
Story of a Rose

What happens when your past comes back to you with its secret? What happens when you encounter people whom you left behind? What happens when you come back to the city where your heart lies? The answer is chaos or calm? Will it break you or make you? Join Rose on her journey and discover yourself along with her. Rose is the CEO of Maple Corporation. She is not your typical emotionless businesswoman. She is strong and opiniated but too emotional. What will happen when her past meets her present self.

anjiworldian · Thành thị
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8 Chs

Uninvited guest

Early morning, Rose's residence

It was about six in the morning, the sun has just risen giving a faint glow in the morning sky.

Rose's residence was a villa situated in the newly developed area in north of the city. The residence was big enough for her comfort. Ofcourse, no one could guess from the outlook of the house that it is owned by a CEO of a company , one might think that it would belong to someone who was just well off financially. Anyway, it was Liam and Georgia who found the house for her which was really up to her taste.

Rose was an extremely private person so she did not even have a house help, when she needed she will call them on hourly basis. That's why she did not like big houses because it was difficult to take care of.

Rose had woken up at five o clock, this had been her habit for years now. After seeing her emails to see if there was anything important and sorting out information for today's meeting. She had just completed her work when the doorbell rang. Rose was moving her arms sitting on the chair when the doorbell rang.

" Who the hell is at my house, this early"

Rose who was still in her pajamas wore the slippers and opened the door.

" Surprise, surprise, surprise."

Seeing who was on the door, Rose did not show any surprise on her face, instead she was indifferent.

" Shut up, Aaron. Someone is still sleeping.

Don't you have anything else, coming this early to my house." Rose said while yawning.

Aaron was not a bit affected by her words, he happily bounced inside with a suitcase behind him.

Rose frowned at him," You are not planning to live here, right. I am telling you go to your own house."

Aaron did not pay any heed to her words, he dragged his suitcase and entered one of the rooms on the ground floor.

Rose's house was of two floors. The ground floor had the living room, kitchen and two bedrooms, one of which Aaron occupied.

On the first floor, there was a large study room about the size of two to three rooms. It was a bit like a library, with many books all around. On the first floor, there were four rooms in addition to the study, there were two bedrooms, one playroom and the last one had many things in it like the music and gaming equipments. There were two bathrooms in the house one at first floor and one at the ground floor too. Above that was the rooftop where there was a small storage room.

Outside the house, there was also a garden. Outside that, was the main entrance to the house.

Rose followed him into the room still murmuring, " Can't you be at peace with your father. I am always stuck between you father and son. "

Aaron after setting up his suitcase he said in a dramatic manner," In these years, you have become more and more cruel, Rose. Can't you see these big black circles under my eyes."

"Oh! Isn't it your fault for partying till so late at night.

And yes I am cruel, so what, you still come to me homeless guy.

It is my benevolence to let you in at the cost of my reputation. You are at the house of a single woman ,don't you think what others will think." Rose rolled her eyes at Aaron.

Aaron saw that she wasn't going to be soft hearted so he tried to change the topic,

" Anyway there are other people in this house, okay. Don't make it sound so scandalous ok.

Well, is everyone sleeping, I wanted to meet them."

Rose knew this guy was trying to distract her, she helplessly sighed and said, " It is only six in the morning. Everyone is sleeping right now, okay.

You should also go to sleep, I don't want to keep seeing your big panda eyes."

Saying that, Rose strode out of the room.

But, Aaron also followed her, " Who wants to sleep this early."

" Then go and wash up."

" I will help you with the house work, then wash up."

" Are you sure?"

"Yup. I am a reliable and polite guest, I will do that."

Rose was also not polite, she brought two brooms and gave one of it to Aaron. They started cleaning up the house together.

After sometime, Aaron regretted his decision to do house work. The small house according to his thought started looking big in his eyes. He did not know how Rose did this all by herself. She will only call for house help on weekends when she was really busy. He thought to himself, ' Was my life not smooth enough, that I had to make it difficult. It is truly stomping on one's own foot.'

Rose smiled seeing Aaron face full of sweat and expression that was saying ' There is nothing to live for.'

She said, " Come on, young master these things are not for you. Go and wash up, the cleaning is almost completed."

Although Aaron was tired, he did not leave the work half way, he completed his part of cleaning first then went to the bathroom before saying,

" I want a big meal, chef. I am very tired okay."

" Okay, okay go now I will go make some food after washing up."

After all this it was already 7 o clock, they both went to get ready.

When Aaron got ready and came out in the living room wearing t shirt and shorts, he saw Rose busy in the kitchen.

" Hey, don't they say women take too much time to get ready. How come you got ready before me."

" Young Master, it is you who take too much time in getting up, it is already half past seven." Rose said in sarcasm.

" Oh, ho! My time is a normal one okay. It is you who is super fast.

Well, why is no one up in this house, generally you don't allow anyone to sleep after seven."

Just Aaron said this there were sounds of footsteps coming from the first floor.

They both looked towards the stairs where two girls were hurriedly walking towards the kitchen.

The two little girls both shouted,

" Mumma, Mumma!!".

Did anyone expect this coming?

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