

Row is the deity of storms and rains. Cold. Distant. Unwavering. Mysterious. Due to his shifting moods, he has created prosperity and disaster in the mortal and immortal world. Aseure is the only girl who has been around the unfathomable deity since his seclusion. However, nobody truly knows her true form, except for the elusive deity. She has been hidden from the immortal world for many years, until her sudden appearance with Row. This is the story of the storm deity's infinity.

AmeriSun · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Prologue: The Girl in a Basket of Thunderbolts


In the depths of the skies, the sound of the doorbell echoed throughout the majestic sapphire blue castle.

The castle, known as the abode of the aloof and mighty deity of storms and rains was settled at the top of the Cloudberry Abyss' Everlasting Waterfall which provides water to the entire mortal and immortal realm.

At this time, the deity is sitting beside the window of the library, drinking a cup of apple wine that he had stored for 250 years. The sudden sound of the doorbell ringing made the servants of the whole castle stop for a moment, and the deity curious...it hasn't rang for quite awhile.

A doorkeeper appeared in a flash to call him downstairs for a matter they cannot decide.


Empire Blue Castle

Cloudberry Abyss


Next time you play with your thunderbolts, make sure not to hit my garden in Erthen Ground.

I'll be busy resolving the mess you made with the other immortals. I'll settle our score when I visit. In the meantime, here's something for you to do - take care of my strong flower girl.

She survived your strike. Interesting right? so, I turned her into an immortal and sent her to you. Whether you consider her as a gift, a reminder, or a warning...it's your choice.

P.S. She doesn't have a name yet…and don't hurt her or else…



ROW / The Deity of Storms and Rains

After reading the note, I uncovered the basket and saw a baby sucking the power out of my thunderbolts.

"You've got to be kidding!" my eyes grew wide and I shouted in frustration. This caused loud thundering, making the baby cry in fear and shock. I squinted my eyes at her then carried the basket inside and placed it on top of the table. She loudly cried. I sighed. My patience being tested. Omni surely doesn't know how to have fun. Now, he sends me a girl to raise.

"Yesta! Come here." I called the castle's oldest maidservant. Despite being older than me, she had a very youthful appearance like the rest of the immortals.

"Yes my lord?" she appeared in front of me.

"Take the girl and see to her needs." I pointed and looked at the basket to which she peered at.

"Yes, my lord" she kneeled and took the girl in the basket.

In the Empire Blue Castle, no one dares to ask the deity of his actions. Whether he behaves oddly, favorably, or badly, it's best to keep your mouth shut and live through your immortal life, protected and comfortable in the deity's residence. After all, aside from being cold, reserved, and short-tempered, he was also known as an unparalleled and invincible immortal warrior. How could any immortal forget the time when the haughty God of War, Awrion wanted to test his strength but became the receiving end of the deity's wrath. The extent of his powers is indefinite and immeasurable. Despite the immortals' acknowledgment and admiration, many of them are also fearful and anxious in his presence. Immortals say that flowers and crops nearby him either grow or wither, and it all depends on his present temperament.


Yesta appeared beside me with a worried expression. "Something happened in the Azure Hall."

"Oh?" I looked at her with a raised brow. "Didn't I tell you not to disturb me tonight? I don't care if she continuously cries a river as long as I don't hear it."

"It's not that My Lord" she began to respond hesitantly.

"What is it then?" I uncapped the wine bottle and poured it in my cup.

"Your thunderbolts are gone." She replied.

I chuckled. "Yesta, how could my thunderbolts go missing"

"Look!" a thunderbolt appeared in my hand.

"It's not that, My Lord, she ate all the thunderbolts in the basket and now she's crying. We tried to give her immortal baby food, but she refused. She hasn't eaten any tonight." She explained.

"So? what can I do?" I asked.

Yesta looked dumbfounded. She inhaled deeply and responded. "Perhaps, produce more thunderbolts for her?"

"My Lord?" she added. Realizing she failed to properly address me.

I snickered.

"My thunderbolts are not baby food Yesta. Believe it or not, I can toast you right at this moment." I said after sipping the cup of wine. "They're use to bestow grace or punishment on those who deserve it." I added.

"I know My Lord, but other than that, do you know what we should give her?" she looked at me with curious eyes.

I closed my eyes and sighed.


Bottom of the Empire Blue Castle

When I arrived, I was immediately greeted by a loud, shrieking voice.

I produced a thunderbolt and gave it to the baby, which she took and nibbled right away.

Yesta and the rest of the servants in the room looked astonished.

"My Lord, she's eating!" Yesta exclaimed, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Could it be that she only eats thunderbolts?" Yesta whispered, but was still audible for me to hear.

"I wonder" I whispered as I thought of something.

"Bring me an empty bottle…make it fast" I ordered and a servant handed it almost immediately.

I filled the bottle with rainwater and took away the thunderbolt she was holding.

I gave her the bottle.

"Drink it" I said. I wanted to test my curiosity. The little girl grabbed my hand and sucked the bottle as she smiled at me.

"So you're not only a thunderbolt eating monster" I chuckled and noticed her tiny hands holding mine. Did Omni send my destruction?

I quickly pulled my hand.

"She doesn't like immortal food, but likes anything that comes from you My Lord." Yesta smiled warmly.

"What is that expression?" I asked her seriously.

"Nothing, My Lord. We just find the young deity to be very lovely." She replied.

"She's eating my thunderbolts and rainwater and you call her lovely?" I peered at her sharply.

"Pardon me My Lord if I offended you." She quickly retorted.

"Nevermind. I'll go to bed, make sure she doesn't cry while I'm sleeping." I turned my back and retreated from the room.

"She's sleeping" I faintly hear from a servant.

"Miss, isn't she amazing? she can handle the deity's thunderbolts" another servant said to Yesta.

"Be quiet. Lord Row might hear you" Yesta admonished.

The deity later named her Aseure from Azure, the color of the clear sky. The mighty deity settled her in the west wing called Azure Hall while he stayed in the east wing, Arctic Hall.

The Azure Hall which used to be an empty hall became a lively part of the castle over the years…and has been one of the most comfortable places in the castle for the servants. She was easier to approach than the other broody deity in the Arctic Hall.

As Aseure grew up, she started to eat immortal food but still bothered Row for thunderbolts in exchange for something from time to time. She prefers fruits grown from the Empire Blue Castle. She may have been influenced by the lord's picky behavior or guarded personality through the years.

*Immortal foods are spring water, fruits, wine, and honey.

In certain moments when the deity of storms and rains is in the height of his anger or when he is short-tempered or irritated, only Aseure can appease his raging emotions.

No one knows her true form besides the deity…and no one dares to ask about it. In the Empire Blue Mansion, there is no room for gossip, unless you want to be punished by whirlpool or lightning. It's either you get drowned or toasted.

The girl has become quite reliant on the deity over the years. Also, she hasn't stepped out of the castle since the day she entered it's doors. The mighty deity forbade her from going out.


Copyright© 2022 by Ameri Sun
