
Storm from another world (Fairy Tail x DMC)

Waking up in the body of a half-demon in the middle of nowhere, knowing that you died of a heart attack just a few minutes ago is quite an entertaining experience. But after realizing that your past lives as a heartthrob who was permanently bedridden and as the son of the demon Sparda who killed in cold blood for power have come to an end, the only question remaining is what to do next? Notes: The power levels will jump around a lot, as gg will have to re-learn all the abilities, and it's pretty hard to adequately match the power levels of the two fandoms. About the peyring I do not know - most likely it will be Mira and Elsa (yes, Elsa is more familiar to me. Difficult language, what can you do). Plus, Juvia was added. Plus, added Lucy. Too good a story on this romance line. P.S. I'm Russian, and English is obviously not my first language. So I apologize in advance for a lot of mistakes - when you can make up words as you go along, it puts a certain imprint on your speech.

Heroground · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

Having descended from the hill and approached the metal gate, I looked up: there were no guards in sight, as well as any bell. Well, it seems the only way to identify yourself is to knock. Raising my hand, I tapped my knuckles with my finger three times on the solid iron... managing to leave a dent in it. Oops.

A shadow covered me from above, and raising my head, I saw the unshaven face of some guy. He looked at me with a squint, from which he swallowed nervously and tightened his grip on the handle of the katana, after which he shouted something unintelligible and the gate began to disperse to the sides.

And a literally fabulous city opened up in front of me.

From two to four floors of the house, made mainly of stone and logs in the same style, went right down the road from the gate that led to the central square. Somewhere in the window, the sound of a blacksmith's hammer could be heard, running kids were scurrying everywhere, and just people — some in pairs, and some alone — were walking and enjoying what looked like a day off. Well, yes — magic. It was everywhere: here two builders were pulling boards up to the second floor by invisible force, or a magician entertaining the people was literally juggling fireballs. Amazing.

From contemplating such a wonderful, in every sense, picture, I was distracted by a tactful cough. Turning my head towards the source of the sound, I saw a rather comical guard in medieval-looking armor that was almost two heads shorter than me. He stretched out his hand in my direction and demanded something. It looks like documents—which, of course, I didn't have.

— Citizen Chief, can we agree? — raising my hands in a conciliatory gesture, I tried to smooth out the corners, because I didn't like his look at all.

It was only after my remark that his eyes widened, and he spoke... in a language that I could not understand. Oh, shit.

Pointing his finger first at me, and then at my feet, he ran away somewhere, moving his legs very quickly.

Realizing that nothing depends on me in this situation so far, I leaned against the wall, took the Yamato out of its sheath and began to wipe the blade with my fingers — a kind of soothing movement that has helped me out more than once in the past. And again — no discomfort from the friction of bare skin on iron. It seems that the physiology of demons is something amazing, which the "past" I never thought about, because I considered it a given. And judging by the dent and running, my physical indicators have increased by several orders of magnitude compared to an ordinary person. I wonder if I can lift the whole building?

Appearing out of nowhere, the guard distracted me from contemplating his reflection. Now he was handing me an amulet that looked like a simple square with symbols inscribed in it. Having understood the meaning of this action, I sheathed the katana and, taking the object in my hands, put it on my neck. He lit up with a green light, and a squeak was heard in his ears, which immediately passed.

- Do you understand me now? - The guard asked me in a slightly high—pitched voice for such a person.

— Yes, now yes, — I answer him, at the same time making a small bow, — thank you very much for your help. I'm not from these parts, and as it turned out, I don't know the local language.

Yes, you will have to lie as much as it will be sufficient. Because I'm nowhere to be found, and the devil knows how demons are treated here. The main thing is not to talk too much — and there will be no problems, right?

— It's nothing. Now, if there was no memory, then I would definitely call you a Dragon Slayer, - he continued, laughing to himself, - But you still show the documents. It's not good for any crooks to walk around here.

Yeah, some Dragon Slayers with no memory. So in this world there are both dragons and those who kill them. And the second ones appear randomly where and with amnesia. But it's better not for me to mow under such a one — I think they are the most closely watched, even if the guard of a small town does not know about them.

— Well, you see ... — I pointed to my pants with his palm, — with a not particularly successful magic experiment, I did not expect that I would be so far from home. That's why I didn't take my passport.

— Pass... okay, I've already figured it out. Anyway, do you need to go home?

— No, — I sighed sadly, — At least now it's not in my, and certainly not in your competence.

— How is everything with you foreigners...it's interesting, — obviously though to swear, he just snorted angrily and, taking a pipe out of his pockets, lit it with a light from his finger and lit it, — What's your name, young man?

—Virgil, citizen chief, - I introduced myself, waving my palm away from the acrid smell of tobacco.

— It's nothing to you, what kind of chief I am, — the guard chuckled at my greeting, — But my name is Byrne. Okay, what are we going to do with you? I have no right to let you in without documents: even though we have a guild nearby, but we need to monitor security here — it's not for nothing that they pay me.

— Understand and forgive? — I smiled, to which the smoker laughed loudly, attracting random passers-by to our conversation.

— I can always do that. Okay, let's follow me — maybe we'll figure out the main thing, — knocking the tube on a fairly modern urn, he hid it and beckoned me to follow him towards the two-story checkpoint.

Well, what about me? He is the only one who has agreed to help me so far, and I am not going to refuse such a manifestation of kindness to the "muddy" me. I'll have to thank him later, as soon as I get my bearings here.

So I followed him, because the options are such that there are no options.


We went outside only a few hours later. Now I was wearing a simple blue T-shirt, black jeans and slightly worn shoes that turned out to be a little too big for me. As I have already noticed, progress here is somehow between the sixteenth and the twenty-first century, which takes my brain a little. But that's not the point now.

In my pocket I had ten coins of a hundred precious coins (local currency), as well as a small card in the name of Virgil from Neverland, aged twenty-six. My photo was also showing off— a slightly rumpled face, of course, but nothing serious. Now, I am officially a representative of a foreign state on the territory of the kingdom of Fior, registered in the City of Pines (gods, what kind of ahtung is here with names).

In general, everything turned out quite simply in my opinion: he sat down, told a hastily composed story about an unsuccessful experiment. Byrne and his boss— the same short guard, but already thin as a pole—sat, nodded, and took out forms to fill out in such a case. To my surprised look, they waved off that they say it doesn't happen. However, everything was recorded by a smoker, since I also could not write in the local language. However, I had to tinker with the bill of lading for the weapon — because it smelled of magic (thanks, at least not demonic energy, although the fuck knows why), and for this you need a special permit ... which they quickly concocted for me. Perhaps the kindness of the local law enforcement agencies finally finished me off, so then everything went like clockwork.

It was already evening outside — the sun was setting over the horizon, painting the city in beautiful crimson tones. Almost everyone has already gone home, and only the most active are still in the fresh air. Yes, a truly beautiful sight, which I am unlikely to get tired of.

"Well, you'll have enough money for a couple of days," Byrne said, lighting up again and looking up at me, "and then you'll get out of it. I would advise you to join the guild with your magic talents — maybe you will find a way back. But we'll have to look — they don't give away their secrets so easily.

— Are you serious? - I ask him in disbelief, once again clutching the hilt.

— Quite. I've heard a lot about wizards. They have all sorts of witchcraft, so they can help you. Of the closest guilds here in the neighboring city, Phantom Lord is the second most powerful in the kingdom. And if you want the strongest, then you need to go to Magnolia. That's just not a close way to it, so it won't be possible to get there on the spur of the moment.

"Or I can just run there," smiling to my thoughts, I continued to listen.

— Although, I advise you to just get used to it for now. And I will ask you not to wave your toothpick in vain — only in self-defense. Clear?

— Got it. Thank you very much for your help. As soon as I can, I will return all the precious ones. With interest, of course, — thanking the man cordially, I held out my hand, which he shook firmly.

— As soon as you can, you will return it — there is no hurry. And even more so, our job is to help ordinary citizens. Well, come on, Virgil, - he waved goodbye to me and disappeared at his post.

Smiling sincerely after the guard left, I still stood in the middle of the street, which was blown by a slightly cool wind, and headed towards the nearest tavern — a mixture of a hotel, a bar, and sometimes a brothel (quite legally, which scares me).

So, everything went as well as possible for me: there is money, there is a residence permit, invoices and there is an immediate goal. In fact, such a kind attitude towards an unknown person really bribed me, and I did not notice the falseness in the words of these guards. So I will try to repay them in any way I can — such assistance cannot be left unpaid. And Byrne's information and guilds… Well, it's decided — tomorrow I will go to the Phantom Lord. And then we'll see.

When I reached the three-story building, I opened the door and looked around: a dozen tables and a lonely worker wiping mugs at the counter. He smeared me with his gaze, lingering only on the katana. Approaching him and sitting down on one of the chairs, he began a dialogue.

— Hello. I'm looking for a room for one night. What is the price? — having immediately indicated the purpose of my visit, I got this person interested.

He looked at me intently, put the mug under the counter and asked:

- Are you from Fairy Tail?

His serious tone gave me the creeps, but when I got over it, I just shook my head negatively.

- No. I'm not from this country at all.

After this phrase, he exhaled and in one smooth motion took the key out of his pocket, placing it in front of me.

— That's good. I don't like these devils — they are constantly spreading everything. One hundred precious, second floor, third door on the left.

Having laid out the required amount, I nodded gratefully to the employee, and, taking the key, went to my apartment. Perhaps it should be remembered that wizards of the agreed guild are not liked here — it seems that these are some bandits with manic tendencies. I wouldn't be surprised if they are engaged in robbery and robbery, and their main one is some sadistic maniac.

After going to the indicated place, I inserted the key into the lock, and, turning it, with a little effort (at least this time) opened the door. Well, a room is like a room — a table, a chair, a cabinet, a wardrobe and a bed. Nothing remarkable, and also quite clean and tidy. I hope there are no bedbugs here. The window looked out on an iron wall, behind which you could see fields of wheat that practically went beyond the horizon. And the stars… Then I'll admire them — it's time for bedtime.

Locking the door with a key, I undressed, throwing all my things on a chair. Putting my shoes in front of the bed, I climbed onto that one, putting the Yamato against the back. And only when I covered myself with a blanket did I realize that I still didn't want to eat. But it didn't matter anymore — I was so mentally exhausted for such a long day that I passed out almost immediately without any extra thoughts.

And my dream would have passed peacefully if, literally a few hours later, the sounds of a battle breaking out were not heard outside the window…

In Russian, the phrase: "Citizen chief, can we agree?"

Sounds like: "Grazhdanin nachal'nik, mojet dogovorimsya?"

Or briefly about the peculiarities of the Russian language.

The word "Citizen" has 11 synonyms

The word "Chief" has about 10 synonyms

Just imagine how many variations of this phrase can be made in this language without losing the original meaning

Herogroundcreators' thoughts