
The treasure..

Smith headed to the other side of the hole which was restricted. He drop his bag, open it, and brought out a map. The map has all the locations in the hole. The most substantial thing was a treasure box at the center of the Map.

Observing the map for a while, he hang his bag on his shoulder and turn back to see if anyone was behind him. He found no one behind him he proceeds with his walk going deeper into the earth. He arrived at a dead end.

Smith: Dead end? ( he took at the map, and he noticed the dead end but there was also a drawing on the dead-end wall. He look at the bottom of the map "Follow its trail and it would open" the instructions said. Smith breathe in and out, he stared at the wall but saw no drawing, with a keen observation he notice something) oh I see the trick here

( he looks around for a sharp stone. After finding one, he rubs it against the surface of the hard wall, The dust from it spread causing him to cough. After the dust dies- down. He raises his head to look at the wall. He was amused by the eye drawing on the wall. He follow the trail delineation edge to edge until it finally finish and the walls opened.

Smith walks in sniffing his nose, he uses his torch to scrutinize.

Smith: this place is less expected ( he chuckles wondering)

The large room Smith found himself in was large and magnificent. The huge animal statue was seen opposite each other. Three in a row, a statue is 20 times taller than a human.

His eyes wander further as they landed on a human statue with his hands spread forward like offering something to someone, his gaze shifts and lands on the treasure box. Shrugging his shoulder he made a move that took a while.

It was easy to climb the statue since mole rocks to step on were attached to the human statue, after climbing to the head he crawl into the hand of the statue where the treasure box is. He blew out the dust on top of the box and tried to open it but the box refuse to open.

Smith: (frown) fuck! ( he said in frustration after so numerous tries, smith tried to look for any instructions on the map regarding opening the box but found none. gazing at his wristwatch, 'Time was running out' He ponders in panic.

After a short while, Smith opens his eyes and motions closer to the box and observes it. He points his torchlight at the box and observes it.

He tried to read out the words written on the box but it wasn't clear. Hovering in his thought.

Opened his bag, and put on his hand glove. then brought out a bottle of water, a bottle of acidic soluble pills, and a small metal container. Pouring a little out of the water can, into the container he added two pills of the soluble acid.

The pills dissolve immediately. He took out his brush, stamp the brush against the acidic water then use it to wipe the box where he spotted words on. The writings became clear... but there was another problem, the writing was written in a foreign language. The only word he could understand in it is the word "BLOOD"

He sat down trying to grasp the entire disappointment he's been having.

Smith: blood, Or no blood? What the hell does that even imply ( he hit his hand against the surface of the box in frustration) What should I do? ( suddenly remove his glove, brought out a pocket knife, and slit his hand, he made the blood drop all over the box) I pray to God I know what am doing( he mumbled in anxiety.)

Waited to see if the box would open but no reaction at all. He was very exhausted and has been disappointed once again. Packed all his stuff into his bag; zip up and turn to leave.

Just then he heard a crackling sound, he turn back staring at the box.. suddenly it opened. Inside the box was an almond shape object. Observing the little object that fit between his index and thumb fingers. He couldn't believe he risk his life for an object fit between his fingers.)

Smith: the most important thing is that you're fucking out and my pay becomes valid( he places the almond object in his bag)

Booms, the whole place started vibrating. He climb down quickly and started running towards the exit. Rock falls causing him to run zig-hard to avoid falling rocks on him. The exit door was closing slowly. Smith run as fast as he could, Knowing well if the wall was close to him.. 'he's a gonna.

He felt his wrinkled forehead covered in sweat, dripping down his cheeks but he didn't care. He was very much close to the exit door but the exit door was also close to closing.

He took off his bag and threw it with force past the door to the other end. He flattens himself past the door before it finally close.

Slamming against the hard ground roughly, he felt Abrupt pain all over his body. this was the most terrifying close-to-death he has experienced in his life. He tried catching his breath, his hand reaching for the object in the bag and it was still intact in the position he kept it. breathing in relief, touching the wall, and grasping all that has merely happened. Staring at his wristwatch, The young man sighed heavily, as he felt his heart pumping hard like it would come out any minute.

He picks up his bag leaving through the exit he once used as a foyer.

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    Hi, readers thanks for reading... I appreciate and if you have any problem with the story do not hesitate to comment it in the comment box.. to resolve the problem immediately, thanks, and sorry for the late updates.

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