

Sometimes you feel like you are not enough,

And you may want to give up on everything

Because life is tough

But I want you to know that you will bounce back from it, like a spring

Yes it may be hard to get past,

But when you are through with it

You will see that it had been your limit's which you have surpassed,

And trust me, you can do it, this is not bullshit,

Believe in your capabilities,

I know you can do anything you put your mind to,

Because as of now, there are unlimited possibilities,

And yes this is true, so get a clue

And don't give up,

Keep going,

And you will see over time your results will build up,

For with all your struggles and sorrows your effort will always be showing,

You can always accomplish anything,

Remember to keep it positive,

For you are your own king,

And your effort will be causative,

To your success, you will bring