

Born into an abusive household where Raven must keep her head down and survive, she finds out the stories she heard at night may not be just stories at all. Her world is turned upside down when she knows the truth and unknowingly she becomes the pawn in a dangerous game of death.....

eeshaahad_ · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Blood Or Water

Moving to a new place and starting a fresh had never been an issue for the platinum blonde girl. Raven barely ever made friends since her family moved every few months, something to do with her parents jobs. She longed for a place to settle where she could stay for more than 3 months.

Raven was shaken away from her thoughts when she noticed the car had stopped near an abandoned villa and her father was waiting impatiently for her to exit.

"Gir!" He spoke in his gruff voice as Raven made her way out muttering a small apology," Pick up our bags your mother and I are tired. Bring them in our room." With this he had left, leaving Raven behind wondering what she had done in the past to make her father despise her so much.

The next day Raven woke up at the crack of the dawn , her father had informed her the night prior how she was to be starting school in town today and Raven felt excited. She for once had a good feeling about this place which was very unusual.

Having showered and making herself look midly presentable with the best clothes she owned, she headed out. Raven had to venture deep in the forest to follow a trail that led to the town when a gust of wind blew past her, causing goosebumps on her skin.

"Who's there?" Raven exclaimed out loud in the forest as her ears picked up the sound of footsteps. Having received no response she spoke again even louder, "Who's there? Show yourself!" As no one appeared,Raven continued down the path set for her thinking she had been hallucinating and hearing things.

The school was anything but normal. That's the first thing Raven noticed as she settled into the cafeteria for lunch. People here certainly knew their fashion, from coloured sweaters to poofy hats and indoor sunglasses, everything could be spotted.

A girl with Green hair made an appearance besides Raven, startling her.

"Hey!" She introduced herself to Raven, " I'm Amadeila and I love what you've done with your hair!" She said sniffing Raven's hair making the poor girl oddly creeped out, "Where'd you get this dye from? I so need to buy it!"

Noticing that the girl next to her, Amendiela, was really hyperactive, Raven took a lone strand of her long hair out of the girl's hand, "uh it's natural I'm afraid"

"NO WAY!" She screamed in fascination, "that's really cool!" To which all poor Raven could do was nod her head, "here let me see your schedule!" The green haired woman said, snatching the time table out the platinum blonde's hands.

"We have the next three same classes! It must be fate." She said with a grin appearing on her face when a res head woman took a seat besides them, " hi, I'm Gabriella, I hope Amandy here wasn't giving you any trouble"

Raven let out a sigh of relief and thanked the God above to have sent her a savior as she responded to Gabriella," oh it's completely fine, she's a fresh breath of air, I'll say. Are you two friends?"

As the question left Raven's mouth, both Gabriella and Amadeila started laughing hysterically, leaving the poor soul even more confused than she was before.

"What?", Raven asked, " Is it something that I said?"

"Oh no it's just you're too cute!" Amadeila spoke, clapping her hands together as Gabriella answered with a smile, "We're not friends, I'd like to think I'm wise when it comes to choosing friends" to which Amadeila replied with a huff and a kick at Gabriella's shin and continued, "We, young grasshopper are twins. Faternal twins to be exact"

Hearing this Raven blinked, once, twice still not grasping onto the reality, "Honestly Gabe I think we broke her" the hyperactive twin said as she slapped Raven's head, "Hello! Earth to Raven!"

"Twins?" Raven muttered," wow. That's a lot to take in...."

"Aweee she's adorable!" Amadeila spoke squishing Raven's cheeks,"Can we please keep her Gabe?"

"Sorry Blondie, you're now stuck with us, the weirdo has marked her claim on you"

"Raven," Raven said to which she got a "huh" from the twins," my name, it's Raven"

"Oh well Raven, you're now ours to keep!"

" I don't think I have a choice so I'll just go with the flow," Raven winked, "now how about that class?"

"Ohhh yes! Hurry up we must hurry we're already late!" Gabriella ushered them along, "also please don't stare at the teacher it makes us uncomfortable since he's our brother, also don't call him hot infront of us!"

"Why would I sta-" Raven's sentence was caught mid way as she entered the class, the said man teaching the class, turning to see what had caused the disturbance when all the wind in his lungs got knocked out as he saw the blonde beauty infront.

"Mate" he whispered under his breath making the twins eyes go wide.

This was going to be a one long journey..