
Stray Clouds

Shiori Inabi, a young girl fresh into highschool, has a hard time making friends or even tolerating people in the first place. She feels everyone around her isn't worth the time because they are all toxic and evil anyway. But before the school year even starts she is thrown into a situation far crazier than anything she has ever experienced. Now she has to figure out how to deal with the flood of new emotions and events going on in her life. Will she be convinced to change her ways or only be solidified in her belief that people are bad?

SCandleStudios · Thanh xuân
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161 Chs

Lucy's Big Brother? The Complicated Relationship Of Brother And Boyfriend!

Haru/Chizuru/Hisana "Hikigaya!"

They shout as they jump at him. They tackle him to the ground with tears of relief as Hikigaya laughs. About a week after he received the cure, he joins the group once again with Shiori and Sugawara behind him.

Chizuru "We were so scared! We thought you were going to die!"

Alice "You totally did, didn't you? But you fought off the Grim Reaper and made it back to us!"

She says, hyping him up as Lucy wipes tears from her eyes as Ryuji approaches him and gives him a big hug, surprising Hikigaya a bit but he smiles and hugs him back.

Suiyoubi "I was already preparing a spell to try and bring him back in the form of a large dog."

Kitaro and Touma sweat a bit.

Kitaro "Well I'm glad he didn't need all that…"

Touma "I don't know what I would've done without you…"

He says softly while pulling him into a brief hug.

Hikigaya "It really makes me happy knowing you all care so much."

Lucy "Of course! We're your friends, aren't we?"

Hikigaya "Right. But all the thanks need to go to these two. They're the ones who cured me. You should be praising them."

He turns and points his open hand at Shiori and Sugawara who look a bit surprised. Lucy approaches them.

Lucy "We'll never be able to thank you enough for saving him."

Chizuru "You two really are amazing."

They smile warmly at them as they get embarrassed.

Shiori "Well, it's not like he's not our friend too."

Sugawara "E-exactly! He would've done the same for us!"

Hikigaya "You're damn right! Now, enough of this gushy stuff. Let's get some food, I'm starving!"

He says with a laugh as the group cheers and begins making their way down the street. As they begin, Shiori stops for a moment.

Shiori "Hikigaya. Have you ever thought that maybe my crush is you?"

She thinks back to that night not so long ago. She blushes a bit and looks at Hikigaya who laughs and jokes with the others.

Shiori 'I guess with everything that happened, he might've forgotten what I said…'

She looks a little upset but follows and smiles away.

In mid December, school is out for Winter break. It is late in the day with the Sun already set as Kenji locks up the ramen shop with Lucy and Ryuji standing behind him.

Kenji "Thanks a bunch you two. Always coming in and saving my skin."

Lucy "Of course dad! Not like we're doing anything else this winter break… The groupchat's been really quiet so far."

She says, a bit disappointed at the lack of activity before she perks up a bit.

Lucy "Oh yeah, isn't your birthday coming up, Ryuji?"

She asks him as he nods a bit.

Ryuji "It's today."

Both Kenji and Lucy are shocked at his response.

Kenji "Why didn't you say anything, boy? I wouldn't have asked you to come!"

Lucy "Yeah! What're we doing out here? We gotta celebrate!"

Ryuji "It's fine. I never do much for my birthday anyway. With my father working so much and my mom's condition, it's normal to end up this way."

He says calmly, genuinely not hurt by the lack of celebration.

Kenji "How is Fuyuko doing?"

He asks, concerned. Ryuji shrugs.

Ryuji "Fine. Not much has changed."

Kenji "But it hasn't gotten better…"

He says softly as Ryuji shakes his head. Lucy looks at him softly for a moment before grabbing his hand and smiling at him.

Lucy "Well then, how about you spend the night with me and we'll throw you a nice celebration?"

He smiles a bit and nods.

Kenji "Great! With Yamato back home for the next week, it'll be like having the whole family together!"

Ryuji looks surprised when Kenji says that.

Lucy "I totally forgot he was coming home! This is going to be great."

Ryuj's slight smile disappears as they walk home. Ryuji and Lucy sit on her bed in her room as she laughs out loud.

Lucy "Oh man, I still can't believe they did that. Can you believe they actually made out?"

She asks with a big smile as Ryuji shakes his head.

Ryuji "Hikigaya has never been great with words but I think it's clear by now how they feel."

Suddenly, there's a knock at her door.

Yuri "Lucy, your brother's home."

She says happily as Lucy smiles and jumps up. She swings the door open and rushes down the stairs.

Lucy "Big bro! You're back!"

She jumps on him, giving him a big hug as Ryuji steps down the stairs slowly. He looks at Yamato as he hugs his sister before he gives Ryuji a glare. After a moment, he pulls away and smiles at Lucy.

Yamato "Look how big you've gotten! I remember when you were half this size begging me to build a treehouse with you."

Lucy "Which you still haven't done."

Yamato "Right, right, my bad."

They laugh together for a moment before Lucy looks back at Ryuji.

Lucy "Yamato, you remember Ryuji, right?"

Yamato "Of course, you two were always inseparable as kids. Speaking of which, I heard you finally made it official. Took you long enough."

He says with a smile. Lucy blushes and rubs her head.

Lucy "Yeahhh, what can I say?"

She laughs a bit.

Yuri "You must be tired from the long drive. Why don't we get you all set up in your room."

Yamato "Thanks mom."

He says with a warm smile. He steps next to Ryuji with a smile as Ryuji looks down. Yamato puts his hand on Ryuji's shoulder gently before leaning close to his ear. He whispers something as Ryuji simply nods as they all settle in for the night. Later that night, Lucy sleeps soundly as Ryuji sits up against her bed on the ground. He gets up and puts on a jacket for the cold weather outside before quietly leaving the house out the front door. He steps outside and sees Yamato leaning against a wall out front.

Yamato "I hope you know this doesn't change anything."

Ryuji nods softly with a neutral expression as Yamato steps forward a bit.

Yamato "You may have my sister's approval but you don't have mine. I'd never give away my little sister to someone as futureless as you. From the moment she met you, she's only been involved in more and more trouble than she should. If I were you, I'd step away before you hurt her any more than you already have. Before you tear this family apart."

He says sharply before stepping back inside. Ryuji stands silently in the cold with his head lowered. As Yamato steps back inside, he heads towards his room when Lucy comes down the stairs with a jacket on. Yamato looks at her surprised.

Yamato "Lucy? What are you doing up?"

Lucy "I felt Ryuji wasn't with me and when I woke up he was gone. I'm gonna go and look for him, he would never just leave without saying goodbye."

Yamato sweats with an upset look.

Yamato "I don't think you should. I'm sure he must've just been homesick or something. He's alright."

Lucy looks at him surprised a bit before smiling.

Lucy "What are you talking about? This is his home."

She says before opening the door and leaving. Yamato clicks his tongue before turning around and walking back to his room. Lucy steps out the door and looks around for a moment before rushing down the driveway. When she reaches the sidewalk, she looks around for a moment before noticing Ryuji sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall.

Lucy "Ryuji. What're you doing out here?"

He shrugs a bit as she sits down next to him.

Lucy "Is everything okay?"

Ryuji "Mhm."

He hums quietly. Lucy looks at him concerned for a moment.

Lucy "Ryuji, I-"

Ryuji "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

She looks at him confused.

Lucy "Is what a good idea?"

Ryuji "Us. Am I really what you want?"

Lucy "What are you saying?.."

Ryuji "I'm not really all that special. The likelihood of me actually accomplishing my goals are low at best. Do you really want to be stuck to someone like that?"

He asks calmly and quietly without looking at her. Lucy stares at him for a moment before getting an upset look and standing up.

Lucy "Get up!"

Ryuji looks at her confused for a moment before standing up. Immediately as he gets to his feet, his eyes widen as Lucy wraps her arms around him and holds him tightly to her.

Lucy "I don't care what your future holds as long as I'm a part of it."

She says softly with her head against him. He is surprised for a moment before hugging her back. He smiles warmly for a moment before he remembers her brother's words.

Yamato "Before you tear this family apart."

He gets a worried look as he holds her. In the morning, Kenji and Yuri are in the kitchen as Lucy comes down the stairs, dressed for the day.

Yuri "Where's Ryuji?"

Lucy "He had to leave early to help his mom."

Yuri "Aw, we didn't even get to say goodbye."

She says with an upset look.

Kenji "Don't worry, knowing that boy, he'll probably be back later today!"

He says with a laugh. Lucy smiles.

Lucy "Yeah, I thought I would go over and help him out a bit. It's pretty hard taking care of the whole house by himself since his dad is always at work and his mom shouldn't push herself."

She says as she heads towards the front door but Yamato comes in.

Yamato "Yo, Lucy! Let's hangout today. Maybe go bowling or something?"

Yuri "That'd be so sweet. We should all go! The shop's closed today, right?"

Kenji nods as Lucy sweats a bit.

Lucy "Well, I was actually gonna.."

Yamato "Aw come on Lucy! Your big bro is only here so many days a year."

He says with a smile as she looks at her parents who smile at her. She sighs and agrees.

Lucy 'He should be okay, right?..'