

Third Person PoV

Kojou opened his eyes, feeling a soft sensation on top of his chest. He moved his eyes which focused quickly onto the blonde hair.

His mind raced as the events of last night slammed into his consciousness. From turning his closest friend into a pseudo vampire and then having a fuck-fest.

He was worried about the reaction of Asagi as last night maybe due to the libido of her race change.

But his worries were unfounded as the girl on his chest moved and planted a soft and chaste kiss on his lips.

"Good morning, Kojou!"

Kojou felt the tension leave his body and he responded.

"Yeah, you too Asagi!"

After a quick breakfast made by Asagi both of them finished eating and decided that Asagi after some work, will come to Kojou's apartment to talk with Nagisa.

"Explaining this to her now will not be possible because she has an irrational fear of demons."

"We can ease her into this, Kojou and I think Nagisa-chan loves you more than she hates the demons."

"Let's hope she does."

Kojou went before Asagi to take a bath and change his clothes. While Asagi quickly freshened up after a bath and went on to do her work.

"So the empress finally succeeded in seducing her emperor?"

The blue mascot, Mogwai spoke to Asagi while she was working on her screen.


"Who starts a conversation like that, I just sat down. And what do mean seducing? We both fell in love with each other."

"Yeah sure. Anyways as a generous AI, I will handle the work today, so go and talk to your sister in law. I will alert you if any problem arises."

"Thanks Mogwai, you are the best!!"

But seeing the smug smirk on the artificial picture, Asagi rescinded her words

"On a second note I shouldn't have said that."

Kojou entered his apartment to find Nagisa sitting on the couch and watching the repeat of her anime.

'I think it was, Defend the Dwarves or something.'

Hearing the footsteps of someone, Nagisa turned around to find her brother standing near the entrance to the living room.

"Mou!! Kojou-kun, stop sneaking up to me like that."

"I wasn't sneaking, you are too distracted to notice me."

Nagisa pouted to show her discontent but that suddenly changed when she remembered that her brother went on a date with Asagi and didn't come back at night.

"So, Kojou-kun, how was Asagi-chan?"

"What do you mean-?"

Kojou blushed as he realised what his sister was asking and started to move towards his room.


Nagisa went back to watching her show, smirking at how easy it is to tease her brother.

"But I am really surprised, Kojou-kun is dense. How did he get someone like Asagi-chan? She must have made the first move."

Although Nagisa was watching the TV, her focus was on something else.

Asagi reached near Kojou's apartment and knocked on the door.


Nagisa opened the door.

"Oh! Asagi-chan, come in. Kojou-kun is waiting for you."

Asagi stepped inside the house and saw Kojou sitting on the couch. Seeing her come, the 4th motioned both of them to sit.

Asagi sat beside him while Nagisa sat in front of the two. Kojou looked with determination in his eyes and said

"Nagisa, me and Asagi are going out!"


"No reaction?"

Nagisa sputtered a laugh and said

"Kojou-kun is the only one who did not know that Asagi-chan liked you."

Kojou turned his neck towards Asagi and she was also looking very interested in the ceiling at the moment.

"To be honest I was thinking you two were already a couple since 1st year but Kojou-kun was way too dense."

"Well he did propose to me yesterday"

"He did! I thought we would need to do an entire drama to get him to understand your feelings."

Nagisa came over and hugged Asagi. The hug was reciprocated by Asagi too while Kojou was thinking if he really was that dense before.

After making a mental note to ask Yaze about this, he turned toward the two girls enjoying each other's company.

"Also I was thinking of buying the apartment next door and joining it with ours."

"Why?" Nagisa questioned tilting her head.

"That's the reason why I asked Asagi to come over. I was planning on having her stay here."

Asagi looked surprised but happy on the other hand Nagisa looked over to Asagi and said in an admiring voice

"Woah! Sister-in-law, you already are coming into Kojou-kun's house."

Asagi blushed hearing that but turned towards Kojou and asked.

"I am really happy that you are doing this for me, but do you have the money for it?"

Nagisa and Kojou both looked at her in a shocked manner. Then Nagisa stood up and went to the kitchen to bring some snacks.

But before going she gave a 'you tell her' look to Kojou.

"Asagi, not to brag or anything but my mother is the head of MAR and my father is a very famed Archaeologist. Money is the least of my worries."

"Oh I kinda forgot about it. You know with them rarely being around. I think I saw them only a dozen or so times. That too only your mother due to Nagisa-chan, your father is like a ghost."

"Indeed. But still Kojou-kun, you should ask mother about this. I know your relationship with her isn't great but still."

"I don't hate them, Nagisa. It's just that something I recently learned is making me wonder about their concern for us."

"What things?"

Kojou looked at Asagi and asked her what to do silently.

"Well we talked about some things last night and the topic was raised, Nagisa-chan. It is more of a father-son thing."

"Oh! So you guys had time to talk last night? I was thinking you were busy with something else."

Nagisa gave a knowing grin while simultaneously placing a tray of water and chips.

"You are not going to let me live this down are you?"

Kojou said hopelessly, while Asagi was radiating steam from her head and ears.


Following that Kojou and Asagi watched the television and talked about some stuff. They couldn't say much about the vampire issue but they did their work for school.

It was decided that Asagi will still work from her former residence but will stay along with Kojou.

The two newly made lovers also had to talk on how to disclose the news to their classmates.

Next day Asagi and Kojou walked together to the school, hand in hand. This was the simplest way to show that they were going out.

In the beginning many eyes were roaming to them, but no one asked anything. But the curiosity was biting away at the high schoolers.

After all they are at the peak of their youth, stuff like this really entices them. Just as the recess happened, Kojou and Asagi were bombarded with questions.

On Kojou's side the first one to ask was Yaze.

"So you finally figured it out."

"Before you say anything else, did everyone know that Asagi was into me?"

Yaze looked weirdly at him and said

"Wasn't it obvious?"

Hearing that Kojou just put his head down on the desk and was contemplating his life up until now.

Seeing that Yaze understood what had happened and started laughing.

"Haha- You-you didn't know this till now, haha!!. You know Kojou I never took you for the dense type, but apparently I was wrong."

Kojou ignored his friend and prepared for the next period.

On the other side of the classroom, Asagi was talking with her wing woman, Rin Tsukishima.

Rin has a tall and mature appearance, short cut brown hair and hazel eyes with pale skin.

She often gave love advice to Asagi. Currently she was very happy as her friend had finally succeeded.

"I am very happy for you Asagi, I thought that idiot Kojou would take forever to take the hints."

"I thought so too but something helped us become lovers quickly."

"So who kissed first?"

Asagi got quite at that and murmured

"We did a lot more."

Rin licked her lips and said in a hot voice

"I want all the details later."

Asagi meekly nodded her head and went back to reading her book.

In a week's time the renovation of the apartment was done and Asagi moved in.

The benefit of this was only for the two lovers as for Nagisa, she was getting used to sleeping in the day time, due to some noise during the night time.

Other than that everything was peaceful, for a few weeks. Today Nagisa was going to have a sleepover with her friend, Minami Shindou.

Thus Kojou and Asagi were alone.

"Kojou, we need to talk about Nagisa."

"Can't we do this later?"

Asagi sighed and said

"No, you are postponing this too much. We need to talk now, Nagisa-chan rarely goes for a sleepover."

"But what if she hates me, you know how scared she is of demons."

"Calm down Kojou, I am not telling to just jump in front of her and tell her that you are a vampire."

"Then what should we do?"

"First let's try to get her used to the idea that not all demons are bad. Things like watching movies with demons as the main character, talking a little about demons and so on."

"It will take time but surely she will gradually get control over her fear. Not to mention that thing isn't going to repeat, not with you being the 4th Primogenitor."

Kojou nodded his head over that.

"I won't let that kind of thing happen to her ever again."

"So let's do this, and join a dojo or something. You need to know how to fight."

"Asagi, my familiars can destroy a city easily."

"If you summon your beast vassals at every small inconvenience then it would become a joke. Also devote some time to using your familiars."

Kojou made the best puppy dog eyes he could make at this age and looked at Asagi. But she was used to it and glared at him harder.


"Good boy!"

"What am I, a dog?"

"Well I will be putting that tongue to a good job today, so maybe yes?"

High God Forest, Kansai

Yukari Endou, was currently a little nervous that she was going to meet the three saints of the Lion King Organization.

The High God Forest is a subdivision responsible for gathering talented orphans across the country to train them and make them counter demon attack mages.

Yukari Endou was a part of the High God Forest, thus she was going to meet her bosses.

She entered the room and immediately found that the three saints were sitting behind paper curtains to hide their faces.

She sat down in a dogeza to show respect and then waited for the saints to start talking.

"Yukari Endou, you have been a splendid instructor for the organisation, we thank you for that."

"It is my honour to receive praise from people such as yourselves."

"We wanted to talk to you about the two newest of your students, namely Yukina Himeragi and Sayaka Kirasaka."

"They are both prodigies in their own way, Yukina is a sword shaman and Sayaka is a War dancer saint-sama."

"What we are about to talk about is not to leave this room until and unless we tell you."

"As you wish, saint-sama."

"We have recently discovered the 4th Primogenitor."


Yukari mentally slapped herself for getting surprised at this information, it was not like her. She was about to apologise for her conduct but was stopped

"Do not fret much, such a reaction is already a given. But we want you to train Sayaka Kirasaka to become the observer for the 4th."

"Forgive my rudeness Saint-sama, but what is a teenager, no matter how trained, going to do against the mightiest vampire in the world?"

"We know that much, this is a cover, we want her to make the 4th fall in love with her, if possible even become a Blood servant. It will be beneficial for the organisation, we do not have anyone to deter the other Primogenitors as of now."

"If that is indeed the plan then it will not work, Sayaka has androphobia, it is a severe case on top. She outright disobeys male superiors, and even detests talking over a mobile phone to males."

"That is problematic."

"Just send Yukina Himeragi then?"

"What are you saying? She is a middle schooler? Even if the law doesn't apply to the Primogenitor, I doubt he is into middle schoolers."

"She will have to do it. Others will be way too hard to send."

"Fine. Yukina Himeragi it is."

"Yukari Endou, train Yukina Himeragi to the utmost level you can in the near future. We will send the file on the 4th a week before the start of the mission."

"You are dismissed."

The teacher bowed once again and went out of the room, thinking on how to break the news to her youngest student.

AN:- Last chapter for today! But it may change if I recharge 1000 collections or 150 power stones.

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Vegeta_Kakarotcreators' thoughts