
Strongest Dragon Mage

Rohan felt an acidic sear in his throat as he woke up from his dream—he searched his body immediately for the fatal strike his best friend had dealt upon him. Was everything a dream? No. Everything that happened in his first life was too bitter and cruel to be just a nightmare. Rohan the Last Dragon Mage had travelled back in time, sixteen years before he is slain by the people he trusted. "Forget saving the world," he huffed in cold sweat, "I'm going to ruin you all."

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25 Chs

Chapter 20 These Bonds

The monotonous lecture that filled the classroom was the background of Rohan's daydreaming. Instead of focusing on the teacher's words, he had decided to entertain himself by balancing a pencil on the bridge of his nose–it was a skill he had mastered long ago, and it provided a welcome distraction from the drudgery of the lesson.

His feet rested comfortably on the desk, and his classmates had grown used to his unconventional behavior. Rohan had always been a bit of an oddity, and his disregard for classroom norms was just one of his many quirks.

What should I do… I can't challenge Sydnia for the retest if Mira is taking her on.

As the pencil teetered precariously on the tip of his nose, Rohan's mind wandered to the events that just happened. He couldn't help but think about Mira, the courageous girl who had stood up to Sydnia Schwartz in the cafeteria. He had a newfound respect for her, and he admired her for her bravery.

Voglio, huh? Where have I heard of that before?

Still, they hadn't had a chance to discuss their magical affinities. Rohan had been so caught up in the drama surrounding Sydnia that he hadn't taken the time to learn more about Mira.

For now, though, he focused on maintaining the delicate balance of the pencil on his nose, a small smile playing on his lips as he reveled in the simple pleasure.

The professor's stern voice cut through Rohan's daydreams, bringing him back to the reality of the classroom. With a sigh, he lowered his feet from the desk and turned his attention toward the front of the room where the professor stood.

"Mr. Humboldt," the professor called out, his expression unyielding, "would you kindly come to the blackboard and solve the equation I've written?"

Rohan nodded and rose from his seat, feeling the curious gazes of his classmates on him. He made his way to the blackboard, picking up a piece of chalk along the way. The equation was a straightforward one. The chalk glided smoothly across the blackboard as he worked through the steps and answered it with ease.

Once he finished, he stepped back, the answer neatly written on the board. "There you go, Professor," Rohan said with a half-smile, turning to face the professor.

The professor acknowledged his correct answer with a nod but wasted no time in delivering a reminder. "Mr. Humboldt, I understand that you have a talent for magic, but I must remind you that you are still on probationary status due to the retest you have to take. Your magical prowess and knowledge is commendable, but it does not excuse you from adhering to the rules and expectations of this academy."

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind," Rohan walked towards his desk.

Rohan knew that he had to prove himself through the upcoming retest, and the reminder of his probationary status served as a constant weight on his shoulders. As he returned to his seat, he couldn't help but wonder how the impending duel with Sydnia would affect his academic standing.

As Rohan gazed at the sky, his thoughts drifted to Azure, the dragon that had been a part of his life since he could remember. Azure had been his companion, a source of power, guidance, and friendship. She was not of this world, soaring free in foreign skies with pride and elegance.

Suddenly, a strange sensation gripped his chest, an ache that seemed to radiate from within. It was as if a piece of him, something deep and essential, was stirring. His wrists, which bore the intricate blue veins of magic, suddenly felt like they were engulfed in flames. The veins glowed with an intensity he had never seen before, casting an azure hue over his skin.

Rohan couldn't help but gasp, clutching his chest as he felt the connection with Azure surge to life. It was a sensation that both comforted and bewildered him. Azure had always been a mysterious presence, and now, she seemed to be reaching out to him in a way he had never experienced.

He closed his eyes, trying to make sense of the overwhelming feelings coursing through him. It was as if Azure was trying to convey something, a message or a warning, but the meaning remained elusive.

With a deep breath, Rohan whispered, "Azure, what is it? What are you trying to tell me?"

It was impossible. He hadn't even learned dragon magic in this life yet. Yet, he could feel the bond between him and his dragon tug his soul.

The magical bond between them pulsed in response, its meaning still shrouded in mystery.