
Graffitis on the wall

Southern region Nigeria, 2 years later...

Voices speaking from an excavation site. The whole place was busy with people carrying equipment taking portraits, inspecting, and sealing antiques in a solid proof. A middle age man in a formal suit stood scrutinizing the commodities.

He was wearing sunglasses and gloves. Beside him was a lady supervisor who gave a helping hand in the arrangement of the antiques. A man in his early 40s dressed casually rushed to the middle age man in a suit.

Henry: Director ( he called addressing the man in the suit, the middle age man turn to him) The tractors are dismissed to the headquarters already.

(the director took off the gloves he was wearing in his hand. he walks past Henry, and Henry followed)

Director: we still have a day left to round up this project( he stop, and so did Henry) the headquarters sent a site staff to us (clenching jaw) to finalize the recordings of the first team deposit to them.

Henry: all documenting...?

Director: description, drawing, measuring, collectible, conserving, and list. All of it.

Henry: okay sir(turns to leave)

Director: wait ( Henry stops and turns to the director) get the second team to conclude the scrutiny for the day.

Henry: yes sir [he said briskly and scurry away into the large field].

( the second team was dispatched into a deep excavated hole which is more than 700 feet and expanded to over 1,500 feet in width down. Deep enough to hold a 150-story skyscraper inside, They got in with a rope tied against an iron metal rod that was installed on the surface of the earth. While they jump in, the rope tied around their waist enables them to carry out rapid downshift till they got down.

Light flashes here and there, the archeologist dispatch was 15 in number. They split themselves. A lot of graffitis were found on the wall. This hole was once excavated in the year 1990 but due to the plummentation of the soil, the project at that time was placed on hold. For 32 years this hole has been kept under the government, fully open but the mysterious thing about this hole is that it never holds water for long even during rainy seasons and that kept everyone wondering.

A lady in her mid-30s 4.7 ft tall, slim with curvy hips and big boobs fitted into black trousers and milk long sleeve. She was on low cut. She wearing the handbag she drops the bag, wearing her gloves then started observing the graffitis on the wall which she found mesmerizing. She points her torch at the wall.

Amazed by the sight. on the wall was a drawing of strange tribal people who are presumed to live on the surface of the earth long ago, for odd reasons she felt some acquaintance between them. She brought out her camera and start taking pictures.)

Abigail: wow this is unbelievable [she said swooning over the magnificent paintings on the wall]

(Someone walks close to her, leaning forward while he admires the wall as well.)

Smith: you've never seen anything like this before? ( she turns back in shock since she wasn't expecting it. Smith was putting on black tight leather trousers and a jacket matching black boots and a big bag he hang on his shoulder)

Abigail: have you?[ she asks twitching her big eyes]

Smith: hmm.. perhaps.

Abigail: I don't think they are as great as this one.[ she turns towards the wall rubbing the palm of her hand against it] Come on take a closer glance, it's like a preserve new sheet among pages in a book that you keep in a safe and that's how it's going to stay the way you kept it.

Smith: Not all sheets are in books. I kept a file on the shelf and guess what happened to it? [ he questions with a rueful expression]

Abigail: [ she scoffed, turning towards him she gave him an incomprehensible look] Smith am making an effort to get a description memorandum here so will you please stop it with the negative talks-

Smith: (chuckles) Well this paint still looks new. the graffitis is well crafted, am pretty sure they've all gone extinct.

Abigail: hundreds of years ago, (she uses her hand to touch the surface of the wall) have you ever heard of the Kariba's? ( shook his head sideway indicating 'NO')

"Kariba's are one of the lasted tribes that ever existed. They reside on a deserted island located somewhere in Africa. It was like a country of its own with a high population And firm restrictions. No other dominant civilian is allowed in otherwise the next day won't break him or her."

Smith: so unfortunate. [his brows started to knot as he put on her a quizzical expression]

Abigail: (laughs hysterically seeing the expression plastered on his face.. she suggests she might have believed her] not funny, it's written as blurbs to tell children. When I was young I listen to it all the time before going to bed.. it was a trend back then.

Smith: you made it sound real [ He look away, the tone of his voice was heartbreaking as he never expected to be tricked in such a simple matter.]

Abigail: didn't you listen to it when you were young?

Smith(frowns) I don't remember my childhood.

Abigail: oh I easily remember the story and staring at this drawing... am hallucinating the Kariba's in my head already.. what they would look like if they were real( she said with mixed emotions. She brought out a brush from her bag and then brush the wall taking the dust off)

Smith: I don't get it. You keep switching sides... I mean you sound real then suddenly Change the whole specialty, into a blurb of yours.

Abigail: is your IQ below 80? Don't believe it, it's just a story I don't think someone as macho as you are going to show a slight reaction over a just story.

Smith: No, [he spat, brusquely] just feeling for those kids who have gone through the story of whatever like you've done. I wonder how psychopathy they may be now....you're a bad influence.

Abigail: whatever ( she rolls her eyes, she brought out a book and a pen)

Smith: I'll go check the other side( turn to leave but stop and turn to her back) you're not gonna draw the graffiti out of the walls, are you?

( Abigail raises her brow without making eye contact)

Smith: I'll take that as a yes( he walks away.)

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have a wonderful day.

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