
CHAPTER TEN~~Always Taste Like You

When she woke up, she was confused at first. Where is she? She looked around, a big fancy bedroom but she was standing in the middle of it without moving. Why? She asked herself. She tried moving but can't, she looked down to her own body and gasped, her legs were tied up. Same thing with her hands.

Oh no! Who tied her up? She tried moving her hands but they tightly tied up together. Her heart skipped. Have she been kidnapped? How did she get here? Okay, she remember taking a strawberry drink and blacking out. Oops! Mr. Jack won't have kidnapped her, did he? She gasped in surprise as she came to her realization that she is naked and standing in the middle of the room tied to a pole! She could hear loud musics from outside, signaling her that a party is happening somewhere in this building. Cold shivers ran down her spine. What is that pervert up to? She closed her eyes hoping he'd come pretty fast so she can vent her anger on him.

"Are you awake?" she heard his voice as the door opened and closed. She looked up and there he was, smirking and smiling as he came towards her.

She frowned. She tried snapping the ropes around her wrist and rushing to him, maybe squeeze his neck until it breaks but that was impossible. Behind him, was that lady in the limousine earlier which made Charlotte smirk. "At least, you can respect my privacy, won't you?" Charlotte suggested and he laughed standing infront of her.

He held her jaw, "I'm gonna sue you for kidnapping me." she said while he laughed, nudging that lady's shoulder. "Did you hear that? She said she's gonna sue me for kidnapping her." he laughed the more.

"You're so funny, Miss Charlotte. " he said. "You drank this remember?" he raised the glass of strawberry juice which she took earlier. "As a lover of strawberries, you failed to ask the right questions and drank it. How is that my fault, you should've asked me why I took my time to make this for you. Why will I even wanna do it for you?" he giggled while Miss Charlotte spat into his face.

"Eeww! You spat at me?" he asked grinning while the lady helped wiped that off his face.

"And I will do that again if you don't untie me now."

He laughed again. "Did you hear that?" he asked that lady who barely smiled. "She said I should untie her? Just like that?" he chuckled coming close to Charlotte and whispering into her ears. "Don't worry, very soon, you will be begging me to tie you up forever."

Charlotte scoffed. "You must be very mad Mr. Jack."

He smiled hearing her speak. His eyes fell on her chest, her heavy puckered breast with the nipples sticking out. He touched her nipples and Charlotte suck in a lot of breathe trying to appear unaffected by his touch.

But he didn't stop by just one touch or one stroke, he was determine to make her feel it. So he kissed her neck and sucked it. She wriggled trying to free her arms but no, she felt like she have been dominated, she won't have a choice but to submit and she hated it. She hates submitting to men, she doesn't like it, though she submits sometimes to Trevor knowing fully well that she's dominating the next time.

"Mr. Jack stop this. Untie me. If you wanna fuck me, you will but first, untie me."

He shook his head. "No, I don't want to. I want to have you like this..."he touched her center and spanked it while she groaned. "I wanna fuck you like this, you won't interfere or own your body or even your feeling because I own them now." he said and stepped back smiling mischievously.

"You're insane!!" Charlotte screamed while he laughed.

"It's fun seeing you scream like that. It kinda makes me hard babe." he turned to the lady whose cheeks were getting red already.

"Here, I need one cigarette stick and fill this glass with strawberry juice for me." he ordered her, she collected the glass from him and began to fill it up with drink. What is he upto? Charlotte wondered. He turned to look at her and she frowned. She won't submit to him, she will never and she made sure she sent those signals to him with her gazes. The glass was filled to the brim, his cigarette is lighted and he was smoking as he came towards her again.

"You may go." He told the lady as he stood half an inch away from Charlotte. He blew the smoke to her body severally until she started coughing.

"Hey, can you stop doing that?" she asked but he didn't stop. He kept spreading his smoke on her body, from her face, to her neck, her chest, her tummy and her navel and then her center which he touched with his palms.

"I'm gonna show you what I'm up to and goodluck as you submit to me."

She scoffed. "I can see why Marie left you. You're such a pervert." she said and he smiled. He lifted the glass of strawberry juice and began to pour it on her body.

"Gosh! What are you doing?"

"Tasting you out."

"What?"she asked but he ignored her, he dropped the glass to the floor and it crashed and broke into pieces. And he began to suck her, everywhere that the juice touched her warm skin, that's where his tongue went. He sucked her lips, her neck, her shoulders massaging her body with his large palms. He squeezed her breast while she held everything in. She can't break just yet, but she was slowly losing it, she tried getting away but she was stalk, a rope around her legs and a rope around her arms, how is she gonna escape his touch. And his tongue was doing magic to her body especially when he touched her center with his long tongue." Miss Charlotte, you taste so much like my strawberries and my cigarettes. They taste like you."

"What are you saying this pervert!"she screamed when he pushed in a finger into her butt hole.

He smacked his lip looking up to her face like a puppy. " I'm saying that I want my cigarettes and strawberry juices to always taste like you..."


"I waited for you all day and all night babe." Trevor admitted as soon as the weak Charlotte walked into the house. She was too weak to even speak, she just ignored him and walked into the room. Trevor followed her into the house.

"Where have you been since three days ago and why do you look so terrible?"

She almost fell but he was too fast to catch her from falling down. "What happened to you?" he asked touching her forehead. "Your body is burning up. Are you sure you're okay?"

She wasn't even able to speak, Trevor helped her into the bed and covered her with a duvet. "Lemme go get drugs, okay?" but she held his hand when he was about to leave. "Please don't go anywhere, just stay by my side and never say a word." she mumbled while Trevor sat down beside her. He began to pat her head. Her eyes closed and he thought that she had slept off. But she wasn't sleeping. She was trying so hard not to cry infront of Trevor. How can she make a mess of herself? Mr. Jack...that man is such a pervert! No, he isn't...he's a sex maniac! He used her for two straight days! Her hands and legs tied up, she was so helpless, though she enjoyed some of the sexual pleasures, they were painful. Especially when he spanked her ass, whipped her ass with his belt, bit and clawed her body with his long nails. He finger fucked her roughly, every scratch on her body, he kissed and sucked on them as he kept pouring the strawberry juice on her body which made her body to hurt the more. She thought she won't submit to him but when she did, she can't even remember, how she pleaded, how he made her plead and beg for everything, even for a cup of water which he never fed her until she was totally wasted and begging. And he made her call him MASTER. Something she never did for any man in her life! Meeting Mr. Jack, being an anchorwoman who went to have an interview with that beast was a bad idea from the onset. She shouldn't have gone there. How rude he is. Blowing his smoke all over her body. How her nostrils itched each time he did that. She curled herself up in the blanket trying to feel her skin but can't.

"You're my toy Miss Charlotte. I'm letting you go for now doesn't mean that I can't get you into my bed anytime I want. I just need to be back in Los Angeles right now and I don't want your boyfriend to declare you missing." He said as he untied her.

She fell into his arms really weak. He smiled. "I had a nice time here in New York, thanks to you."

Her weak eyes had looked up to gaze at his mischievous and wicked eyes. "You're such a wicked bastard!" she mumbled inaudibly, she was too tired to talk. He giggled, touching her nipples and her body flinched. "Even though you are weak and you hate me right now, your body still want me to touch it."

"Don't touch me."she mumbled but he giggled again.

"I shouldn't touch you? But you're in my arms? Your beautiful soft body is in my arms screaming to be touched in every way."

"I hate stubborn women and you're quite a hassle and that's why it's cute sleeping with one. If there's something Marie never had, then it's been stubborn, not even bed."

She hissed weakly. "You don't have to tell me about your ex. I don't wanna hear about it. Be good enough to take me home."

He smirked. "I won't. Miss Addie will do that. She already booked a flight for me, so I'm leaving this place to the airport."

"You're mean."

"Yeah, I am. That's how I was able to live this long babe." he pecked her forehead and let her go, she slumped to the floor.


"Hello Miss Addie..." Mr. Jack called as he came into his house with a number of secretaries behind him.

"Yes sir..." she replied from the other end. "I returned her home safely."

"You sure you did? "

"Yes sir."

"Okay, report to Miss Smith about what you saw. And the address to her house just incase I need her again."

"Yes sir. But sir..."but Mr. Jack already hung up sighing, as he settled down on his couch while his secretaries (up to five, three females and two males) gathered around him.

"So, what's the problem?"

"Mr. Rodriguez is complaining about..."

"Mrs. Andrew, don't talk about Mr. Rodriguez each time I'm around okay? Deal with him like you wish." he said while she nodded scripting on her tablet.

"Sir, the BOY'S HOUSE ORPHANAGE needs funding. It's on the brink of collapsing." another secretary, Mr. Paper said and Mr. Jack eyed him.

"Brink of collapse? I thought we've been funding that orphanage every year. What happened to all the money which we have been investing into the company?"


"Uhm?" Mr. Jack smirked. "Miss Johanna, Mr. Paper is fired. Take note of that. And you, Mr. Man, get out of my house."

The man shook terribly but the other secretaries ignored him afraid for their own self. "Sir..."

"I will call my dogs on you if you don't leave." Mr. Jack interrupted while Mr. Paper turned and left. "Now, next agenda, Mr. Humphrey."

"Your brother Mr. Derek..."

Jack interrupted. "Not my brother, warning." he warned while he shuddered.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry" he apologized nervously.

"Continue and stop apologizing like a fool."

"Yes sir. Uhm, Mr. Derek wants to buy off the HEADLIGHTS, ON ME company."

Mr. Jack was alarmed and he stood up almost immediately, making all of them cower and scared for their jobs.

"What did you just say?" Isn't his brother going too far this time? Why would he leave his job as a doctor in the hospital and claim a company? He's asking for too much and he's gonna give it to him just like he wants it...


Mr. Derek just finished taking his lunch with his team mates and was in his office relaxing when Jack, his little brother bursted in, his secretary trying to stop him but can't.

"Let him be." Mr. Mark told his secretary looking at his kid brother who was all manly and grown up.

"I'm sorry, sir, I tried to stop him." He apologized.

"It's fine, you may go." he said while the secretary turned and left. Jack was still fuming when he looked at him again.

"Hey bro."

"Bro?" Jack gave a short laugh, "Wow, so ironic! It's funny how we deal with this our bro and shit!"

"And it's funny how you showed up here in France, in a space of two days just because I want to buy HEADLIGHTS, ON ME. It's been such a long time bro."

Jack creased his brows. "I will show up because it concerns my company and I worked so hard for that little company you wanna buy."

"Aren't you gonna sit down. I wasn't ever gonna buy that. I wanted to see you and that's the only way to make you show up and you really did." he smirked.

Jack got angrier. "Really? Am I still some joke to you?"

Derek laughed. "You were always a joke bro. It's just that we haven't seen each other for almost two years, our parents are so worried, I wanted to confirm if you're really okay and then relay the message since you don't wanna take any body's call again."

Jack felt like exploding. His parents are worried? And the only way they can check up on him is to stress him all way down to france. Why are they so cruel towards him? Not like he asked to be born by them. Why treat him this way? They come and go, they know his house, he never changed his house password because of them, he always believed that someday, they will come for him but they never did. Such a prodigal son like him. After all, who will want to father a child who is wasted all the time? Gosh, he needs alcohol right now, else he will just suck up and disappear into the sky?

"Jack, have you been doing fine?"

He scoffed. How ironical it sounded in his ears. Derek, his brother comes and goes from Los Angeles almost every month and for once, he never tried to come see him, but he wanna care now? Isn't that ironical? He's such a fool to have stressed his head for two days planning, rescheduling and re-planning how he's gonna come to France to come face this bastard.

"I'm not dead yet, so why bother see me when I'm still alive and breathing." Jack replied coldly and Derek smirked.

"Oops, your manners, still very intact. I love what you just said. It's more like you. You never say something beautiful with those lips of yours."

"Not when I'm surrounded with the wrong people." Jack snapped and he laughed.

"Yeah, I get it. So you not gonna sit down? I can get you a drink."

"No, thanks. I don't collect things from strangers." Jack replied and he laughed again.

"Whoa, you're so mean. Okay, suit yourself."

Jack turned and left just like he came.


Charlotte sat down at the footstool in the kitchen sipping a cup of coffee watching as Trevor prepared dinner for the two of them. Trevor suddenly turned to look at her, "Are you sure you're okay now?" he asked while she nodded.

Yeah...I'm fine, just guilt...just guilty...she wanted to speak but instead, she sipped her coffee gently.

"You know, you kept my heart racing to sixty degrees babe. Don't ever show up infront of me looking sick."

"I won't. I will never." she smiled weakly. Trevor came over to her side and kissed her forehead.

"I love you Charlotte." and she felt so terrible replying that to him.

"I love you too Babe."


"Well, Miss Charlotte."

"Yes doctor."

"You're two months pregnant."
