
The memories of a cab driver

1st February 2018 :

Today is my first day in this job. I never thought I would end up doing this. But they say that nowadays, everyone is making good money out of it.

I know this city. I don't need this navigation app. But they have instructed me to use it. Everyone uses it.

I like this car. I loved the smell of it when I bought it 4 years back. I took care of it like my child, didn't let a single dent stay for long. Perhaps it's time for this vehicle to repay me.

Ok, here is the beep. Let me accept the ride...where is the 'confirm' option?There it is. Let's pick this lady up. Oh, she is quite nearby.

"I got into the cab, Mom," she remarked, as she closed the door.

Ok, how do I start the trip? Yes.

The chiming tune echoed inside the car.

"I have started the trip, Mam," I said.

"Thank you," she replied, still on the phone.

"Mom, will you be attending the graduation ceremony? Oh, great!"

Well, she seems happy. What's her name? Oh, it's Monica. That's my daughter's name too.

"It's so exciting Mom. Finally, I have become a designer. I wish dad was here on this day," she continued, her tone turning somber.

What happened to her dad? Should I ask her? What if she feels uncomfortable? I should just do my job. Well, she hung up. Now she is sobbing.

Monica looked outside the window, seeped in her own thoughts.

These days companies ask for so much professionalism. People can't even talk their hearts out. Oh, screw it!

"Congratulations Mam! You have a degree now," I blurted.

"Thank you so much!"

Well, that's I warm reply. Will a further conversation help her in any way?

"My daughter's name is also Monica. She is in high school currently. One day, I wish she will make me proud, just like you did your parents," I said.

Well, that's a lot of information for her.

"That's really great! I am sure she will. What's your name, Sir?" she asked.

She is a polite girl. Wow, people of their generation still believe in kind conversations.

"I am John," I responded.

"Oh my god!"

What's wrong with her? Who is John?

"What happened?" I asked.

"John was my father's name too."

So I see a web of coincidences. Let me ask her directly now.

"That's great! Is your father attending your graduation?"

"No. He passed away."

"I am so sorry."

"No, it's ok. He was in the September 11 attacks, inside those towers," she replied glumly.

Poor girl. She must be in middle school at that time.

"That's terrible. I am so sorry for you. But I am so happy that you have made your mother proud. You are a brave child."

Let's look at the map now. It seems her destination is near.

"You are such a nice man. Do you drive around the city?" she quizzed.

"I will have to. Today is my first day as a cab driver. I started a business few months ago but it sank. I need to feed my family now and pay the debts."

"You have arrived at your destination," chanted the female voice from within the phone.

"John, can I ask you for a favour?"

"Of course."

"I want to invite you to my graduation ceremony. I don't know whether you will be working that day but please can you try to make it? It's on 17th of this month."

Ok. This was so unexpected. If I attend , this would mean a lot to her. She misses her father. I can take a few hours off that day.

"Well, that is so kind of you, Monica. John will surely come," I turned back and smiled at her.