
Streght Above All In Konoha

On Naruto's first day as Hokage, he receives Hinata's first kiss. Naruto's reaction is: "I'm sorry, it wasn't intentional, I thought I was dreaming..." Naruto: "What? Tomorrow is the graduation exam?" "Well... Does that mean Mizuki wants me to steal a forbidden jutsu scroll?" "Hold on, I'll go buy a camera... No camera? Then I'll buy a copying scroll. No money? Hmm... Let's see if I can borrow some from Hinata..." Disclamer: Forgive me if I am merely a mediator in presenting this work in a different language. I appreciate the beauty and wisdom found in the original writing.

Pratama_Jiwatmika · Tranh châm biếm
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36 Chs

Chapter 14: Late Kakashi


Continuing to wait...

Still waiting...

As the people in the room were gradually taken away in batches,

Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata sat together, still waiting.

Naruto knew Kakashi would be late... but...

Being several hours late? What's going on?

Isn't being late usually just a matter of a few minutes at most?

Finally, just when the three of them were getting impatient, the door finally opened.

With grayish-white hair, an eye covered by a headband, and wearing a mask,

The person who entered was none other than Kakashi Hatake.

Sasuke lifted his head, staring earnestly at this person.

Is this the person?

Thinking about Naruto's introduction yesterday, Sasuke looked carefully at the eye covered by the headband.

Does he have the same eye as mine?

As Sasuke began to pay attention to Kakashi, Naruto was also carefully observing.

In a sense, this was Naruto's first time meeting Kakashi.

Kakashi: "Oh... sorry, sorry, it seems I'm a bit late."

Kakashi's gaze drifted over the three of them.

Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Hinata Hyuga.

Their class seems a bit unusual...

After Kakashi arrived, the few of them left the classroom and found an empty space.

Kakashi: "Next, let's get to know each other and do some self-introductions..."

Hinata: "May I ask... what do we need to introduce?"

Kakashi: "Uh... like... your name, your likes and dislikes, hobbies, dreams, stuff like that. So, who wants to go first?"

Just as Hinata was about to start, when Kakashi wanted her to introduce herself first, Sasuke suggested, "Why don't you, sensei, go first?"

Having heard what Naruto told him yesterday, he was now full of curiosity about this person in front of him.


Kakashi: "Oh? Me? My name is Kakashi Hatake. My likes and dislikes are classified. As for dreams... well, nothing much, and as for interests... I have quite a few."

Sasuke: "..."

Naruto just quietly enjoyed Sasuke's disgusted look.

Do you want to know about Kakashi?

Instead of asking him directly, why not ask me? Of course, there has to be a reward.

Maybe another bottle of drink or something.

Kakashi: "Now it's your turn, starting from the right."

On the right was Hinata.

Hinata: "My name is Hinata Hyuga. I'm usually a bit clumsy, so please bear with me. As for what I like..." She wanted to say Naruto, but with so many people, she felt too shy.

"I like pressing flowers, and things I dislike..."

She thought about boxing, but as a member of the Hyuga clan, how could she say such things?

"Nothing... My dream has already come true, and my interest... is pressing flowers."

Kakashi: "..."

Hmm... seems like I didn't say much besides my name... Did I bring a bad atmosphere?

Next was Naruto.

Naruto: "My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I like training."

"The thing I dislike is trouble."

"My dream is to become stronger."

"My interest is training."

Next was Sasuke: "Name's Sasuke Uchiha. No hobbies, no dislikes, no dreams, no interests."

Naruto: "Pfft!"

Naruto burst out laughing, please forgive him.

Because Sasuke's answer was completely different from the original world.

Is it because he's interested in Kakashi because of my influence, but Kakashi didn't give out his own information as retaliation?


Kakashi: "...Very well! I'm starting to dislike you all..."

Though the responsibility might be on me for bringing a bad atmosphere, but... these students are trying to act cool like me... unforgivable.

Kakashi: "Let's end the self-introductions here. Starting from tomorrow, we'll begin the mission. It'll be just the four of us on the mission."


Sasuke was puzzled because Naruto mentioned there would be an assessment yesterday.

He asked, "What kind of mission?"

Kakashi: "A wilderness survival exercise."

Kakashi's gaze gradually became serious. "Your opponent will be me, and this won't be an ordinary survival exercise."

Hearing this, Sasuke understood. It was indeed as Naruto said yesterday. It seems the information this guy gave is somewhat credible.

Kakashi: "Tomorrow's survival exercise is not ordinary. Out of the twenty-seven examinees who will graduate successfully, only nine will ultimately pass the exam. In other words, the difficulty of this exam is extremely high, with a dropout rate of over 66%!"

Kakashi: "Naruto, you haven't got your headband yet, right?"

As Kakashi said this, Naruto realized that he still hadn't received his headband from the Third Hokage.

Naruto: "Yeah, that's right. I'll go ask the Third Hokage for one later."

Kakashi: "You don't need to go ask the Third Hokage. The Third Hokage has assigned me the task of giving you the headband."

Saying that, Kakashi reached into his ninja tool pouch.

Hmm... the first thing he pulled out was an "Intimate Paradise."

Below that was the headband.

Kakashi held it in his hand, shaking it. "To get this headband, you'll need to show your strength tomorrow."

Naruto: "..."

Kakashi: "Tomorrow, wear your ninja gear, and it's best not to eat breakfast, or else you'll throw it up."

Then he took out three sheets of paper and handed them to the three of them.

Kakashi: "I've written the specifics on these. Please don't be late. Alright, today's dismissed."

Is it over?

What should we do next?

The Third didn't even give me any money, should I go chase him for it?

Oh well, let's not stimulate the Third Hokage's nerves.

Sometimes being proactive isn't a good thing.

Naruto: "How about... the three of us have a meal together?"

Sasuke: "No need..."

Sasuke stood up, intending to leave.

Naruto: "Hold on, let's talk about tomorrow's wilderness survival exercise."

"Kakashi-sensei said the three of us will be facing him, and I think the underlying implication is for us three to team up."

Sasuke stopped in his tracks. "Team up?"

Naruto: "You can't even beat me, do you really think you can beat a Jounin?"

Sasuke's eyelid twitched. "I can't beat you?"

Naruto: "Uh... don't get too excited, it's just a metaphor."

Sasuke: "..."

Hinata: "Did you and Sasuke-san fight, Naruto-kun?"

Naruto: "Just sparring."

Hmm... yesterday when Naruto saw Sasuke, he went up to him. He greeted him warmly, but was coldly ignored.

And then, provocation, fighting, exchanging information


Naruto: "So, let's find a place to reintroduce ourselves, talk about our strengths, and then have a simple spar to understand each other and come up with some tactics."

"Otherwise, if we fail tomorrow's assessment and get sent back to school, I think it'll be quite embarrassing, won't it?"

Sasuke pondered slightly and nodded.

He absolutely wouldn't allow himself to go back to ninja school for retraining.

His goal is not just to be a Genin.

As the three were about to leave, a few silly students approached.

"Hey, Naruto, hiding here? We thought you ran away."

Sasuke glanced at Naruto. "Looking for you?"

Naruto blinked. Who are these people?

Among those students, the burliest one shouted, "Were you glaring at us this morning?"

This morning? Ah... remembered.

It's those guys who were gossiping behind their backs.

No, to be accurate, they were gossiping openly.

Hmm... didn't expect them to actually come up...

It's quite commendable courage.

Naruto didn't want to waste words, he just performed a Shadow Clone Jutsu, creating five clones, and quickly resolved the fight.

Naruto introduced to Hinata and Sasuke, "This is the Ninjutsu I'm currently good at."

Sasuke's mouth twitched, recalling some unpleasant memories from yesterday.

The countless Narutos all over the place...