
Stranded with an Omnitrix

Stranded in space in a completely different universe, I had to adapt. Luckily, I had a powerful watch to help me with that. Let's see what Ben 10 can do in DC. WIth the most powerful weapon in the universe, Green Lantern eat your heart out, I'll live up to that name.

DanteMustDie · Tranh châm biếm
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My ship, which I had decided to name the Rust Bucket as a kind of homage, flew through the atmosphere and into space. The ship was designed in the same color scheme as the Rust Bucket RV from the show, with a sleek design somewhat reminiscent of Rook's car in space travel mode.

Moving away from the controls, I let the ship travel on autopilot. It would head towards Earth based on the guidance systems salvaged from other ships, which was part of the reason why it took so long to make the ship. Designing a system that would pilot itself and avoid obstacles was something that took time.

I decided to take a nap since it would take some time for me to reach Earth and I wanted to rest after how long of a day I had. I moved through the ship coming to the sleeping quarters I had designed. It had two beds, one for me and one for Phil, which caused me to pause as I looked at it before getting into my bed and turning the lights off. I had installed a glass roof into the room so I could look into space as I fell asleep. I had always wanted to be an astronaut when I grew up, I guess I kind of got my wish in a way. I soon fell asleep to the comforting view of the vast expanse of space before me.

I wasn't sure how long I was asleep, but I was eventually woken up by a shaking noise. Jumping up, I found my ship was spinning slightly as it was knocked off course by something.

'It shouldn't have hit anything, my guidance system should be perfect.'

Moving into the control room, I found what it was that had hit me. In front of me was a huge ship, which had hit me and continued on, brushing past me.

'Hello, a good way to take out some aggression.'

Pressing something on the control panel, I made my ship halt where it was and in a flash, I had turned into Big Chill. Phasing out of my ship, I flew towards the giant one and phased inside. In front of me was a group of aliens that I recognized from the Teen Titans show as Gordanians.

"You guys hit my ship, not cool" Big Chill's voice rasped out as I took a breath in and breather out, shooting a blast of ice that froze the Gordanians in front of me solid.

'The Gordanians are slavers. I need to see if they have anyone on this ship.'

I changed into XLR8 and in a blur I was racing through the ship, knocking down any Gordanians I came across as I searched through the ship for any prisoners they were taking to become slaves. Almost all of the rooms were empty, but as I searched I finally came across a room where someone was in it. Along the way, the Omnitrix had scanned a Gordanian and given me access to the transformation, but I doubted I would use it unless I needed to sneak into their planet for some reason.

Inside of the room was a group of Gordanians sending a current through a machine. Strapped into the harness of the machine was a girl of around 18 with orange skin and red hair. Her eyes were entirely green, and she was beginning to glow with green energy.

'Starfire!' Speeding around the room, I knocked out the Gordanians and flipped the switch on the machine, shutting it off and causing the harness to release as she fell towards the ground. I caught her before she could impact, changing back into my human form as I held her up.

"Ugh, what has happened?" She asked as I realized the Omnitrix was automatically translating the Tamaranean language to English for me. A light was released from it as well as it scanned Starfire, giving me access to a Tamaranean form.

"Are you alright? They were experimenting on you." I said, causing her to look up at me.

"I am fine." She said as she looked around, noticing the bodies on the ground.

"We should get out of here, we can go back to my ship," I said, helping her up to stand on her own.

"No, they will pay!" Starfire said as her eyes began to glow green with energy.

'Can't exactly blame her for wanting payback when they were about to bring her to be a slave.'

"Alright, let's move quickly then," I said, and in a flash, I had turned into Humungosaur.

Starfire jumped away from me, her fists lighting up with energy as she said "Who are you?"

"I'm still the same guy, my name's Ben. I can turn into different species." I explained quickly. Starfire hesitantly walked towards me, touching the rough skin of Humungosaur.

"You done yet? We still have to thrash some Gordanians. What's your name, by the way?" I asked since I shouldn't know her name.

"Koriandr" she said, although the Omnitrix translated it to Starfire. I liked Koriandr more though, so I nodded and said "Alright Koriandr, let's move."

I ran through the wall since the door was too small for me and continued down the hall, running through any Gordanian that got in my way. Koriandr was right behind me, knocking out any Gordanian she could get her hands on.

Eventually, we made it to the control center of the ship where Trogaar, the leader of this ship was.

"Koriandr, so you decided to try to escape. Did your parent's death not serve as proof that you cannot stop us." Trogaar said, sitting on his throne.

"Buddy, I think you pushed the wrong buttons," I said as I watched the energy around Koriandr get stronger and stronger until she pushed off from the ground, flying towards Trogaar and punching him repeatedly. The Gordanians in the control room tried to shoot at her, but I moved between her and them, letting the blasts splash of my skin as I changed into Diamondhead and shot crystals, destroying the guns.

Koriandr stood over Trogaar as he lay, bloodied and bruised on the ground. He reached for something, pulling it out and holding a detonator.

"If I'm going to die, I'm bringing you with me," he said, lifting his finger up to press the button. In a flash, I had changed into XLR8 as I raced forward, grabbing Koriandr and ran at the wall of the ship, shifting quickly to Humongosaur again to break a hole in the wall and then shifting to Jetray to fly out of the opening as Trogaar pushed the button. Explosions began to sound off as I flew with Koriandr to my ship, using a mental command linked with the Omnitrix to create an opening as I entered it, releasing Koriandr.

I quickly sat in the pilot seat and began to fly the Rust Bucket away from the Gordanian ship, but the explosions were increasing quickly and I wasn't going to get out of the radius in time for when the engine ignited and blew the entire thing up.

"We are not going to make it," Koriandr said, standing behind me.

"You're right, I need a different tactic," I said as I transformed into Globe. Standing up, I concentrated as I could feel my field covering the entirety of my ship. It was at this moment that the Gordanian ship completely blew up as a massive explosion happened, rushing towards us. Manipulating the area in my field, when the explosion got close to us I negated it, giving us a safety bubble.

I held it for a short while before the explosion had passed and transformed back into my human form, sitting down in my seat and spinning around.

"Whoo, that was a rush."

Looking at Koriandr, I saw her staring at the shattered remains of the Gordanian ship.

"Happy they're gone?" I asked.

"Very. I am not sure what to do now. My parents are gone and Tamaran is under the control of my sister."

"I'm heading to Earth if you want to come with me. I wouldn't mind having a passenger along." I offered.

She thought about it for a moment, before nodding her head and saying "I guess that is my best option."

"Cool, I guess you're along for the ride Kori."

--------------------------------------------------------------A couple of days passed as Kori settled into the ship. She seemed to warm up to me pretty quickly as her personality changed from the anger-fueled one I found her into one more like the personality she had in the Teen Titans tv show. She was very outgoing and curious about things.

"What is Earth like?" Kori asked me out of the blue as we flew through space. We were slowly making our way towards my home planet, but it would still take some time until we got there.

"It's nice I guess. I don't know if it will compare to Tamaran, but there's a lot of different people there."

"What is the food like?" she asked excitedly.

"It depends on where you go, all over the planet there are tons of different foods to try. We can travel around once we get there, I don't really have a place to settle down so it could be fun." I told her.

"That sounds glorious. How long until we arrive?" Kori asked.

"A few days at least, as long as nothing happens to slow us down," I said.

It was at that moment that I got an alert from the ship's systems. Moving to the console, I found that it was an SOS from Rimbor.

"Apparently, Rimbor is being attacked," I said to Kori while trying to think of what was going on.

'I know I recognize this from somewhere, but what was it?'

"We must help them!" Kori exclaimed.

"They need help, so let's go help them. We should be able to handle it." I said, piloting the ship towards Rimbor, which was only a little while away. We quickly covered the distance and flew down to the planet, seeing fires going up everywhere and buildings destroyed.

Landing, Kori, and I got out of the ship and I turned into Jetray. We both flew in the direction we could hear loud noises coming from. When we arrived, what we saw before us was something I didn't expect.

The Justice League was flying around, destroying buildings and attacking anyone they could see. There were six members in front of us: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Hawkwoman, and John Stewart.

'Why is the Justice League attacking people? These six, where's the Flash if the rest of the founding members of the League are here?' I tried to figure it out before it finally came to me.

'The missing 16 hours from Young Justice. They attacked Rimbor, which means I'm in the Young Justice universe or something similar to it. That means we need to remove the control chips.'

"Kori, do you think you can take the woman with the mace and wings?" I asked.

"Fighting a Thanagarian will be glorious. Are you going to fight the rest of them by yourself?" she asked with a worried look on her face.

"I'm going to try at least," I said, transforming into Diamondhead. Kori flew towards Hawkwoman and fired star bolts at her, while I began to fire crystal shards at Superman to draw his attention. They shattered on his skin, but I was successful in causing him to turn towards me.

He flew towards me quickly, but I formed a crystal wall in his way. He smashed his way through the first one as I continued to form more and more walls to try to slow him down. The walls got progressively thicker as he took longer to shatter them, giving me time to turn into Echo Echo and form a circle of clones around him.

"Wall of sound," all of the clones said as we unleashed a sonic attack on Superman. I figured it was the best way to deal with him, his enhanced hearing being particularly sensitive to the amplified voice of Echo Echo.

Superman dropped to the ground and began to writhe on the floor in agony as drops of blood fell from his ears. Unfortunately, most of the clones were destroyed by the swing of Wonder Woman's sword as she cleaved through them like they were butter. As the last of the clones were destroyed, I was standing back and changed into Humongosaur. Growing to my full height of 60ft, I ran at Wonder Woman and swung. She dodged the first couple of swings, but I managed to clip her eventually and send her sprawling to the ground.

'She's less skilled than she'd normally be because Klarion's controlling her.'

Pinning her, I delivered a solid punch to her head, knocking her unconscious. I didn't have a method to remove the control device, so I had to make do with simply knocking them out.

Looking over at Kori, I saw that Hawkwoman was battered, but Kori had taken a good few hits as well. She looked bruised, but her eyes were still glowing and she seemed fine to continue, which was good because my attention was directed towards the green energy cage that was now surrounding me.

Looking over, I could see John Stewart had his ring pointed at me, with the cage being a green energy construct. Changing into Feedback, I began to absorb the energy of the cage, causing John to continue pouring more energy to keep the construct up. Unfortunately for him, he was just giving me more and more energy to work with.

It was at this moment that it seemed Klarion realized this was a battle that was wasting his resources, as boom tubes opened up in front of the League members, pulling the unconscious Wonder Woman through with them as they fled.

Changing back to my human form, I turned to Kori who flew over and landed in front of me.

"Are you hurt anywhere Ben?" Kori asked, looking me over for signs of injury.

"No, I'm fine, but what about you. You looked pretty banged up yourself," I said.

"I am fine, I will just need to sleep it off," Kori said with a smile.

"Let's head back to the Rust Bucket, they went back to where they came from," I said, turning into Jetray as Kori and I lifted off the ground, flying through the air back towards the Rust Bucket. We never noticed the group of people watching us as we flew off, recording devices pointed at us.

I set our course to continue for Earth as I changed into Grey Matter to take a look at the Omnitrix and try to figure out more of its functions. There was a lot to go through, and if I wasn't Grey Matter I never would have been able to even begin to comprehend it all.

After some time fiddling, I found the access code for a holographic display mode like the one from Alien Force instead of the display mode from Omniverse. I immediately switched it to the Alien Force one, much preferring that over the Omniverse mode, even if I used mental commands at this point. There were all kinds of options for things to change with the usability of the device, but one stuck out to me. There was an option to disable automatic DNA acquisition, which after some thought I decided to turn off. It would be hard to explain why I was scanning people without explaining the function of the Omnitrix, and I could still use it manually if I wanted to acquire certain DNA.

I couldn't figure out how to access the true Master Control instead of just removing the limiter, but for the moment it didn't matter, despite how powerful the Master Control is.

Changing back to human, I leaned back in my seat. Kori was laying in bed, apparently about to take a nap, so didn't bother her as I thought about what would happen when we got to Earth.

'The Justice League doesn't remember what happened under Klarion's control, so they won't remember our fight. It would be a good card to play if a confrontation happens between us. At least I know where I am in the timeline. I should be at or after the last episode of the first season of Young Justice. The issue is, that the 5-year time gap is almost a complete mystery, so I can't really make use of foreknowledge.'

Shrugging my shoulders, I figured it didn't matter. I wasn't going to try to conform to canon anyway, so I might as well not know what happens and I'll adapt as I go along.