Once again, Truck Kun struck an innocent young lad by the name of Ivan. He was immediately seated in front of a goddess of reincarnation. At first, he thought he had lost everywhen when he had been turned into Momo Yaoyorozu. He was very wrong when he found a unique use of the quirk Creation. Total cellular control, and his key for revenge against the gods who are not yet done with him.
The main reason for his attack on the Depot was for a few reasons. For one, he wanted to field test his tech, including his Honor Guard, which was composed of 30 Automatons run by a rudimentary A.I he was developing.
He had to admit that his brain's processing power was amazing, and if he had to pat himself on the back he was as smart as Batman if not more. Though, he did admit that Lex Luthor and Iron Man were smarter than him, but no fault of his own.
They were in DC and Marvel and while he was stuck in a low-tech world like My Hero. Regardless, he attacked the Depot as he wanted to understand the inner workings of the vehicles of the 22nd century.
What was different from his time as Robots existed, but other advanced technologies were still quite behind. In preparation for the attack, Ivan had been hard at work inventing any Nightmarish Archeotech weapons that came to his mind.
Like dragons, he hoarded his treasure away, but his treasure was not gold or jewels. It was weapons that would never be in the hands of other people. And through the backing of his now multi-billionaire company, he had access to resources to mass produce he did not have before.
In those three years, he had gone through several iterations of Power Armor in secret until he had one he was satisfied with for the moment. He ended up mixing the Logos Power Armor of Perturabo, and Tyberos some of his favorite Power Armor in the Lore.
He had plenty of time to tinker with his suit and stuff it so full of killing gear until he was more like a walking armory than a man in armor. And when he unveiled it, oh that was a day to remember. Here is what happened.
On that day, Ivan was as usual working in his secret workshop underground at his home. He was actually in his true form of as he worked on the Core of his suit. The suit in question was a gigantic suit standing at 10 feet tall.
The suit was made of a further refined alloy still based on Neo Adamantium only more molecularly stable. This resulted in the alloy being able to take far more punishment on top of the shields and shock absorption he added in.
Plus, he was starting to experiment with Nanotechnology which was far from stable for him to make proper use of. He had the suit open as he gazed at the contained Nuclear Reactor that he was replacing. He reached in with his bare hands and removed the reactor before dismantling it and absorbing it again.
Typhon on his shoulder opened a portal and spat out a small Arc Reactor. It made him grin as he looked at the small glowing reactor.
"If Tony Stark can make one with a fucking Spare Parts and tech from the 21st century, why couldn't I? And I fucking did it."
He placed the new Arc Reactor where the old Nuclear Reactor was before the suit closed around it. Once the Arc Reactor was in, he checked the suit readings from his wristwatch and saw that everything was running smoothly.
He backed away and looked up at his masterpiece in its full glory.
(Image here)
"It's beautiful."
Typhon looked up at the War Machine that his Master had been hard at work on for the last three years. His Master had sometimes worked on it for a month straight without issue.
Thanks to Space Marine's resilience, a lack of sleep had little effect on him. As for Ivan himself, after three years, he had changed greatly. For one, he was much taller than before as he was beginning blessed puberty. That caused the organs added to his lymphatic system as a Space Marine to activate leading to incredible growth.
He was already 6'7 but his proportions were still ok. His face looked older than before, but it still had a hint of youth as he had just turned 11. He would need to intervene as his Gene Seed was far too pure for his own good.
If he did not intervene, he would grow to be 8 to 9 feet. A good thing if he was in Warhammer or One Piece, but he was not. Being too tall was going to be annoying. With a shake of his head, he gazed at the weapons he had fitted.
Back-mounted Apocalypse Missile Launchers, 4 Barreled Linked Auto Cannons on the wrists firing shells of Adamantium, shoulder-mounted Twin-Linked Lascannons, and for up close and personal he recreated Hunger and Slake of Tyberos.
On top of plenty of melee weapons and the like which Typhon had stored away for when needed. He looked away from his personal War Suit and looked back into the giant secret workshop where his 30 'Honor Guard' waited for him to activate them.
If even just one of these automatons were to be set loose on a population center, it would take powerful heroes to combat them. Just their material alone meant that most quirks would be worthless against them.
Which was what he developed them for, each one was essentially a quirk hunter. They were resistant to Lightning, Fire, Frost, Acid, and blunt force trauma. Only some higher-level heroes would be able to resist his Iron Circle.
As he was deep in thought, the elevator to get here opened up. The only other person with access to his secret workshop was Yoshimura. She was still as beautiful as usual, but she was holding a tray with a large burger on it.
"Ivan, I brought you lunch."
"I will need more than one meager burger love."
She just smiled as she set it down on a table.
"I know, but you can eat when you come back."
He rolled his eyes as he walked over to the table and picked up the burger. He bit down on it as he turned to her.
"You seriously don't care what I am about to do?"
"I already told you that I don't mind. Just try to keep casualties to a minimum Onslaught."
He snorted as he quickly finished up his burger.
"Make another 100 for me when I get back."
"All by myself?"
She seemed to care more about that than him attacking the biggest depot of land vehicles in the country.
"Of course not, get the other maids to help you. I shouldn't be longer than 40 minutes if all goes well which it should."
"Good luck."
He nodded as he walked toward his suit. It was still a suit of armor and not a mech so there were no controls or anything of the sort. He placed a hand on his chest as his entire outfit changed into the same Synthetic Muscle Layer.
"Armor on."
Typhon did not move from his spot as he rode alongside Ivan. He had his area in the suit where he could chill and be protected. Ivan was not going to risk his friend and Armory.
Just then, the giant suit of armor disassembled into several parts and flew over toward him. Piece by piece the suit reformed around him and in less than a minute, the giant warsuit was on. Once the armor was in place he felt a headset be placed on his head before he was linked to the suit's operating systems.
Typhon was secured in the chest area, but the small dragon needed no headset. His mind was already linked to Ivan as his Storage Curse/Dragon. He still did not have a Brain Interface, but this was a step in the right direction. Once the Arc Reactor's energy began to flow through the suit his brain was stimulated by several reports at the same time.
He worked through them in moments as he turned around and odd grace. With a thought, the Nuclear Reactors in the 30 Iron Circle War Automatons turned on. One by one the 30 waited for his directive.
"Prepare for War."
One by one each Automaton removed any safeties they had on their weapons and prepared to teleport. Whatever each suit saw, sensed, or detected was taken by his suit and then fed into his mind.
It was good training for his brain which like a muscle the more it was pushed the better. He had to remove his wrist-mounted interface to make room for the weapons, but he no longer needed it.
He thought of the coordinates of the depot as the Arc Reactor began to feed energy into the teleporter contained in the suit. It was a huge energy sync, but the energy was the least of his issues now that he had this.
Yoshimura closed her eyes as a bright flash of blue energy filled the workshop. When she opened her eyes, Ivan and his Iron Circle were gone.
Right in the middle of the Depot, in a bright flash of Blue, Ivan and the Iron Circle appeared. Directly in the middle of hundreds of Tanks and other vehicles of the US Army.
'15 of you secure a perimeter. We don't have long.'
At his thoughts alone, half of the Automatons of the Iron Circle prepared for War as they were going to get it. In the meantime, Ivan walked toward the lines of tanks which looked quite a bit different from the Abrams of his time.
The shape was overall the same as they were both tanks, but these tanks were bigger and looked more heavily armed.
'Interesting. Typhon, male a large portal.'
In his thoughts, the small dragon opened up a large blue portal in the ground.
'The other 15, start moving them into the portal.'
While half the automatons got ready for battle, the other 15 began to push over tanks, transporters, trucks, Humvees, and anything they could get their hands on. As for him he just waited for battle as he was excited for this.
Plus, his teleporter still needed another 20 minutes to be operational again. Not out of energy, but because it needed to cool down as a long-distance teleport like this was hard on it.
Regardless as his Iron Circle did the hard work he and Typhon relaxed, but not for long. Already, his suit began to inform him of jeeps and humvees racing toward him. While the depot was not a true Fort, it was still heavily defended.
He walked forward followed by his chosen 15 while the other 15 continued to steal vehicle after vehicle without stopping. The more they stole, the better as he could scrap them for spare parts once he learned what made them tick.
'Hold fire.'
The jeeps and humvees did not get too close to him, but soldiers pooled out and aimed their weapons at him. Most of them were using regular weapons and gear, but a select few were advancing closer.
They were aiming his Lasguns at him and in his Scion Power Armor. Out of hundreds of soldiers, they only had 50 who were armed with their gear as they were only given out to select units.
The rest aimed their Carbines, and Anti Tank Weapons at him as they waited for reinforcements.
Ivan did not talk back to them.
'Open Fire.'
Once after the other, his Iron Circle Automatons aimed their Mega Bolters and began to unleash salvo after salvo of Bolt rounds. The Adamantium-tipped rounds ripped through the much weaker Scion Armor like butter and exploded with blue ionizing explosions in the bodies of the unfortunate soldiers.
Once after the other, the Power armor-wearing soldiers held down the triggers of their Lasguns unleashing shot after shot of heat at him and his Iron Circle. The soldiers in the back also opened fire with their carbines and their Anti Tank weapons as more began to arrive.
Sadly for them, the lasers of the Lasguns fizzled out against the shields placed onto his armor.
He raised his hands as his Iron Circle continued to rain hell with scary accuracy. One shot after the other and before long all the Power Armor wearers were dead. Trying to take on the creator of your weapons when he was better was quite dumb.
With a thought, his back-mounted Apocalypse Missile launchers and the 4 barrels of his two wrist-mounted cannons began to unleash hell. If his Iron Circle could dish out punishment, his weapons left nothing but a field of death.
Salvo after salvo, soldiers ran before being cut down in a company of missiles and shells which exploded with an ionizing blue. In moments, he and half his honor guard had finished off the initial resistance.
In the meantime, the other 15 had already stolen nearly 100 vehicles.
Instantly the other half of the Iron Circle stoped pushing vehicles and joined the rest of his honor guard.
'Advance with me.'
Surrounding him on all sides, he and his 30 automatons advanced deeper into the Depot. He would tear this place apart until he was satisfied. Already, his suit and the Iron circle were doing as they should.
"Kneel before Onslaught the Lord of iron."