
Story of the Trees

Sometimes, if you listen real closely, the Tree's will tell you of tales from the age of old, where one could find that the past was important as much as the future. Evan knew that, but he didn't know the full story of why he knew.

Karayan · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs


Whilst Evan slept, the leaves on Holly Bushes bristled with warnings at the silent intruder. Thorns appeared sharper, and branches stronger. Only when the stranger left, did they relax. Not all the way of course, even the littlest of plants could feel something was off. When morning came, and the sun rose, Evan was woken by voices from the town. Angry voices.

"The boy is just like his mother!" One cried, louder than the rest. Evan, ever so curious, peeked out. Before he could process it, he was grabbed roughly by the shirt and pulled into the clearing. When his eyes adjusted to the light, he saw he was surrounded by people from town.

"We should hang him! End the line of sorcery!" One woman shrieked, in the same voice as before. The boy beside her rushed to calm her down.

"It is not his fault his parents were of less noble professions. May I request something for the boy Elder?"

The elder the boy addressed nodded, giving permission to the boy.

"We could educate him, how long as he suffered with no one to teach him?" The boy suggested. The adults of the group seemed to have approved, yet one had a final complaint.

"But who shall house him? I shall not have this 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬 near the other orphans!" She declared, glaring at poor Evan. The woman was Madam Jane, Matron of June's Orphanage, normally she was kind woman who never raised her voice. But not a trace of that kindness was present on her face.

"I shall. His father was my uncle, I was lucky enough to be raised in a no-nonsense household, he will learn how to control it with me." A young woman spoke up. She turned to Evan and smiled. "Hello dear cousin. I am Sandra, would you like to live with me?" She asked. Evan looked at her in confusion.

"What's wrong where I live?" He asked in return. Her smile faltered before she recovered,

"Why that old tree is no place for a 16-year old boy! How will you learn to read and write in the trunk of a dead tree?" She laughed. Evan only frowned, he already knew how to read and write.

"I already know those things, the trees taught me! They're very good teachers, they tell all kinds of stories" Evan nodded, as if that would convince her.

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She only laughed again.

"Don't be silly! Tree's cannot talk. Do not fear, I will help you learn all you can" She reassured, before taking his hand and guiding him away, towards the town. She was met with great resistance, as Evan was not convinced to leave the only home he ever knew. The boy from before ran up to them to try and help Sandra. He grabbed hold of Evan and forced him still.

"Calm down, everything will be alright. We are only trying to help you." He soothed. Evan looked uncertain until the boy continued, "My name is James, what's yours?"

Evan brightened, as he had never got to tell anyone his name most of the time.

"I'm Evan!" He chirped. James nodded then let him go.

"Nice to meet you Evan, now lets get you to your new home."