

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Tranh châm biếm
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72 Chs

Chapter 18: Test begins

After the principal's departure, the air was thick with relief, as if a great weight had been lifted from the shoulders of those who had been under the crushing weight of his authority. Some collapsed onto the ground, their bodies drained of energy and their minds overwhelmed by the constant strain. Despite not needing to rest, Lukeas could still feel his knees quivering beneath him, a testament to the toll that the principal's tyranny had taken on everyone present.

"Everything just got better... Are you telling me we all can do whatever we want? And no punishment will befall us?" With a sneering grin, the brutish noble surveys the crowd of commoners before him. The news that there will be no consequences for his actions has sent a rush of euphoria through his veins, and he revels in the sense of power and control he feels.. "You all are fucked! I'll kill all of you, you useless fuckers!" In a mocking voice, he taunts the powerless people around him, promising to do them harm without fear of retribution. While his lackeys and friends around him laughs getting excited and are already imagining what they could do.

The grand display put on by the malicious nobles had the opposite effect on many of the commoners who had gathered to watch. Instead of inspiring awe or admiration, it left them feeling unsure and even terrified. The elaborate costumes, the ornate decorations, and the haughty demeanor of the nobles only served to emphasize the vast gulf between the upper and lower classes.

But amidst the murmurs of fear and discontent, one man stood up and offered a solution. He was dressed in tattered clothes and barefoot, and his face was streaked with dirt and sweat, but his voice was strong and clear. "Follow me and my friends," he called out to the crowd. "We will protect you from these haughty nobles, but you must listen to my orders if you want to stay with us." but some noticed something unclear, something impure, ans unkind behind the mans gleaming eyes as he smiles. And other decided it is better to stay out.

Following that, the nobles and commoners began forming alliances and partnerships, each group determined to ensure their own interests were protected. As they worked to set their own rules, tensions ran high, particularly among the nobles, who were divided into three distinct factions.

The first faction was led by four nobles, each with their own unique traits and abilities. Among them was a veiled girl whose enigmatic nature had earned her a reputation as a master strategist, as well as a boy in a pristine white military uniform, whose sharp mind and quick reflexes made him a formidable opponent in battle. The other two members of the faction were a duo who wore black and red military uniforms, renowned for their power and precision in combat.

The second faction was led by a flamboyantly-dressed man with golden-framed glasses, who radiated an air of sophistication and elegance. Despite his dandyish appearance, however, he was a skilled warrior and tactician, and commanded the respect of his followers. He was also renowned for being a great merchant.

The third faction, in contrast to the elegance of the other two, was comprised of brutish nobles in combat suits. These hardened warriors were renowned for their strength and resilience, and were feared by many for their ruthless tactics in battle.

Despite their differences, each of these factions was determined to emerge victorious in the power struggle that was unfolding. As alliances were formed and strategies were devised, the fate of this newly-formed society hung in the balance.

Within the commoners group, a sharp divide had emerged. The first faction was led by a man with a haughty demeanor and an air of superiority, despite his shabby, tattered clothing. He stood tall, surveying the other group with a mocking gaze that conveyed his belief in his own superiority. The second group, however, refused to be ruled by such a person, or anyone else for that matter.

They were a collection of independent-minded individuals who valued their freedom and autonomy above all else. Some of them simply didn't trust the first group's leader, sensing that he had ulterior motives or might lead them astray. Others had always been loners or outsiders, uninterested in following anyone else's lead. Together, they formed a diverse, eclectic group that refused to be pigeonholed or dominated by anyone else. Lukeas was also part of this group . He even thought making his own factions.. But instead he thought he could just lay low and hide and grow strong.

As the events unfolded before them, a group of academy staff looked on, observing every detail with keen interest. They watched as the various students formed alliances, and as leaders emerged, demonstrating their ability to manage and motivate their followers. The staff noted how each group set their own rules and strategies, and how they adapted to the challenges presented to them.

One member of the group, a distinguished man with a few streaks of grey hair, looked particularly impressed by the proceedings. He wore an elegant robe that exuded an air of power and authority, and his penetrating gaze took in every detail. "Ah... The children of the king really are a great duo," he murmured, his eyes alight with admiration. "Especially the princess. She's got a sharp mind. I can see why she's so respected by her peers."

The man's attention then shifted to another duo who were dressed in black and red military uniforms. At first, he had been dismissive of them, expecting them to be nothing more than troublemakers who would challenge anyone who looked strong. However, he had been surprised by their competence and ability to hold their own in the challenges they faced. "And those two idiots we're not bad as well," he remarked, nodding his head in grudging respect.

"I initially thought Adam would start challenging every strong looking person here, but he's proven himself to be quite capable. And his partner, what's his name again? Allan? He's got a real talent for managing and leading a group. They might just surprise us yet."

The woman spoke with an air of refinement, her words precise and graceful as they flowed from her lips. Despite her elegant attire - a flowing violet robe and pointed hat - there was a sharpness to her eyes that spoke of a powerful will. She looked as though she could destroy the modeling industry with a single photo, her striking beauty alone a force to be reckoned with.

Her commentary on the two individuals in question was equally sharp. While acknowledging their potential, she expressed disdain towards their unpleasant attitudes and goals. "Indeed, those two also looked like they have potential," he agreed . "But their attitude and their goals are quite unpleasant. Specially Derek."

As the woman continued, it became clear that her dislike of Derek was personal. "Like father like son," she sneered. "He's father was also such an ass hole back then. And his son seems to have inherited it. The difference was his father backed his brutality with wits and intelligence. While this kid seems to rely on his strength."

Despite her dislike of Derek, the woman's analysis of the situation was astute. She had a way of cutting through the surface-level appearances and getting to the heart of the matter. It was clear that her opinion was one to be respected - and, perhaps, even feared.

As the noblewoman's gaze fell on the commoner, a frown creased her forehead. There was something about him that unsettled her. His posture was upright, almost regal, and he carried himself with a confidence that bordered on arrogance. It was as if he saw himself as something more than human, a deity walking among mere mortals.

"He seems to be planning something bad," she said, her voice low and filled with suspicion. "Just by looking at him, I can tell he thinks himself as God. Perhaps he received a powerful blessing that has gone to his head."

Turning to one of the instructors, she inquired about the man's identity. "What's his name again?" she asked. The instructor replied, "Arthur Lock. He is originally from the south and the son of the deceased Damien Lock. When his father died under mysterious circumstances, his family fell apart, and he was left alone."

The noblewoman mulled over the information for a moment. "Hmm, so he's a son of a lower-rank noble. That explains his haughty attitude," she mumbled.

But before she could dismiss the commoner as another entitled nobleman, the instructor interjected, "Actually, based on the report, Arthur was a good guy. Many of the people around their land describe him as sweet and humble man."

Surprised, the noblewoman's expression softened slightly. She realized she had been too quick to judge the young man based on his appearance and demeanor. Perhaps there was more to him than met the eye.

As she spoke, she kept her gaze fixed on Arthur, who sat silently, deep in thought. Her words were directed at Ellison, a close associate who was known for his research skills.

"The world can change a man, Ellison," she said with a hint of pity in her voice. "And Arthur here may have seen his fair share of changes."

She paused for a moment, as if lost in thought, before continuing. "I need you to find out more information on him. Specifically, I want to know what happened during the time he was abandoned and the years that followed. There might be something there that can help us understand him better."

Ellison nodded, understanding his task. "Consider it done," he said, before quickly making his way out of the room.

"We should start the test now," the old man said after Ellison went out. Then Camille turned around and looked at him "I don't want to lead the second test, Dylan. It's tiring. Let me take care of the first, okay?" she replied, fluttering her eyes at him.

"Sure, whatever," Dylan grumbled under his breath. "I'm getting old. I shouldn't be doing this much fighting." The rest of his words were too faint to be heard, as Camille had already gone ahead.


As the individuals gathered together, they began to establish a hierarchy amongst themselves, and it wasn't long before some began to argue over who should be granted more privileges. However, there were those who accepted what was given to them without protest. As the atmosphere grew tense with the discussion, the sound of high heels clicking against the ground interrupted their conversation, drawing everyone's attention to the stadium.

Despite the noise and vastness of the arena, the sound of the heels was unmistakable, and it was only a matter of moments before they saw the source of the sound. Walking confidently towards the podium was an incredibly beautiful woman, and it was as if the entire world had stopped to take notice of her presence. The boys were entranced, their eyes fixated on her with a mixture of awe and desire. Some of them openly displayed their lust, while others attempted to hide their reactions from the others.

It wasn't just the boys who were affected by her presence; the girls, too, were taken aback by her beauty. They blushed and gazed at her in admiration, their eyes following her every move. Lukeas was one of the individuals who attempted to hide his reaction, his eyes darting away from her in an attempt to avoid any unwanted attention.

As she drew closer to the podium, the individuals present couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. What would this woman say? And how would she change their lives forever? It was as if the entire world was holding its breath, waiting for her to speak.

"I will now officially start the first test, to see if you have the requirement to continue to the next." she said her voice was harmonious and as if powered by magic it was heard all across the field.

She adjusted her pointed hat and revealed a device glowing with a bluish light in her palm. "Only those with C - A potential can pass. E is the lowest rank and A is the highest, with S, SS, and SSS being even higher. Those who reach the top three ranks will receive the best of everything, including the best dormitory, equipment, and training course. You'll even have access to any martial arts in the library," she explained with a smile.

"Let's start now shall we? And we'll begin with you" she said pointing at the crowd.

Lukeas stood frozen as the woman pointed in his direction. He couldn't believe it. Was she really indicating him? He felt a mix of excitement and nervousness bubble inside him. "Me?" he asked, pointing to himself for confirmation. But his joy was short-lived as he suddenly felt a great force pushing him from behind, making him stumble forward.

"Move! She's pointing at me, you brained idiot," mocked Arthur, a haughty commoner who leads one of the factions in the commoners group. Lukeas felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment as he realized the woman was, in fact, pointing at Derek. He stepped aside, feeling like a fool. While Derek confidently strode onto the stage, reveling in the attention he was about to receive.

"Now.. Put your hand on this" Camille smiled at him as she hands him the device, he returned the smiled but the smile was filled with lust, desire and even obsession. But she ignored it and activate it. Suddenly a hologram like screen appeared over the stage and Derek's potential was proudly shown to everyone.

And what they saw make them exclaim.

"WHA-WHAT THE FUCK!! ... SSS???!!!"

My release is getting more and mid unstable.... Damm sorry guys

#Edit: goodness gracious i made an error.. It was actually Arthur that was called. But yes.. They said the same thing

Night_Star_Gazecreators' thoughts