

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Tranh châm biếm
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72 Chs

Chapter 36: A Bit of Lesson And The News Outside

Everyone watches the current fight in awe. With Derek's brutal fist and Casper's lightning fast spear clashing.

Derek ia as big as Lukeas last saw him... No, he's even a bit bigger.. He still wore the same metal gauntlets that he used to beat his opponents with. He wore a formal white T shirt and a cap.. Its a bit surprising that the cap was still on his head even after though they're engaging in a fight. And from what Lukeas heard, he's 16 years old.

On the other hand Prince Casper held a long spear. And just like his sister he have a lustrous silver hair.. Compare to his sister his was a bit whiter and more like a dirty snow. And instead of a purple eyes like his younger sister. He have a grey pupils that looked like a murky water. He held a spear that has a metallic luster and a smaller points at the butt of the handle.. And he's 17.

And together they engage in a fierce battle where one tries to get as close as possible and the other doing all his best to keep a distance.

Everytime the prince thrust Derek would try to weave in and close the distance between them after redirecting his attack. But tge prince has a much faster speed. And could recover quickly from the disruption.

But his attacks was easily deflected by Derek's strength making them stuck in an infinite loop of stalemate.

"Enough... You both passed..." Amatias said signaling the end of the fight.. It only have been a minute or so.

"It haven't even been 5 minutes yet geezer! I can beat him!" yelled Derek. Making the bald man look at him..

"Im only 45 years old fool! And no.. You guys wont go anywhere if you keep this up.. You would only waste everyone's time!" he retort.

"Casper! Your attack are fast! And it's precise.. But you focus too much on that regards making your attacks mean shit to Derek!" he said without a shred of gentleness.

Hearing this Derek harrumph and points his head high and proud. "hmp.. At least you know strength when you see one, oldman.."

".. As for you, you arrogant bastard.. Your attacks are indeed strong but all you do is blindly punch like a barbaric fool! You lack what the prince have plenty off.. Your attack are slow and sloppy.. But its indeed strong.. But still, its shit if you cant hit anyone with it!" Amatias said loudly.

Making Derek fume and shout.." Oh yeah?? What can you do?? Run like a b-!" suddenly Derek vanished and a loud crash was heard on the other side of the arena.. And once the dust settled they found Derek buried within the walls.. Out cold....

And in his previous position the bald man Amatias could be seen with his fist extended out. His stance was solid and firm and his fist was still smoking..

"... Dont worry.. Hes alive.. I used a technique that specializes in making bitches like him fly but not hurt them too much..." he said dusting his self.

"Listen up... True Martial art is not just about focusing on one thing... But its also not about learning everything.." he said as he took a few step back while Prince Casper joined the crowd and stepped down the arena..

Then he Amatias took his battle stance. He was in a horse stance with his right arm extended forward and with his left fist near his hips.. Something similar to Akaza's compas needle .

"A true Master will learn to be fast, precise, and strong.. But he will distribute his focused on what he specialized more.. For example if you focused on strength.. Lets say you would put 5 points in your strength, then 2 on speed, and 3 in precision..and with that you'll have a fast, precise and deadly punch.. "

After he finished he stepped forward and twist his hips to unleash a simple punch.. But the moment his punch straighten out.. Its like the air in his fist solidifies and promptly break like a glass under his strength.. Unleashing a shattering sound and a strong gale of wind. Making everyone flinched from the sound.

"and if you're more into speed.. Then you put 5 on it, then distribute the rest.." then he took a step and... Did nothing?

But suddenly the same sound of shattering air echoes and the gale of the wind from the shockwave still blew.. And his fist was once again smoking.

And his students gasp in shock.

"And for precision.. Its about attacking a very specific spot to deal different kind of damage.. Like punching the liver." he punch the air, it was so fast Lukeas only saw his fist when it stopped.. And its exactly where a liver would be located if there's someone in front of him.

" Blocking, dodging, parrying, and counters.. But i cant demonstrate that... For now at least.." he sigh then he went back to standing straight like nothing..

"Do you all understand?" he said while looking at his class.. And all of them nodded.. Still awed. "B-but.. You said.. Not learn everything.. Then why can you do all of it?" one of his student said.

" Well..... Cuz I'm strong?" he shrugged and got down from the arena.. "Now... Next student! Let's get this done with" he clap to get their attention.. 'Hes strong he said... Thats unfair' they all thought as they continue their fight...

On the other hand Derek got himself out of the wall.. Bleeding from his head.. But I'm his eyes he have a new found respect from his teacher.. 'I saw everything.... I want those stuff'

And as for Lukeas he looked forward.. He didn't need to mimic Amatias move as everything he did was the simplest attack yet.. 'Amazing....'





Outside the training arena.. Many other building was occupied by the students and their teacher.. One of the classes was having a potion brewing lesson.. And a familiar face could be seen mixing a pot filled with purplish liquid while a weak flame heats it up underneath..

She have a dirty-blonde hair that reach to her back. And a darke shade of blue for her eyes. She has a smooth and lightly tanned skin and a lean and athletic physique that could be seen even under her clothes.

"Alexandra Sophia Von Ewen... Are you done with your brew?" an elderly lady slowly said as she slowly approach her to not disturb her or surprised her.

"Soon professor..." Alex replied.. While a thought enters her mind.. 'Heh.. I remember Lukeas would call me by my full name when were practicing.... Speaking of him.. I wonder how is he right now?'




And In a different room, a young man could be seen surrounded by multiple girl. They were nude and glistening in sweat..'Hehe.. Who need shcool? With my skill it wouldn't be long before i become the strongest in this world' he smiled darkly before spanking the asses of the two sleeping girl besides him..

"You... Do you have the information i need now?" he suddenly sat up his bed.. And saw a man kneeling with his forehead in the floor. Trembling in fear...

"y-yes... I-i heard he's in class 3-H..." the man said.

"Good boy... As a reward ill let you clean your girlfriends pussy with your tongue Hahahahaha" he laughs sadistically..

"Y-yes L-Lord Arthur.." the boy replied in fear and hidden rage.

".. Lukeas.... I finally found you...You still owe me one... And you'll pay for it~"





While somewhere out side the shcool.. A drop dead gorgeous girl with a sunset red hair was busily filling out form after form.

She has a wonderful body and a sharp eyes.

Suddenly the door opened and a girl went in..

"Lady Selene... The demand for monsters subjugation is getting way above our manpower and its still filing up.. The monster number is getting worse as days went on... We do not have enough staff or members of the guild to deploy.."

Selene stopped writing to massage her temples.. "Ahh... Azbob where are you??" she muttered..

"We still have no idea where [The Monster Hunter] went.. The last quest he took was a escorting mission.. And the one who posted that said he did an amazing job... But for some reason Adventurer have not claimed his reward... And since then he have not come out.."

"Azbob would have taken care of the monsters... He have a knack for that kind of job..." Selene suddenly went deep in thought..

"Contact the northern, southern and eastern Royal Academies... Maybe we can do a collaborative program.. And make use of their students to clear the quest in turn. Of giving them clearance, experience and reward.." Selene said. "Where gonna make an monster slaying event quest..

"At once my Lady" the girl replied getting ready to leave when Selene called her again. "Andrea.... How was the investigation?"

"..... Unfortunately... They couldn't find any evidence...." she said apologetically.. Before slowly getting out.

Selene could be seen gritting her teeth with an reserve and held back anger as her hands curled into a fist..

"That bastard... After killing dad, his own brother he took half of the guild... We wouldn't have problems with manpower if that guy died in that dungeon....."

"....Hays... I want some coffee..."






Somewhere in the bowels of the world's most treacherous and sinister jungle, known as the Dead Zone, a shadowy figure emerged, his face smeared with blood.

"Ha ha ha...it's getting harder to find a real challenge here," he growled, his voice echoing through the dense foliage.

"The adventurers are starting to piss me off. No matter how many I slaughter, they just keep coming. But it's all good. They're just making me stronger," he snarled with a sinister grin.

"So this is what you want me to do huh?" he looked up the sky.

"I will fuck your plan... And lets see how you'll react...God..." bellowed, his eyes ablaze with rage and malice as he challenge the one he calls God with a expression full of madness.




< Volumes 1 End (Welcome to the new world!) >