

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Tranh châm biếm
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72 Chs

Chapter 4: I want some ice-cream

Since then Mr. Dune would tell Lukeas to go to the mine and take the ores Mr. Dune ordered then carry it back to the workshop.

Lukeas wouldn't receive any carriage or any tools to carry the ores. And with each time he goes to the mine he could only take a little portion of the entire order, making him go back and forth between the workshop and the mines.

The people in the town even thought that he have been enslaved by Mr. Dune and showed some sympathy and even offered some help. But it was cleared after some explanation from him and the oldman. And everything turn much better after that. Some people even started cheering him on wich made him feel nice but also nervous, I mean who wouldn't be nervous after finding out the man who killed you is still in town?

After that day Lukeas started wearing some mask and turban to hide his face making his already hard training even harder from the heat.

As for the training. It was easy at first until he found out that Mr. Dune intended that just so his body could build up some muscles and adapt. And after that his hell started.

Every day he carries the iron ores, he returns back home with his lungs feeling like its on fire. And he cant even get a break since the oldman would start pushing him out the shop and force him to go get the remaining ores in the mine.

His fingers would bleed, some of his nails even crack and break after some accidents. But nothing that would last. As he would heal over time. And no. He doesn't have super regeneration, just a normal one. Its just that he have spent many times in this town doing his training.

And carrying ore is not the only thing the oldman trained him to do as the oldman also trained him some knowledge about forging.

Its been 3 years since he got accepted in the workshop. And Lukeas is now 13 physically, but mentally hes 16 now.

His look has changed significantly, his hair is a bit longer now and hes taller too(5.9). And most importantly, he have a very toned body. The muscles in his arm and leg is more developed from the training he does but its not too big or bulky like a body builder. Heck he even look lean and slim even with all his muscle, but even with how his body look he could now easily lift the iron hammer Mr. Dune used.

He have also became a regular in the bar since he would order milk everyday. Making the boss know more about him since he would stay and talk to him while drinking it.

Turns out the Boss name is Eaglin Jasper John. He have been in this town for quite a while now. As for the Mercenary he met him twice, but it doesn't seem like he recognized him. Most likely because he believes that he only like the person he killed and not actually that one.

"Old man! I've got the Ores here!" Lukeas said as he placed the last chunk of the iron ore in the middle of the forge.

"Yeah! Place it somewhere in the forge. I'll deal with it later" a deep voice from the front desk in the other room. Where Mr. Dune deals and trade with his customers.

"Whatever..." he shrugged and steadily opened the door leading to the back of the workshop. As he stepped out he looked up in the sky with melancholy as he sighed, remembering his family back on earth. For him, they may not be lovable but they're his family nonetheless.

He closed his eyes and weakly said "Who knows, maybe they think im dead. So i guess it's better not to mind it and just focus on myself...."

As he muttered those he slowly walk up to the tree stump that he once used to practice the use of shadow dance. As he got closer he turned his back to the tree stump and sat on it.

'Its been three years since then...' he thought as he looked down on the mark and sign of destruction his hammer brought upon the wood 3 years ago.

'Im steadily improving thanks to Mr. Dune.... But for some reason, something doesn't feel right.... I think somethings about to happen.... And i have to prepare for it....'

'..... AAAHHRHG To hell with that, lets not think about it for now.. Lets drink some milk instead shall we?' he then pat his thighs and stood up.

'I want some Ice cream.....' he thought as he reminiscent about the delightful food he can only enjoy back on earth. After circling the workshop he arrived on the front yard and reach the road after a while.

He greeted some of the regular customers of Mr. Dune, which they returned with a greetings as well. Nothing unusual happened and he reached the bar easily.

But before he could step foot in the bar a blade of a sword blocked his way.

"I know what you are, beast..." a voice said somewhere besides him. Making Lukeas turn and look at it.

And what he saw made him tremble.... 'Its that fucker!!'

"You've come back to the dead to take revenge didn't you?! I know you're planning to wrecked havoc in this town! I know your undead brother are waiting for your signal! So, I Gideon shall stop you!" The murderous mercenary from before said loudly. Taking the attention of the town folks near them.

And quickly, the place was slowly being filled with murmurs.

"Hear me! People of Astavan! This kid is not what he seems to be... 3 years ago, i was tasked to kill a mischievous thief that have plague this streets. After a long process of tracking him down, i finally mamaged to catch him! But who would have thought that this villainous critters would fight back? He managed to wound me multiple times but thanks the heaven I survived the fight and manage to defeat him.... I've seen his body die by my hands.. And just a few days later i see him here, standing as if nothing happened..... Isn't that suspicious? So believe me when i tell you... This bastard is a monster... An Undead Monster!" he yelled lies after lies yet the villagers started distancing away from Lukeas.

"You fucker! You tortured me for hours before killing me! How dare you call me monster! You lying bastard!" Lukeas couldn't hold his anger and lashed out and yelled his frustration.

But instead the mercenary smiled.. "Heh... So you admitted that you have already died?.... People! The monster have said so himself! And like i said.... Hes a undead monster, a creature of evil and darkness! But worry not! I Gideon! Shall slay this monster and save you all!" he sneered as he finished his speech.

He then unsheat his sword. And said something weakly so only him and Lukeas can hear it. "I dont know what you did to survive.. I dont even know if your really an undead... But dont assume i wont remember you just because I'm drunk? Heh.. But thanks anyway... Now, I'll have a little bit of fame... With this, i can have even more customers wanting my service! " he laugh.

"You shi-" before Lukeas could even curse the man

Gideon have already lunged at him without any hesitations he lunged forward and swing his sword.

'Dammit!' seeing the blade aiming for his neck Lukeas rolled to the left and avoided his death and at the same time distancing himself from the madman.

He's scared... His heart felt like its about to burst out of his ribs. The adrenaline force him to go in overdrive and his eyes started hurting from focusing too much. While his body tells him to run away, his mind also scream at him not to do it or he'll die..

'The only way is to fight!!' he decided as his chest heave for air.


In the forge Mr. Dune easily saw the commotion outside as he saw mire and more people flocking towards the direction of the bar... He could even hear a faint chanting of someone's name...

Feeling something wrong he stopped his work and threw the the heated irom back into the furnace and headed out still holding the iron hammer in his hand.


In side the bar. The once lively atmosphere was now gone, replaced with deafening silence as people from the inside watch the fight outside.

While john holds a empty glass. Thinking deeply with a frown that is slowly getting more noticeable.

'The kid is not a monster. He cant be, i dont see any evil energy from that boy. But, its too late.... The people cannot be convinced at this point. You need to run away, kid. Run! Dont fight it will only worsen the lies pinned on you! '


The glass on his hand crack as the boss eyes turn coldly to the mercenary that is currently smiling like a maniac...

' This bastard... I'll break your neck! .' he swore as he have witnessed many of the vile acts this man have committed.


"Monster die by my hands!" Gideon yelled as he lunged once more.