

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Tranh châm biếm
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72 Chs

Chapter 23: It finally ended

The crowd erupted into chaos, some cheering for Arthur's unexpected triumph, while others gasped in shock and horror at the deadly turn of events. Arthur felt a rush of triumph as he realized he had emerged victorious.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" the oldman shout a few meters away from Arthur. But he just shrugged. "What? I thought it's ok to kill? He's pretty annoying anyway" he sneered.

"Anyway.. Lets see how useful he'll be" Arthur said as he waved his hand in empty air.

This reply made the oldman grit his teeth but then he turned to Lukeas body. "Hey! Camille what are you waiting for?! heal that kid! I can still hear his heart beating!" he said looking at a empty spot on the sky.

When he suddenly heard a feminine voice on the direction of Lukeas.. "You don't have to tell me.."

Suddenly a woman materialize besides his body.. And it seems like she have been healing him for quite some time already.

"You.... You're starting to get on my nerve, scum" the oldman said as his eyes narrowed while looking ar Arthur.

But Arthur was having none of it. As he spread his hand. "What? I've said it already.. I thought it'd be ok to kill that guy... So i did! What are you gonna do about it?" Arthur mocked.

"NO! DON'T DO IT!" Camille's voice shook with terror, causing Dylan to turn around and witness a nightmare before his eyes. Lukeas was suspended in the air, his body distorted and twisted in unnatural ways. His skin was charred and peeling, revealing layers of raw, bloody flesh beneath. The stench of burnt flesh filled the air, and the sight of Lukeas' exposed teeth and bloody gums sent chills down Dylan's spine.

But it was Lukeas' eyes that truly frightened Dylan. They were bloodshot and crazed, filled with a murderous rage that seemed to emanate from his very being. It was as if he had descended from the pits of hell itself, and his sole purpose was to destroy Arthur.

With his trained sense he could easily see Lukeas in midair he seems to have used a powerful dash and crossed a dozen of meters in a blink of an eye. And madly looked at Arthur in a seething rage filled with killing intent that even a train person like Dylan felt a hint of fear.

And as Lukeas traverse the distance and was nearing Arthur he swung his sword in a jagged and unsteady arc.

And blood was spilled..

Arthur's world spun as he felt the searing agony on his neck, his hands shaking as he desperately tried to stop the blood gushing from the gaping wound. He turned to face his attacker, and what he saw made his heart stop. Lukeas, with his burnt skin and twisted grin, looked like a demon risen from the depths of hell. Arthur tried to back away, but only fell down, he was paralyzed with terror, rooted to the spot like a deer in headlights.

"What are you doing!!! Stop hiiim!! He's gonna kil mee!!"

Arthur scream and beg for Dylan. But the oldman only looked at him with and smiled. "N-no.. No NOOO!!"

But then Lukeas' sword fell down.. Then he fell as well. But then Camille catch him.. "I told you to wait. Your injuries are far too severe for you to move around!" she said annoyedly as she started tending Lukeas... Before casting something on him.. And making him float.. Then she turned at Dylan.. "Im taking him into the infirmary" before flying away together with him.

Dylan watched Camille as she fades in the distance before he looked back on Arthur and said in disdain as he sees Arthur's states "Pathetic....." before walking away from him and facing tge crowd once again... Arthur.. Have pissed himself in fear..... He looked down in shame and saw the puddle of piss under him.

"He'll pay for this!" he grits his teeth and silently swore.

"Lukeas... Passed.. And so does that brat over there." the oldman saids pointing at Arthur from behind him.


Everything should have been over... That is when one guy raised his hand and asked about his turn. Turns out he was the other SSS.. And so Dylan tested Alfrey and he barely passed.. His combat ability were low and his stamina are low too.. But the great thing was he can heal himself in a abnormal speed. And he said he could also use it to heal others. Which pull his bad performance and made him pass barely.

And after that, everything was pretty much over. On the other hand Lukeas still haven't woken up even after Camille have use a spell on him. And so the staff just decided to continue on and announce all that is needed to be known..


"Everyone listen up. You might think You'll be safe just because you're parents are a high ranking nobles but you're wrong. That's because they have already signed a waiver that if you somehow died. That is because you are too weak and it won't be the school's responsibility. But there's a rule.. The contract will only be take effect when the school starts... That why shit-for-brains here almost cause us some trouble." Dylan pause while keeping his finger pointed at Arthur.

" So anyway.. Once the shcool start everything goes, but we're not saying you should start killing everyone, we only said your allowed to.. Not required to.. It's like a natural selection of nature... Those who are strong kills the weak if they stay weak... Those who are weak can make use of tricks, and shit to kill the strong arrogant bastard.. Shits like that.. But you can also work together, and strive... It's all up to you.. But when a lesson starts or a training is happening... You are to listen to your teacher understand?! " he asked everyone... Yet silent remains.


" SIR! YES SIR! " Everyone replied in panicked and laud voice.

And it finally ended.. The people who remained standing were those who passed.. And those who failed were told to head out the gates and they all could just try again next time.


All the students were standing still.. They all blink for a couple of times when one man suddenly started making a run outside.. And that's when everyone understood it.. And almost all of them have left in a stampede...


Because one person in particular is having a very nice sleep...

The quality might have reduced at the end. And there might have been a confusion. Thats because I stopped writing yesterday because i got busy.. And only continued it this day after enrolling my self to the second sem.. And i might have forgotten somethings. So yeah... In Monday. My updates might become soo long and unstable. You might lose interest.. So i apologize in advance, and yes. Im working after I finish class. So i can only write for a few hours before going to sleep for another day.

Night_Star_Gazecreators' thoughts