
Strongest Dragon Mage

Rohan felt an acidic sear in his throat as he woke up from his dream—he searched his body immediately for the fatal strike his best friend had dealt upon him. Was everything a dream? No. Everything that happened in his first life was too bitter and cruel to be just a nightmare. Rohan the Last Dragon Mage had travelled back in time, sixteen years before he is slain by the people he trusted. "Forget saving the world," he huffed in cold sweat, "I'm going to ruin you all."

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25 Chs

Chapter 14 Magus Arts

The renowned Academy for Magus Arts was nestled in the heart of Heron's bustling capital, surrounded by elegant, ivy-clad buildings and cobblestone streets. This exclusive institution had gained fame not only across the continent but throughout all of Pangea.

This prestigious establishment upheld the pursuit of excellence without bias. It welcomed gifted prodigies from all corners of the continent, as well as noble scions, heirs to esteemed titles and immense wealth.

Yet, it wasn't solely the rigorous education and wealth of knowledge that elevated the Academy for Magus Arts to its esteemed status. It was the spirit of camaraderie and competition that thrived within its hallowed halls. Students of diverse backgrounds formed unbreakable bonds, and rivalries kindled the fires of excellence. The honor of being recognized as the most skilled mage within the academy was a coveted prize for all.

The atmosphere surrounding the testing grounds buzzed with anticipation as students from various noble families awaited their turn to showcase their magical talents during the entrance examination. Each young mage aspired to prove their mettle and secure a place within the prestigious Academy for Magus Arts.

However, the atmosphere of excitement shifted abruptly as a burst of laughter and jeers erupted among the waiting students. Their attention had been captivated by an unconventional spectacle unfolding within the testing grounds itself.

In the center of the open area, a red-haired mage exuded an air of nonchalance, arms casually crossed, and a smug grin adorning his lips. Facing him stood an ice mage, clad in robes bearing the emblem of House Frostcliff. The latter struggled visibly to maintain his composure.

The ice mage's predicament quickly became evident. With each step he took, he stumbled, as though an invisible force sought to trip him. His movements grew increasingly erratic, causing him to flail and struggle desperately to regain his balance.

Laughter erupted from the onlooking students, who couldn't contain their amusement as they witnessed the ice mage's futile attempts to maintain his poise. Some students pointed and exchanged amused remarks, savoring the spectacle before them.

"You've got this!" one student managed to stifle their laughter and offered words of encouragement.

Another student, teary-eyed from laughing, implored, "Hey, enough of this; let's get on with the duel!"

The ice mage from House Frostcliff shot an irate glare toward the onlookers, though his face remained firmly planted on the ground. Tripping over himself, he found himself incapable of casting even a single spell.

Varian and Claudine exchanged knowing glances. Varian immediately recognized the application of micromagic spells, the very niche and unconventional field he had dedicated his life to.

With a wry smile, Claudine remarked to Varian, "It seems someone possesses quite the mischievous sense of humor. Those invisible tripwires and tied shoelaces are quite intricately woven."

Varian chuckled in agreement. "Actually, those aren't invisible tripwires. Micromagic revolves around everyday occurrences. The crimson-headed mage seems to have tricked his opponent's foot into believing there's a banana peel beneath it."

"Is that even genuine magic?" Claudine found herself utterly perplexed, realizing she knew little about micromagic.

Varian grinned as he continued to observe the spectacle. "Creating such spells seamlessly requires a certain level of creativity. Our aspiring micromage might have just earned his place at the academy."

As the ice mage's struggle persisted, the smirk on the face of the red-haired mage only broadened. It was evident that this unconventional duel had captured the undivided attention and amusement of those awaiting their turn. The testing grounds resounded with laughter and jests, and the enigmatic red-haired mage's reputation began to spread like wildfire among the watching students.

Varian, his amusement evident, strode toward the testing grounds, followed by a group of concerned professors. The spectacle had drawn the attention of even the academy's staff.

Meanwhile, Rohan, the red-haired mage at the center of the amusement, seemed utterly nonchalant. As his eyes scanned the approaching group of professors, they locked onto Varian's, and a lazy yawn escaped his lips. The mischievous glint in his eyes hinted at his knowledge of the situation's absurdity, leaving Varian curious about the young mage's intentions.

It's Varian… It's really him. Alive. This old kook!

Rohan held down his excitement, he had prayed he would see his mentor again.

In his previous life, while he was going through Varian's things after he had passed away, he had seen a plaque inscribed with Varian's full name in detailed gold lettering, below it was "Academy of Magus Arts - Professor of Micromagic."