
Story of the Vampire Kings Revenge

OscarOscar · Huyền huyễn
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The truth

"There once used to be a clan named the silent night they used to protect the country from enemies and other threats they were the shield of the empire everyone looked up to them as heroes"

The living conditions in the silent night were harsh they trained soldiers and assasins from a young age to protect everyone

The weather also was very harsh there was alot of snow and coldness

but they still were loyal to the empire

The silent night was created by the nine great families and other sects that were high ranking aswell

The first lord of the silent night was a commoner he was given the rank of baron but he was given count level authority as long they were protecting the empire

At first people looked down on them but after years of the wars and their victories in front lines they became the heroes of the empire but that didnt last long.

They didnt need the silent night anymore because they silent night had grown too powerful so they bribed the elders and other people in the clan to join the heavenly alliance and betray the lord and his family

They were promised wealth and power that they couldnt imagine if they stayed loyal to silent night so they decided to join them

They surrounded the familys residence and they massacred everyone in their sight they raped the women and killed them after they took some of the children as slaves

killed some of them they tortured them they burned them alive they laughed while doing this behind all this was the Great Poison sect

but Arthur Smiths Father Jason Smith told Arthur smith to run away with his servant Victor

His father Jason stayed fighting untill he was killed by his right hand man James Fisher

Arthur smith started running away in the forest with his servants they went into hiding

But they had been followed because one of the servants had been bribed

Arthur yelled at James Fisher why did you betray my father!?

James Fisher Replied because your father was such a idiot with no ambition he just wanted to protect the north

but he didnt realise that he had grown too powerful

Thats why everyone has been killed or enslaved its your fathers fault for not submitting to the Heavenly Alliance

James Fisher ordered his men to kill everyone except Arthur Smith because he was planning on making Arthur his slave

To be continued.