

Life seemed utterly devoid of meaning...

But it's the living who bestow it with purpose. Thus, it's simultaneously both meaningful and meaningless.

I used to care too much about the world, but the world didn't seem to care about me in return.

I felt judged by people all the time, yet the truth is, I was the only one judging myself since others didn't even acknowledge my existence.

These thoughts raced through my mind as I slowly embraced the proximity of death.

Regret overwhelmed me as I gradually recognized my mistakes.

I should have been braver... I should have shown more courage than I did...

Now, it's all too late. I'm slowly descending into an eternal slumber.

Countless thoughts swirled within my mind.


I longed to return to the past... to live again...

But those thoughts in my mind felt hopeless as my consciousness slowly faded away, like a flame extinguishing in a torch.

I was too late.

I will die...

[Those were the last thoughts in Jack's mind as his consciousness dissolved into nothingness...]

[However... Is this truly the end for this unfortunate soul? Is this the ultimate tragedy?]


Who is speaking? Is someone... speaking in my mind?

[This is but the humble beginning of Jack Moore...]


I couldn't help but look around the surroundings, but...

Why is everything so dark? Where am I!?

[Jack's consciousness has entered the realm of nothingness...]

Is someone here? Where are you!?

[Little did our little friend know that the realm of nothingness is filled with nothing but nothingness... The more peculiar reason for Jack's consciousness to even—]

Who the heck is talking!? Show yourself!

Where did you take me!?

[Oops. Looks like we've been heard by our protagonist.]

What? Protagonist!? What the heck are you talking about!? 

I'm supposed to be dead, am I!? 

[Indeed. You are supposed to be dead. But I am interested in continuing your life.]

Interested... Why? I don't even know you!

Besides, why does your voice sound like Morgan Freeman's?

[Don't bother asking why my voice is like this... And as for why I want you to live? I just find it interesting to see how you will proceed with your dream.]

My dream... 

[Yes. I have known you for a while. You have a dream that you wanted to achieve.] 

Yes... My dream. 

{As Jack thought of his dream, his consciousness couldn't help but weep in sadness.}

My dream... I always wanted to become... 

A football striker!

[A football striker!] x2

Hey, don't mimic me!

[Hehe, I just felt the need to.]

How did you know I wanted to become—

[A striker? Well, it was because I've been inside your mind all along.]

You what!? Inside? Gross!

[It's not what you think! I'm in your consciousness the whole time!] 

Consciousness, huh? Why didn't I know at all that someone has been living rent-free in my mind? 

[Hey, don't charge me rent.] 

You seem to know a lot about me, huh... So you should know more about me? 

[I know more about yourself than you know about yourself.] 

I doubt that.

[You are an awkward person with a lofty dream! You cared so much about others' opinions that you left your team at the age of thirteen! Then you only finished high school and led a mediocre life, then died of an incurable disease at the age of twenty-one!]

••• ••• •••

[This silence you, huh?]

About that... I truly regret it.

I wish I could go back to the past and play football again with my friends... 

[It's too late now, huh.]

You said...

That you can bring me back to life? Is that... 

Is that true?

{There's a glimmer of hope in Jack's consciousness as he asked the unknown entity.}

[Unfortunately, I can't return you to your past.] 

So you're lying?

{Jack's tone became downcast as despair set in, and his consciousness was slowly consumed by the realm of nothingness.}

[No. I'm not lying.]

Then can you bring me back to life or not!? 

[I can bring you back to life.] 


[But you won't be Jack Moore anymore.]

What do you mean? 

[I can send your soul into an unknown body in another world.]

Which means... 

[You won't return to life as Jack Moore but instead inhabit an unknown body. Furthermore, it won't be the same world as your original one.]


[Are you fine with that?] 

It's... It's fine!!! It's more than fine! 

Please! Send my soul into another body!

[Oh! That's the spirit! You don't even care about the fate of the person you're about to inhabit?] 

{Jack's mind froze as he heard the question.}

[Just letting you know, that whoever is the unfortunate person your soul is about to inhabit will die.]

That... So cruel!? 

[Hehe, the world is a cruel place! You should have known that already!] 

{Jack's consciousness raced with countless thoughts when he finally understood the consequences of his return to life.} 

Someone... Someone needs to disappear into nothingness for me to live?

Is this... Fair?

[You have to understand that in this world, fairness and unfairness both coexist. It's fair for the living to meet their end, but it's unfair for the living to have different circumstances in life. Fate grants opportunities to both the poor and the rich, the weak and the strong. Yet there are special cases where fate leads a particular person to total despair, a dead end, without offering any chances at all...] 

{Jack's mind raced with thoughts as he made a resolute decision. He firmly said,} 

So be it! I don't care if that person's fate comes to an end for my own existence! Just let me live!