
Stranded Time Traveler

Congratulations on your rental of the FC1000! Sit on this chair and choose a specific date/event or press the random button. Rafael started by choosing to see the first humans to land on the moon of Saturn, Enceladus. After that, he selected to see the global conflict of opposite opinions about the public release of the ELSpan. Then, to see the third city destroyed by a nuke. "Damn... let's try something random before I see the global reaction of the ITER success" *Click* 5... 4....3....*PI*PI*PI*...2..."Warning"...1..."failure of"... 0

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"Something made from wood that can throw rocks? We already have that, it's a catapult. Is that your proof?". He was loosing his patience. "No, they are not the same thing! A trebuchet is diferent and as I said it can send rocks far away and even above walls"

"Sir, let's kill him! He lied about everything and is lying even now". Amis said, without taking his eyes away from Rafael.

"I'm not lying! Cenric, remember about that metal I asked you about? It's for another invention that can change the world. I admit I lied about who I am, but you have to believe me, I'm not your enemy. As I said yesterday, I will help you and Baron Frederic". He was trying his best to convince the chief.

Cenric eyed him for some time. "Last question, what is that book about? Is it dark magic?!"

"What? Magic doesn't exist. This book is... is about the machine, the one in the forest". That book was everything for him. He would kill for it, but he knew things would be really dificult if he became an enemy for them.

"Let me see it". Cenric was almost believing the claims of those priests about witches and magic spreading among the people. Rafael was reluctant to give him the book but accepted in the end.

The book was a bit heavy and made of an unknown material. Looking the first pages he couldn't understand what was writen. 'These letters... Some of them are similar to the ones I learned. Hmm maybe it could be deciphered'

Passing the pages he saw the drawing of the time machine. 'He said the truth'. Closing it and looking to Rafael, he said: "This book isn't yours anymore. Now It's property of Baron Frederic and because of your lies you'll be in supervision by Amis. Anything you do, anywhere you go, you are going to inform him"

The guard relaxed his stance and sheathed the short sword. 'No no no no... Not this!'. Rafael began to panic. The simple thought of losing the book made him nauseous. "Wait. So... So now that I answered your questions, we go back being allies, right?"

"Not yet. You're still a suspect and only time will tell if you are really an ally... Or not. Now, Amis, take him back to his house, he can only leave to do his necessities. I'll meet you later to learn more about this book"

It was almost midday. The sun from summer was fierce and the bad smell, also present, made these last minutes the worst ones for Rafael. "Start walking!". The guard said with an autoritive voice.

'No no...' he looked to both, 'should I try and take the book back? But what will I do then?'. He choose to go back to his place and think on something. At the same time, the people stopped working and went back to their home to eat something.

Already inside his house, Rafael sat at the table and held his head with his hands. 'What should I do!? He will probably hide the book somewhere! The most probable place will be his own house. Hmm...' After some minutes planing how to take back his book, his stomach growled.

Opening the door to the outside, he saw the guard standing besides his house. "You, stop! Where are you going?".

"I'm hungry so I am going to Richar to grab my food". He was holding his bowl to pour the soup in. Amis knew what he was talking about because he watched him since the beginning.

"Right go ahead, I'll stay behind you. Don't try anything funny". His hand was on the short sword handle, ready to draw.

There was no one on the streets. There was just them, the heat from summer and the stench from the streets.

'I should kill him now. If he stay alive I bet he will be our biggest problem in the future. All these demonic inventions and that thing inside the forest... I'm sure he's one of the demons that were sent to spread the evil among us. They were right...'

Amis was staring fixedly Rafael's back, thinking what he should do based on some things he was told and teached since he was a kid.

Because the village was small, they quickly reached the carpenter's house. Rafael knocked and was greeted by the old man's wife. "Oh, I thought you wouldn't come today. Please enter and pick your soup"

Entering, he saw Richar eating at the table. "Hhumm... Don't forget to pay". After saying that, he noticed the guard on the entrance.

Rafael gave the money, then he filled his bowl with soup, thanked the couple and left without delay.

"What happened with him? He seems strange"

"I don't know but it doesn't seems good". He kept thinking about Amis, who was waiting at the door and left with Rafael. 'Did he got in trouble?'

As soon as they left, Amis was on his last thoughts, deciding what to do with the threat in front of him. His eyes were a bit red. 'Haahaha... You will die by my hands! You devil! I, Amis, will kill a demon and purge this land from your filthy... Hahaha...'

He was so close-minded on his own thoughts that didn't even notice anything Rafael did inside Richar's home. At about half the way, he finally succumbed to his thoughts and tightened his grip on his sword, but before he could draw it...


He heard someone calling him, someone he knew. It was another guard. Both stopped and the guard approached them. "Sir Cenric ordered me to take your place. He also told you to go to speak with him"

Meanwhile, Rafael was cheering, in his mind, for this change. 'The only time I saw him was when we went to inspect the time machine, so he doesn't know me and my timmings like Amis do'

After three seconds of silence, Amis finally answered, grinding his teeth. "Understood"