

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Tranh châm biếm
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72 Chs

Chapter 31: Lesson Learned

'Mana awakening?' thats was the first thought that came to my mind as I sat in there shocked. 'will i be really able to use mana after this? I hit the jackpot!!' I exclaimed.. If course it's all in my head as I might get blasted away if I screamed it out loud.

And so i watched as this teacher... Uhh.. I forgot his name.. I'll call him snape for now... I watched him wave his hand and suddenly I found my self floating.. Together with my desk and chair.. I looked around to see the others floating as well.

Snape guy controlled and maneuver us around and place us in a formation that leaves a huge space in the middle of the room..

"Now.. Those who have their Mana awakened raised your hand... And those who do not... Stay put" he said.

And I of course raised my hand in excitement only to have my head smack by an invisible force.. "Ow!" i exclaimed in pain.

"WHAT did i dooo?" i asked him.

"I said raise your hand if you awaken your mana you dumb sheep... I dont see magic in you. Yet. Minus 50 points for you"

Hearing so I slowly lowered my hand in embarrassment.. I'm pretty sure some of the students giggled... Damm it was so embarrassing.. I could feel my face heating up because of what happened so i stayed quite.

"You.. Come up here.." snape wanna be said.. I looked up in hopes that it would be me.. But no.. He was pointing to somebody else..

'Dont tell me he's calling me for last....' i sighed in my mind as i slumped forward in my seat. And just begrudgingly watched on the side..

What my teacher called up was a girl.. She has a curly black hair.. A bit plump body.. And she wears a thick fur jackets.. She looks like she lives up in a icy mountain.. Dont she feels hot around here?..

"name".. Snape wanna be asked quite rudely

And surprisingly the girl took it well and bowed her head a little.

"Alika Nelhvanheim(Nee-Va-hym), Professo Merlin"

'ooh.. So he's Merlin... Ok..'

After receiving an answer Merlin didn't speak anymore and he walked behind her and placed his hand on her back and a grey fiery flame like light burst out of his hand directly on her back..

It made Alika suddenly screamed and groan in pain.

This went on for a few more minutes before she finally quiet down and the grey flames were extinguished..

Then suddenly Merlin handed her something... It's like a stone cube.. And then he said "Imagine you have a mouth in your hand.. And imagine using that mouth to blow some wind on that cube... Now start.."

It sound weird but sure it's effective as not too long the cube started glowing a fiery Scarlett flame.. "Exxcelent... You've got a good element, fire is versatile, it's good at offense, and offers quite a lot of utility use... Train hard.. Little wizard.."

"next... You"


Merlin who have awakened 11 promising students and was down to his last.

'weve got quite quite a few promising new candidates... And this will be the last Sleeper[1] in this session... I got quite surprised from earlier as he stands up like nothing happened after being slammed in the walls.. So I'm quite interested in what elements he'll have once awaken... '

"you... Come up here" he beckon to Lukeas who excitedly stand up and quickly ran up to him. And before he could even ask his name he have quickly yelled it out. "Lukeas sir!" and quickly turned to his back..

Merlin just sighed and placed his hand on his back. Then he injected his mana into him. And the moment his mana came in contact with Lukeas. He suddenly shuddered.. But he didn't scream like the others did.. But he was in pain nonetheless.

And suddenly Merlin brows furrowed and a sign of confusion was seen in his face.. Because since his mana is roaming in Lukeas body he could pretty much "see" how it was.. And he was shocked...

His ribs.. His spine.. Every bones and muscles he have were vastly different to that of a human. But thats not what he came here for... So he ignored that for now and instead focus on awakening him..

And once he have his mana completely covered Lukeas he suddenly shifted it and willed it to "shock" Lukeas. Lukeas then twisted in pain. And slumped on the ground..

And a he could feel something new... In his body... Floating aimlessly around him... A vortex of energy..

He was silent for a few moments and was still in surprised before Merlin snapped him out of it by throwing the same cube he gave to others.

Lukeas' body moved on its own and cought the cube. And without waiting for Merlin he started injecting his mana into the stone..

And he saw the stone glowing in a faint blue gentle light...

"Y.. Youre the same." Merlin suddenly blurted out mindlessly...



A few moments later Lukeas could be seen sitting on his chair with a not so joyful face. He wore a expressionless face as if he have turned to stone.

According to Merlin.. He was one of the "lost"

A category of mage that do not have an element... And have a neutral mana signature and characteristics.. Meaning he cant cast anything other than neutral spell..

And whats neutral spell?

Well thats their current lesson.. And neutral spell us considered to be the basis of the basic spell.. The examples are.. [Mana bullet], [mana shield], [Telekinesis], [mana burst] and basically all kinds of spell that don't deal any elemental damages..

And he can't cast any elemental spell no matter what he does.. Even the most basic [fire starter] a spell that produce a spark.... Yes.. He cant do that...

So his dreams of being an 5 elemental mage was ruined.. And hes currently suffering a breakdown..

" As all you know neutral spell are the basis of all spell. But do any of you know why? " Merlin ask.

Then a single student raise his hand.. No he wasn't wearing a glasses.. A matter of fact he was ripped to the Supreme.. His body was a mass of muscle.. And he looked dumb not gonna lie.

"Its because the structure of a neutral spell magic circle can be found in the very foundation of almost all elemental spell.. Like for example, the essence of [mana bullet] can be easily found in the very core of a fire ball spell.. And etc"

"Exxcellent.. Plus 50 points to Khor" he said and Khor sat down

"Mana magic or neutral magic is the best defense to all elemental magic as it doesn't have any counter element since its neutral.. But it is also the most balanced.. Basically a jack of all trades.. But in a cost of its fire power.....

The lesson continues on for a bit.. And Lukeas just listened to it even though he felt no joy.. But still he have a glimmer of hope...

And then the following lesson they were taught how to increase their control in mana.. And how to purify it and make thier mana more dense and more potent.. And of course Lukeas listened to it diligently.

They were also taught how to apply a [mana bost] to them self

That is focusing their mana in one part of their body to strengthen it.. And other neutral spells.

And lastly, Merlin gave each of them books.. That correspond to their elements before all of them are dismiss.. And Lukeas was the one that left the quickest as he still remembers, people could challenge him for his points... Hes pretty confident about his ability.. But right now hes busy..

Because he have a theory.. 'what if, I can apply the stuff I read from the novels in to his self?'

And he will find it out, and hes quite excited for it.



[1]= Sleepers is what they call people who haven't awaken mana