.

So to be an Elemental Lord one have to remove any elements they have on their body and only keep those he have a great affinity to.

If you achieve this.. You pretty much turn into a human elements. Like for example you choose fire.. After being an elemental Lord you can be a walking fire energy.. That no physical attack would work on you!

If you have light element you can turn into a human light! Isn't that great? What can a useless fist do in a completely untouchable elements? Pray and beg for mercy? Hahahaha

One day... I'll reach that level one day"




"At this point he's pretty much just talking to him self.." Lukeas mumbles as he looks around and watch the students shift in their chair uncomfortably as they watch their professor act like a lunatic..

'And whats more.. He seems to be leaving out many disadvantage of the Magus Path.. Wouldn't becoming an element will also make you weak to that elements weakness? Fire being weak to water. And all that kind of shit... This guy is brain dead...' he thought




"Ahem... Sorry for that.. I got a little carried away... Is there any questions?" Altair once again asked the crowd of students and his eye stayed for a little bit longer at Izerie's direction..

Then his eyes shifted to Lukeas who was at the very back with a dreamy look on his face.

" Well then.. Thats all.. Class dismissed... " he announced

'Not just he talk to my wife he doesn't even listen to a word i said??! Who does he think he is?'

"But actually.. The kid I asked to sit at the back.. Come up here.. You should be punished for insubordination and distrusting my class" he smiled wickedly as he watch Lukeas dreamy face turn indi shock..

'I'll show you what happens when you fuck around with me'

He smile even wider




Give me them stones

Night_Star_Gazecreators' thoughts