
Story of a Rose

What happens when your past comes back to you with its secret? What happens when you encounter people whom you left behind? What happens when you come back to the city where your heart lies? The answer is chaos or calm? Will it break you or make you? Join Rose on her journey and discover yourself along with her. Rose is the CEO of Maple Corporation. She is not your typical emotionless businesswoman. She is strong and opiniated but too emotional. What will happen when her past meets her present self.

anjiworldian · Thành thị
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8 Chs

Meeting Aaron and Liam

Matthew walked towards the man in a blue suit who was talking to people around him with much enthusiasm that he didn't give attention to his surroundings. He stood beside him in a hope that the man would take a notice of him.

But the man was busy talking, not even giving him a single glance. And Matthew didn't want to interrupt somebody's conversation as for him it was quite rude.

After an amount of time who knows, the people around the man finally left and the blue suited guy was now alone. He seemed to be looking for a place to sit down when he finally noticed Matthew.

He exclaimed in surprise," Is it you Matthew?"

" Hmmm."

" Woah! I didn't expect to see you here?"

" I also didn't expect to see you here Aaron."

" Why? Oh! you might not know but Liam and I are very close friends." Aaron said in an exaggerating tone.

" And being the closest friend to Liam, I definitely know that you are not a close friend to Liam.

Oh! You might not even be his friend.

Don't tell me you came without an invitation to freeload. It doesn't suit you as the heir of William Conglomerate. "

Matthew instantly regretted his decision to come to this chatterbox after listening to his continuous nonsense talking. But he only knew Aaron at this party so he did not have that much of a choice.

William conglomerate had many companies under it but one of the most thriving was William Entertainments which divulged in the entertainment industry.

Edwin, one of the leading and successful directors in the industry had signed a contract under them and did many successful projects for them. Aaron was an assistant director under him. About two years ago, during a shoot visit Matthew met Aaron and they instantly became friends because of their similar age and thoughts. Ofcourse much of it was due to the bubbly personality of Aaron.

Only after knowing Aaron for a long time that he knew that this man was very much skilled in making people comfortable in his presence. His friend list was just never ending. So it was not surprising that he knew Liam as he had witnessed him having made friends with people of extremely high status and capabilities to people whom no one will give any attention to.

But because of Aaron's previous comment about him trying to freeload he snapped angrily at him," I am not here to freeload and I have come with a legit invitation.

Although I am not close with Liam, our fathers are extremely close that is why I am here."

" Chill, bro. I was just teasing you. You have such a bad temper, I don't know what your girlfriend sees in you.

Ok, don't get angry with me now. Even if you don't want to freeload I want to. Seeing so many food varities and desserts my mouth is watering. Let's grab them."

Saying that Aaron grabbed Liam's hand and dragged him towards the food stalls.

Aaron started stuffing food in his plate without a care about world but Matthew was quite embarrassed seeing a lot of people staring at them as Aaron seemed to be the only one who was there for the food and he was practically stacking them in his plate as if he had never seen food in his entire life.

Seeing his actions Matthew stood beside him to block other's view of him and whispered to him in a quiet voice, " Where did you learn that from!!"

" This, from my friend ." Aaron replied in a serious manner.

Matthew was quite speechless listening to him as he was not asking him literally, he just said it in sarcasm but listening to him answer the question so seriously just made him speechless. But he did not say anything more because it was quite inconsiderate and rude to remark on somebody's eating.

Matthew murmured to himself, " What kind of friend teaches you that?"

Even though he said it in a quiet voice, Aaron still heard him.

" It is my best friend who said this. She says the one of the most pleasurable thing in the world is eating tasty food. Anyway you don't go to a party everyday, right? Why waste an opportunity to have good free food. It does not cost a penny. Fools are other who don't enjoy this pleasure.

Oh, do you want to meet her? She is....."

Before he could finish speaking Liam had arrived in front of them.

Liam first exchanged some friendly greetings with Matthew before apologizing to him.

" I am sorry, I was quite busy with other guests so you were delayed Matthew. I hope you do not mind that."

"No, no, it is perfectly fine with me, I can understand as the host you must have many things at hands."

As they were having a polite but distant conversation with each other Aaron interjected them," Hey, Lamey Liam I have been here for so much time, much before Matthew came but you did not even welcome me."

Liam laughed at him and said in a joking and relaxed manner," Do you even need that."

" Why would I not need the welcome from the host, but I waited but nobody came. Aiii my heart is so painful, aiii my heart is broken."

" Shut up, Aaron."

Seeing them conversing with so much familiarity and without any kind of formality Matthew could see that they were very much close more than what he could imagine.

Okay our female lead is entering next chapter. Are you excited?

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