
Stone in the shoe

When you were a kid, you lived with your grandmother in the small town of Silvertree, on the edge of a magical forest. Grandma is a witch, and she taught you how to use your magic to affect the natural world, too. “Magic is a part of you,” she always told you. “Learning how to use it means figuring out who you are.” Now you’re 19 and on your own. After years of living in the forest while you perfected your witchcraft, you’ve returned to take care of your grandmother’s house and crow-familiar while she’s gone. Figuring out who you are feels more important than ever - not to mention, figuring out what Silvertree is. A lot is just as you remembered: the friendly generous next-door neighbors with a kid just your age, the proud town council, the quaint little shops with quirky punny names, the gentle shadowy forest full of magic.

PlayerOliver · Kỳ huyễn
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443 Chs


You head to a space in the second row from the front where Maxie is already sitting, engrossed in conversation with the person next to them. You struggle to see over the head of the man in front of you, as his thick sandy hair blocks most of your view of the stage—but you manage to crane your neck enough to catch sight of the dark-haired woman in a wheelchair now taking her place at the center of the table.

"Here's Dina now," Zoe says, as the woman starts arranging a thick stack of papers. Even through a face full of someone else's hair, you can tell from Dina's expression that she is significantly preoccupied. "She's not usually one for a late start; the council must really have a lot on their plate."

As you watch Dina with growing interest, she looks up quite suddenly—and for a split second, she seems to look right at you.