
Storm Bringer : The Rise of Knight

Nico is a child who lived in poverty and loneliness. However, his life changed drastically when he discovered an extraordinary power that allowed him to turn his imagination into reality. After being saved by someone who protects the Knights, Nico finds himself in a beautiful world inhabited by humans with extraordinary abilities and amazing fantasy creatures. In this spectacular adventure, Nico attends the Knight ceremony, fights dragons, and acquires a legendary sword! Their lives are not only threatened by enemies in that world, but also from the real world! How can Nico survive the threats of two worlds? Find out in this epic novel, full of adventure, action, and mystery!

Chrono_Illusion · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Chapter 29 Sneak into Airport

Because the hub portal in Edinburgh had been destroyed, they had to take a car to London. They stopped multiple times along the way. Fergus repeatedly drank a potion to restore his energy. He struggled to transform their and the car's appearance so they wouldn't be detected by the military helicopter which flying above them repeatedly.

After arriving in London, they rented a small apartment and waited. There, Nico repeatedly watched broadcasts on TV about the American and English military forces who had arrived at Eteria's beach and building camps. They seems to began constructing buildings to fortify their defence.

They watched government propaganda about Eteria too. The goverment made many ads and news explaining how they captured some knights wearing armor and swords. Looking at their outfit, They claimed knights were all uneducated old-time-barbaric people and they deserve to be eradicated.

"Huh, the true barbarians were them. They did the same thing to the Indian tribes in the past. Pathetic," grumbled Fergus in annoyance.

Many people were also seen demonstrated in front of the parliament building. They demanded an end of invasion and colonization. However, they never got mentioned and covered by the media, and Nico could only knew them because of U-tub on Arfin headphone.

After two days passed, they prepared to go to the airport in a super-normies clothing.

"Hehe, I'm like a spy," said Arfin happily as he looks him self on the mirror. He tried black sun glasses and black suit.

"I dont think your clothes look normal, Arfin," said Nico.

"This is for you!" Fergus gave three different new IDs to Nico, Arfin, and Geralt.

"What are they for?" asked Nico.

"Some friends at the airport told me that the soldiers are now checking all identity cards who entered airport."

"Just for entering?" Geralt asked

"They already know that many knights live in the weakling world and they have a blacklist of people who were suspected of being knights," said Fergus. "I dont know from where they got that list."

After getting ready, they left the apartment and went straight to Heathrow international airport.

"Stand up straight and relax your face," said Fergus while they are still outside of the airport. "As long as they don't touch, they won't know your face is fake."

They arrived in front of the airport, each of them looking nervous but determined. They knew that the airport was guarded by the military, and they needed to be careful if they wanted to get past the security checks.

As they approached the entrance, they saw several armed soldiers patrolling the area. Its seems there is no way to past the guards unnoticed.

"We have to act normal," said Arfin stupidly.

"Thinking to act normal seems not normal to me," said Fergus.

As they reached the security checkpoint, they saw several soldiers checking the passports and IDs. Fergus whispered to the group, "Follow my lead, and act natural."

"Whats the difference betwen acting natural and acting normal?" Arfin snarled on Fergus.

Nico acted natural by blend in with the crowd while Arfin tried to look relaxed, chatting with Geralt as they walked towards the security checkpoint. He ended up forgetting to give his identity card and got scolded by military.

Fergus wore a tweed jacket and a bowler hat, looking like a gentleman. He carried a briefcase, which he held with both hands like an idiot. It's supposed to be held by just one hand.

But He looked calm and composed, like he knew exactly what he was doing. Fortunately, even its seems he looks very suspicious, he still didn't alarm them as there were so many people there.

They started handing their documents to the soldiers one by one. Fergus made small talk with the officer, distracting him with some witty jokes.

Nico handed his passport to the soldier who was checking documents, and he held his breath as the soldier studied it closely. After what felt like an eternity, the soldier handed back the passport and waved them through.

They had made it past the first hurdle, but they knew there were still many more obstacles to overcome.

They walked towards the locket, trying to blend in with the other people. They saw several soldiers patrolling the area, checking the faces of the travelers. Fergus whispered to the group, "Remember, stay calm, and don't draw attention to yourselves."

They walked towards the back of the canteen, trying to act as inconspicuous as possible. But suddenly A group of soldiers were approaching a man in front of them. All soldiers looked muscular and had scary face.

"Oh no, that's a knight!" Fergus whispered, his eyes wide with fear. "His face must be on the list!"

Arfin quickly nudged Nico and whispered, "Look. We know him. It's Ferry!"

"Who is Ferry," Nico asked.

"The one we see at Aurora. I remember him being one of candidates," Arfin said.

Ferry, who had clearly recognized the danger immediately began to run. But before he could get far, several soldiers appeared out of nowhere from all direction, quickly surrounded him and took him down with force. The scene was chaotic, with people screaming and running in all directions. Nico and his group watched in horror as Ferry was taken down and apprehended.

Fergus grabbed Nico by the arm and pulled him and the others to a corner where they could watch from a safe distance. They could see the soldiers escorting Ferry away, his hands tied behind his back, his face bruised and bloody.

"We should save him," said Nico.

"Remember, There is nothing we can do," said Fergus.

"But We have to do something!" Geralt half shouted.

"Dont be stupid. That's what's waiting for us if we get caught," said Fergus, his voice filled with worry.

"We simply can't do anything now," said Fergus, his voice low. "If they recognize us, we'll be in the same situation."

As Geralt wanted to talk again, Fergus cut his voice by saying, "At least wait until the soldiers gone. There is too many soldiers here."

Nico and the others watched in silence, knowing that they had to be extra careful in order to avoid a similar fate. They took a deep breath.

The group watched as Ferry was dragged away by the soldiers. Nico couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and shame. He knew that the knight had been fighting for normies, and yet he had been captured by normies too.

Nico and his group continued to follow the captured knight from a distance. They saw him being taken to a heavily guarded building on airport complex. They hid behind some bushes, watching cautiously the movements of the soldiers and trying to come up with a plan.

Suddenly, they heard a loud scream from inside the building. It was the voice of the captured knight. Nico's heart raced as he wondered what was happening to him. He turned to his friends and said, "We have to do something. We can't just stand here and do nothing."